Real Resolution
8 years ago by

Ok, I know I know… We all have a resolution (or fifty), but this one I’m determined to stick out for all 365 days. It’s more of a year-long challenge, and this one’s a tough one. (It’s going to be a really long year, I can already feel the pinch…)
Drum roll, please!
I’m not buying any new clothes in 2016.
Yep, no new clothes. Nada. Zilch. I’m wearing the threads I own until, well, they’re threadbare (and also testing their resilience, haha). That’s what’s going down… But I stress the ‘new’. See, it’s more about less waste; I have been really giving thought to what fast fashion means for the environment and for workers in the factory where these garments are made, so I’m giving it a personal veto for a little while. Second-hand or vintage clothing, basically anything recycled is A-OK (hello, eBay wonder purchases!).
Here are the self-imposed rules:
1. No new clothing items to be purchased until the conclusion of 2016, excepting underwear and swimwear.
2. Sustainably and ethically made gifts are fine.
3. Recycled clothing fine.
4. ONE wild card purchase permitted for the entire year, cannot be “fast fashion”.
5. Be thoughtful in other purchases as much as possible too (food, homewares, etc).
So, I’m several days in and I can already feel how differently I’m responding to sale notifications and how I’m looking at my wardrobe. I am going to have to bevery inventive. I’m a little nervous, but mainly excited!!! Expect my vintage game to go up a couple of notches (hopefully), and I’ll take all the luck and support I can get!
Anyone else taken this crazy path before me? How much do you think about the way you shop? Brie and I have been talking about it more and more of late…
I’m totally with you on this one! Fast Fashion is becoming thus scary monster that can take over you any minute, and like you I started to get uncomfortable with everything it involves. So for me it was a decision to live more simply in every way (that included a HUGE closet edit). I admit the idea of having rules like you do might make it easier to follow through!!
It is a bit scary but mainly exciting and suddenly you get super creative and realize all of the options you have. My favorite thing? You realize what you really like and almost by accident develop a uniform, this thing that is so you and has always been. I am loving it!
i have been streamlining my purchases for years now. i can tell you that you will not be sorry to keep your resolutions! :)
ps: your bank account will be singing a happy tune, come 31.12.2016!
Hi Neada,
What a beautiful resolution! You go! Less waste and leading a consciously more sustainable life might be the best resolution I’ve heard all year. It is brave and it is important. I can’t tell you how close to my own heart your resolution is. Check out – we are launching in February and maybe we can make your resolution easier to keep. No hemp second hand skirts in sight…
Thank you! Will definitely have to check it out, very exciting. BIG (slightly early) congratulations on the upcoming launch!
I just have to say that money-wise it’ll be easy to get carried away with vintage, too. :)
Good resolution, actually. Let us know how it goes!! Really exciting!
I have only bought a pair of socks this year… Maybe I should do it, too? ;)
Yes, join me! We can keep each other motivated if you like :)
ebay is all you need! (and the thrift stores on the upper east side….) have fun with this resolution.
Yep, so with you on this one! It will be my saving grace in times of need, like maybe if I lose one glove… Haha. But also trying to keep purchases to a minimum!
Impressed and inspired. Good luck!
I have not completely given up on new clothes, but I have recently started shopping mostly on poshmark and therealreal (and also using it to sell never worn or barely worn clothes) and it is refreshing! I highly recommend both, because you will find tons of desirable things and feel like you are connecting with someone.
Excellente résolution qui me laisse rêveuse et qui me mettrait bien au défit de tenter le coup… :)
I’m completely on board with you. It makes a lot of sense to consider all options before buying new. There’s so much high quality “gently-loved” clothing and accessories out there.
If I need something, my default is to check out consignment options first and haven’t had to buy new clothes in more than a year. I’ve also sold a lot of clothes that are gently worn (and a few that were never worn, sadly) through consignment. It works really well if you can find a shop that is highly organized and well run. Ideally, look for a place that will inventory items on a system, agree on prices when you bring things in, and provide a receipt on the spot. My experience is generally that shops that tell you to drop stuff off and then they will e-mail you with prices etc. are not always reliable because the logistics are formidable. It’s easy to get behind because of the volumes. If in doubt, try one or two items to test out their approach at first.
I make an exception for footwear and for really good quality long-term pieces that should last for years (or even decades). Re: footwear, my feet get sore really easily and so need shoes that fit really well — using even slightly used shoes just doesn’t make sense.
Yes, agreed with the footwear. I want to just use 2016 as a time to really slow it down and then, in the future, focus on buying sustainable and high quality pieces only when needed. Really love your perspective on this!
wow, good for you!! please share the journey with us, and any techniques you develop along the way to keep the impulse monster, as well as the rationalization of purchases, under control. It would be a fun challenge to see how many new trends you are able to recreate with the clothes you already have in your closet without buying anything.
Also, kind of cool to just really define my own style and avoid trends for a year… Maybe?!
I would love to do that but i know i would end up failing by February. I think for me, I’d need to have something really concrete I was saving up for, to remind myself of every time I’m tempted.
Go you! Do keep us posted on how it’s going!!!
Dear Naeda,
I set myself the same goal 2 years ago and it was a fantastic experience – most of us already have enough, I guess. Also, I became much more creative with what I had and defined my style better – also did a bunch of swaps with friends and family (they also really enjoyed it!). It was very liberating not to think if I wanted to buy stuff that would arrive on my mailbox and not to feel pressured to follow new fashions etc. I feel much more at peace with my own style and body now, after having to look at it more carefully, and I know the few items I would actually like to have (some classics). I wish you all the luck in your new challenge! A few quality things are way better and lots of fast fashion, in my opinion! Have fun and be creative!!! xxx
Oh cool! So great to hear your experience was so positive! A little extra inspiration I needed…
I’ve been doing the exact same thing for the last 2 year and a half!! So excited to hear about that on the blog. Hurray to you!!
This last year was a bit more strict (pantyhoses, socks, shoes, underwear had to be ethical too) because I entered the LARGE challenge with I didn’t have the wild card purchase rule: buying ethical/organic clothes was allowed whiteout restrictions Speaking of wich, do you know Great infos on the industry and ethical e-shop.
I must confess, it wasn’t always easy but once you’ve resisted for a few months, it would be a waste to give up.
And since you’ve made a public commitment here… you’re trapped :-)
Hope you will report on your efforts and keep talking about such important issues!
‘Trapped’ is a little scary but that’s part of why I posted this… Accountability!!! ;)
WOW! I love this! It’s incredible what you can discover when shopping off the beaten track. I highly recommend heading out of the city for really incredible second hand finds at a great price. Can’t wait to hear more about your journey with this.
Ohh what a lovely resolution! Thank you for the inspiration! I rarely buy fast fashion, but before new year I was going through all my wardrobe and saw pieces I forgot I bought and had. I think I will stick to one item a month. And it has to be something I really love! I’m a bit nervous too, because I can be quite good in winter, but when summer comes I can’t resist flowy dresses. Yikes! Let’s see how I do.
I know it’s going to be tough but I am going to do it, no matter what — even if I have to dive into my boyfriend’s wardrobe every now and then… Hehe.
Congratulations on this! I think you are even more awesome now!!
Thanks Luisa! Will need a little luck too, I think. Hope your 2016 is amazing so far!
I LOVE this post!
I only wish you would have been stricter : no vintage cheating because I am sure that you have, like all of us, more clothes than you need. With a bit of imagination your clothes will be enough and you will look GREAT!
Je suis exactement dans les mêmes envies…
Commencer par faire du vide dans mes placards, dans mon appartement…. ne garder que les choses essentielles, attachantes, avec lesquelles je suis réellement bien. Me débarrasser du superflu. Et ne pas recommencer dans l’excès inverse. Cela me travaille depuis des mois (voire des années), et je crois qu’un début d’année est le bon moment pour s’engager dans cette bonne résolution, et s’y tenir !
Et en plus, on peut changer le monde avec ça !!
Here’s what I do! If you have lots of clothes (like I am sure most of us do!), put some of the pieces you don’t wear often away for a while, then when you get them out it feels like you have a new wardrobe. If you get them out and decide you don’t want to wear them, it’s a good opportunity to donate them to the local charity shop or sell them.
Amazing idea! Love this, thank you!
Dear Neada,
I’m so glad to read this here. And I feel more motivated to stick with mine, which was something similar: buy more lasting long and atemporal goods and resist fast fashion. Even that it means choosing to buy more expensive pieces, I think it worth the effort, since they may come from a more sustainable and ethical production chain, and we’ll contributing to a more equally economy. Maybe. And about that, I’ve been very curious in knowing about these industrials lines and it would be very interesting if you share some of your discoveries and impressions this (long) year!
Thats a great resolution! Thanks for sharing it!
Warm xx from Brazil!
Love your resolution! Will you keep me updated on how you go?
Good luck Neada! I haven’t been able to commit to a whole year yet…I’ve found that I can do 6 months. For some of 2013-2014, I didn’t buy any new fashion, and end of 2015- so far 2016 I haven’t bought any fashion. I broke down in 2014 when I was living in New York (so…extra good luck to you!).
But from those times that I didn’t buy new clothes and tried to re-style what I had, I discovered what was really in my closet. What clothes were necessary, what really fit me, etc. These days I’m trying to only buy what I need or replace what’s become threadbare.
Buying vintage in New York is pretty easy to do actually- not always cheap, but you definitely have options. I recommend Beacon’s Closet (try all their locations, they have different kinds of stock at each), The Cure, and Buffalo Exchange (again, try all locations). There are many more I can’t think of at the moment…but definitely try the Village, Williamsburg, Brooklyn, Flushing, student shopping areas, etc.
Someone above in the comment thread also mentioned swapping with friends and family- def do this!! My friends were flattered that I wanted to borrow clothes from them, and my Mom thought it was really funny when people would compliment my outfit and I’d say it was one of hers.
Thanks Bonnie !!!!
chaque année je me fixe cet objectif mais j’y arrive pas j’espère que 2016 sera la bonne
J’y pense aussi et j’achète de moins en moins de fringues neuves…Bravo pour le défi!
Merci !!!
Hi Neada. What a great resolution to make. Have you seen the blog ‘Paris to go’ … the blogger has a second hand capsule wardrobe that is just amazing.
Checking it out riiiiight now! Thanks so much for the tip!
This is awesome! Keep us updated on how it’s going :)
Love this! I would love to hear/see stories featured here throughout the year about how you’re styling/refreshing/rewearing what you already own. The relentless New! New! New! treadmill of trend preoccupies so many style blogs, and it would be so refreshing to see a fashionable take on doing things like styling a key piece 3 ways or how to refresh by judicious tailoring.
I’m going to try! Hopefully I don’t fall into a style pit, going to get reeeeally creative this year!
That is a pretty big step darling! But I’m totally supporting you on this issue! Stay strong!
Nazl?gül | on my own way
I love it. I am impressed.
Neada I’m so pleased to read this post. I’ve been following Garance’s blog since early days, but just last week was talking about how distant I had become from it as it moved into a more commercial and contrived space. I still love Garance’s personal reflections and writing style, but I have felt isolated from the creativity and fashion that it used to inspire me with. It has become out of reach to me, and seemed to move away from my values. I work in the environmental and social enterprise sector, and am passionate about using business, creativity and beauty as a force for good. I think that the fashion industry is a sector that can achieve great things through using this approach. Here is Australia we have some amazing social enterprise fashion businesses, especially Yevu and The Social Outfit
I did a similar challenge for 12 weeks last year, and after a few fun purchases after Christmas, I have been considering kicking off the challenge again. Perhaps I will join you and go for 365…. we should start an online community doing this. Similar to Hello Sunday Morning… Hello Empty Shopping Bag :)
Thank you for bringing a thoughtful voice into this fashion space. And I look forward to seeing how creative you really get with your year! I’m sure you will look fabulous and unique!
I’ve often wondered if fashion/lifestyle bloggers ever tire of having to shop for new stuff all the time in the name of creating content. (I realize a lot of it is comped as well.) Over the years I often thought about starting a fashion/lifestyle blog but the older I got, the less I cared about acquiring stuff. I knew that in time, sooner rather than later, I’d tire of it. I also went through a period of two years where I drastically cut my spending and only spent money on essentials and workout clothes (I’m a pretty serious runner so I wear out at least four pairs a year) but I did notice that some of my things were in dire need of replacing (not mendable) despite my best efforts not to buy anything new.
Thats amazing! In México there’s a new event (2 editions but counting) where everyone can register and bring to the event his/her clothes put on a stand and sell them while other people do the same, they have to be in good conditions and clean but a friend of mine went to sell her clothes and then buy some others from the other girls there so you get to clean your closet and maybe bring something 2nd handed to your wardrobe, without mentioning that some of the girls actually sold pretty cool clothes from brands that are usually expensive.
Great plan, best of luck.
You go girl!
Good luck with your quest!
I also like your comment about “Be thoughtful in other purchases as much as possible too”. I’ve being trying this new lifestyle too. When shopping for food I try to shop “in season” so there isn’t huge carbon footprint on the food I’m eating. I’ve found that by shopping in op shops (thrift shops/ charity shops) that I’ve ended up lifting my clothing game as I’m wearing styles/ fashions that I never would have worn before as I didn’t go into the shops that sold those fashions new. It’s a great experience, I’m also trying to donate a garment each time I buy something.
Enjoy your year, I think you will have fun plus more money in the bank at the end of the year too?
Wow! What timely read, and resolution! My husband and travel and make wine in the different hemispheres, which means we live out of our backpacks and the clothes we have are often stained, or very, very worn. I have one nice dress and one pair of wedges to get me through a multitude “fancy dress” events. It’s tough! I also can’t buy more clothe because I would A) have to carry it and B) I need to buy things like plane tickets and visas.
I am currently in Australia getting ready for the harvest down here and have felt self-conscious in the fashionable cities. Everyone is in the latest fast fashions and they are very conscious of trends. I watched “THE TRUE COST” on Netflix (a film about fast fashion and the industry in general) and it snapped me right out of my funk! Watch this movie for motivation on your long and difficult endeavor. It will bring you so much peace of mind and it will give you perspective during “closet melt-downs” (a term my husband created for when I stare blankly and bleakly at the same black tank top and jeans, willing it to be an entire closet:).
Good luck, Neada! xoxoxo
un petit check chaque mois pour voir si c’est possible?
c’est possible?!
Excellente résolution. Je suis vraiment heureuse de voir que ce sujet commence à toucher également des blogs avec un public vaste. J’espère que tu pourras faire réfléchir beaucoup de gens sur leur manière de consommer et que tu pourras montrer qu’il est possible de faire sans fast-fashion. J’attends avec impatience tes posts sur ce sujet, je suis sure que tu peux faire changer beaucoup de choses.
Great resolution. I’m really happy to see, that this subject is now reaching blogs with a broad readership. I hope you will make a lot of people think about their consumptions habits and you will show, that it’s possible to be trendy and pretty without fast-fashion. I’m looking forward to read your posts about this subject, I’m sure you can change a lot.
Thank you!
Excellent! J’ai fait la même chose en 2014 et j’ai tenu toute l’année! Ça a complètement transformé ma façon de faire du shopping. J’achète beaucoup mieux et surtout moins. L’important pour moi a été d’initier cette réflexion plusieurs mois plus tôt afin de tenir le coup et ne pas passer du tout ou rien. Bonne chance pour ton défi!
Si jamais, pour ceux que ça intéresse, j’en ai parlé un peu dans mon blog, par exemple dans ce premier billet:
A voir la thématique est dans l’air du temps puisque plusieurs médias helvétiques en ont fait écho:
Neada, great initiative! Especially with the underlying thought of the environment and workers conditions. These themes made me stop shopping at Zara and Mango and start buying less in general (and more vintage and humane & sustainable brands/lines). It limits the choice and that actually feels really good and less hectic!
Good look and keep us posted!
Go Neada GO! I will also try that my self, mainly for financial reasons. Mind you, I’ve been doing that already and I proudly got occasional praise from my friends on my inspired outfits :)
One question though: Does your resolution include shoes/bags/jewelry/other accessoires eg. scarves, hats etc.? Because that would be a game changer…
Dear Neada,
This is a wonderful idea. I work for a sustainability charity, but even I didn’t appreciate the damage of fast fashion until I saw The True Cost ( You’ve probably seen it, but it is very eye opening! Best of luck from London on your resolution
Lizzie x
Happy new year, Neada! And what a challenge! That’s not a resolution… is a whole change of lifestyle! I can imagine that it’s going to be difficult, mainly because of you work! I have lived something like that but it wasn’t planned.I moved to a little town in Germany five years ago and my life changed so much that, after a while, I just didn’t buy new clothes. There is no place to go all dressed up, the cold is so unbelievable that all I wear are Sorel boots and Wellensteyn coats. So I realized that the only time I bought and wore new exciting clothes was during my travels. But I also realized that I loved travel so much that I started seeing all the clothes as plane tickes or hotel stays. For example: that jacket costs two days in Paris. That designer bag costs a plane ticket to Tokyo. Those shoes cost a spa treatment at my favourite resort in Italy… And I loooove fashion! But my priorities have changed.
Good luck, though!
I’m totally into it. Fast fashion has filled my own house of unnecessary clothes. I would definitely try your rules!
You go girl:)!
I set myself similiar goal last year. Be prepared, it’s gonna be difficult at times. I can say from my experience that I dramatically reduced the number of clothes purchased, as I only bought second hand and got one Max Mara dress on sale that will last a lifetime as it
is versatile- so it does not count;), does it?
All in all, it made me realize I was often manipulated easily and buying stuff I did not need, at times never worn.
I like your rules, you thought of everything:)!
Très belle initiative qui me donne envie de franchir le pas mais j’ai déjà craqué aux soldes donc je suis déjà hors jeu! Mais bon 2 achats on va dire que ce sera le joker de l’année car j’ai très envie d’avoir la même démarche! Après je suis une adepte du second hand tout au long de l’année donc c’est déjà pas si mal!
I am excited to follow you and see what happens! I find that the things I wear most from my closet are not the ‘fast fashion’, but the more classic items. Sometimes these items can become boring, so yep….. being creative with then helps. Good luck! xo
Très bonne résolution, surtout si on a beaucoup :) malgré cela la tentation reste énorme, et encore plus pendant les soldes :)
xo xo from Paris
Oui, génial! C’est mon état d’esprit de la tout les jours en ce qui concerne les vêtements, c’est super d’avoir un exemple qui fait de même dans la mode !
Wonderful resolution! I’m going to give it a go too! I watched the true cost movie last year and ever since then have been so aware of the fashion industry’s impact on the environment and social impact of its workers. All the best with your resolutions and hope 2016 is a year of change for the better
I love love LOVE this idea and am very seriously considering joining you…! Toward the end of 2015, I culled my wardrobe significantly, only keeping the pieces that I really value and feel great in. Your resolution is the perfect way to stay on track and not add unnecessary/junky fluff pieces to my closet. I also suspect that it will inspire you to take extra good care of the pieces that you already own. I for one tend to get very lazy with regular dry-cleaning/properly folding/hanging etc. Thanks for sharing, and please keep us posted throughout the year!!
J’applaudis des deux mains !! J’ai moi-même décidé d’acheter moins mais mieux, pour les mêmes raisons que vous.Tout comme je n’ai plus envie de porter des vêtements à l’historique douteux, je n’ai plus envie d’ingurgiter n’importe quoi non plus. J’essaie (ça ne marche pas à tous les coups) de bannir la malbouffe de mon alimentation. C’est une prise de conscience globale. Il y a aussi une certaine jouissance à participer à cette résistance muette, à se dire qu’on n’est plus des victimes mais des acteurs, qu’on ne se fait pas/plus avoir par le marketing et la pub. Vive les émules que vous créerez avec ce post.
Neada, you will not regret this and it will be way easier to do thank you think at first blush. I started doing this about 5 years ago – I only repaired or replaced, I didn’t buy anything I didn’t need. It made me more conscious of production and manufacturing practices, it made me splurge on good quality items when I was replacing something and it made me realise that less really is more. Good for you, please keep us posted on your progress. Bonne Chance!
moi j’ai réussir à le faire parce que j’avais changer d’environnement et cela m’a poussé à être minimaliste et moins shoppeuse.
Bonne chance
Wahou! Alors, ça c’est une résolution impressionnante! Très belle initiative! Bon courage
This is so great. I have been wanting to do this myself for some time and I have decided to join you, but I am not going to buy second hand clothes either. I am doing it for environmental reasons but also to stop buying stuff I really don’t need. My bank account will be healthier that’s for sure. It’s going to be interesting and difficult at times, but I am up for it. I did something a little bit similar two years ago and it was quite a relief actually, not to have to think about buying clothes. That left a whole lot of time to enjoy other pursuits, like hiking, knitting and reading, hanging out with friends. Please do let us know how you are getting on with your challenge.
Anne! That is amazing, and yes, you’re being a little braver than me on this one… Let’s keep each other motivated? Good luck!
I’ve had the same thoughts lately – crazy shopping and big fast fashion houses (Primark for example) are a huge turnoff. It’s so much more enjoyable to own fewer, more loved items!
You should read the blog of a friend of mine, Ariana. She’s an American who moved to Paris and her blog speaks about her zero-waste life :
I started doing this last year and it has been tough (shopping has been my favourite leisure activity since I was 13…) but really rewarding. I didn’t completely ban myself from buying new clothes but started putting a lot more thought into what I was buying and it resulted in me buying only a handful of things in 2015 which I have worn to death! I started off by clearing out about half of my wardrobe and selling on eBay, it was very sobering seeing how much I got for things which had cost me A LOT more and had hardly been worn. It’s definitely helped me when considering purchases i.e. will I get real value out of this, what else could I do with the money etc. Like another person said earlier, when you start to think about what else the money could buy you in experiences rather than stuff it changes the buying experience.
Hooray, this is my favourite post (and I read about G’s engagement prior to it ;)).
I hope you post more about sustainability. Cheers to everlasting style!
I totally agree – doing exactly the same here
Did you read “Zero waste home” book? It is written by a French girl installed in California (another one!) and it is really inspiring – it is my goal (ok my stretched goal)
This so great, especially all the comments! (I have been following this blog since several years but this first time I comment. Good post and probably good timing!) Working myself in Sustainability & Responsible Care for textile industry, I’m very interested and exited about How to drive these Sustainability trends (???). It’s not really about stoping to buy (although I admit I like the idea of this resolution and benefits for bank account!) In most of the above comments I see a desire to buy clothes that will last long! This is exactly what I am looking for personally, and trying to tackle professionally. I own few things that belonged to my grandmother and 30 years later they look & function perfectly fine. But help me where can I find such quality products now(?). Regardless of fast/slow, cheap or expensive, designer or not, etc.. the quality and thus lifespan of clothes has significantly decreased. (Ok, there are few veryyy expensive solutions, but I refuse to support that business. You know my grandma didn’t pay “plane ticket” for that bag!) The problem is that these lifespan/quality factors are not on agenda of most of the fashion brands. Everything starting from synthetically engineering a raw material or naturally growing cotton, to testing materials and to creative garment design, are performed with thinking short-term (for X number of wears). (is your cashmere fav sweater not peeling yet?) So Not buying, or Buying more expensive stuff or vintage does not bring long term sustainability solution for fashion. But I’m looking forward to see how this will evolve in future, and if/how it will be shaped by fashion blogs like this one!
Bravo et merci pour cette résolution que j’adopte également dès aujourd’hui.
J’ai lu votre billet ce matin et ca a été un déclic.
La mode jetable, des vêtements de marques fabriqués parfois dans des conditions terribles…ça écoeure quand on y pense et pourtant on continue d’acheter et d’engranger la spirale de la societe de consommation – moi la première.
Cette résolution est aussi un acte militant. Bravo et merci pour cette inspiration.
Je ne sais pas vous mais je me sens deja plus légère :)
Bonne continuation.
This is a great resolution! Good luck and I hope you will write about your experience. I’m very happy to read articles on Ethical Fashion on Garance blog :)
PS: to find some inspiration :
the hashtags #SecondHandFirst and #MakeDoAndMendHour
the 365 challenge by Christina Dean :
Do come back frequently and update us! I completely respect and admire your resolution! Will think about making it with you…
Thank you, Neada, for doing something like this and sharing it. Something that I don’t think gets talked about too much in fashion is how much pressure there is to constantly buy new things and how if you buy into that, it can really hurt your finances.
I’ve always loved fashion, but for me that has also meant spending money irresponsibly and living beyond my means, which in turn created a lot of guilt and shame for me. I’ve always loved blogs and magazines and social media, but I find that reading them I’m constantly being shown more things that I want and it makes me either feel bad or spend irresponsibly, so I’ve cut way down on that.
So kudos to you for what you’re doing – it means a lot!
Je suis totalement d’accord avec cette résolution. Cependant, moi j’ai décidé d’acheter par parcimonie. Il faut que mon article soit timeless, pratique et que je sais que je le porterai tjrs. Fini les vêtements que j’achète pcq la couleur est jolie, tendance ou en rabais etc. Si je regarde le nombre de vêtements que je donnes à l’Armée du Salut en ce début d’année, c’est que j’ai été trop impulsive dans mes achats. Avant d’acheter un vêtement cela inclus les chaussures et les accessoires, je vais me demander en ai-je vraiment besoin? La réponse est souvent non. J’ai commencé cette méthode en décembre 2015, jusqu’à présent tout va bien. Certe, je me ferai plaisir de temps à autres une ou deux fois dans l’année, mais c’est tout. Je dois apprendre à me contrôler et investir cet argent dans un bon massage, voyage, santé, activités enréchissantes par exemple. J’ai de beaux vêtements dans mon garde-robe, je dois les porter et reporter jusqu’à temps qu’usure s’en suive. Et sincèrement, si je regarde bien ma situation vestimentaire, je n’ai pas besoin de vêtements. :) Courage tout va bien aller, il faut aller étape par étape, c’est pas facile avec les blogs, les réseaux sociaux on se laisse facilement influencer pour finalememt se rendre compte qu’on a pas de besoin. ????
Neada, I’m up for doing this with you but I seriously need help! Splurged on a Chanel Boy bag in December and bought too much at the end of last year on a trip to New York….I also have a huge tax bill to pay back! The support would be great and I love your style too so looking forward to Instagram inspo ;)
I don’t know if I’m ready to commit to a big No Shopping thing – but pre-owned is the way to go!
On the other hand – I consider myself a savvy shopper – I only buy what I really love, no fast fashion etc., and still, I find myself with a wardrobe of clothes that I barely get to wear. How did that happen?! I always thought those stories of women who shop shop shop and then have mounds of clothes hidden away with tags still on a bit sad. Until I realised that I have dresses and blouses and sweaters that seemed so necessary at the time… and are still waiting for the right occasion, weather, shoes, whatever. It was eye-opening.
I also realised that without even seeing it, my signature style emerged. I really only wear variations on five different things (give or take), so I don’t need a wardrobe stuffed to the gills to be happy and excited getting dressed.
Conclusion: buy less!
P.S. check out – we’re coming v v soon
I love your resolution!! I find it very inspiring and I wish you good luck!!
Another thing you can try is to design your own clothes and make them with the help of local tailors!!! I have been doing this for years and i find it great in the sense that you don t need to look for ages for the piece that you dream!! You find a tailor in your standards, and you choose from a big variety of textiles, with the materials you dream!!(in fast fashion is very difficult to find good silk, wool, linen or even a satisfying percentage of it, instead, a lot of polyester is ). A big advantage is that it is totally tailored on you and that is entirely unique!! This way you will create limited pieces but really customized on your style!! Most of the pieces that i have in this way, they turn out to be so classic for me that i were them as old as they might be!! They can cost a bit more but they last long due to good qualities of textiles and a customized fit.
I was inspired by my mum and my grandmother because in their age they were having tailors visiting the house to make that 1 or 2 dresses of the year. Here in Cyprus we still have tailors and shoe makers with their own workshop, but of course they are in danger of extinction. There is a good trend here to reverse this and support local economy!! Plus you really feel the soul of the maker, and you put your mark by discussing the design, the details and the finishing!!
I am sure you will enjoy the process of your resolution and inside these limitations i can see new creative ideas coming out!! Thank you for sharing and tempting us to it!!
Totally agree! Support local business and people who still really know how to do this well (creating piece from scratch is a big talent and a rare skill). Unfortunately such specialist can hardly anymore be found in cities like Paris, London etc…may be its time for a shift…
I absolutely LOVE this idea…as a mom of a 2 year old (already saving for college) and administrator at a a school this is a perfect resolution for me ;)
I think vintage buys are more impulse buys – just because they’re one off. Also looking at my closet – only about 5% is vintage, despite the fact that I buy roughly 40% vintage. This is because it;s hard to get something perfect – rather, in comparison to other things in store, the dress you want to buy is really great, but later, at home, in comparison to your best dresses, suddenly it’s not so great anymore. You have to have a really great eye for vintage :)
For my the best way is to regularly update my wardrobe and my golden rule – the thing I’m buying must be better than any other similar item I already have :) As I’m from Poland, I try to stick to stuff made in Poland.
My dream is to have things made for me, maybe that would be a great 2016 resolution :) No shopping, just tailoring!
Hello Garance, super initiative, et tu verras, tu vas adorer… Petit retour d’expérience : c’est ma règle depuis… 2010. Pareil, j’ai pris cette décision devant tout le gâchi causé par la mode jetable – ici et surtout là bas. J’avoue ne pas toujours avoir eu des réactions compréhensives autour de moi. Du coup ce n’était pas un sujet de conversation, je ne voulais pas non plus faire de prosélytisme… Et puis le Rana Plaza a mis le sujet crument sur la table et là beaucoup de personnes ont compris que chaque choix apparemment anodin avait un effet à l’autre bout du monde – du coup on pouvait en parler. Je n’ai aucune difficulté à ne pas acheter de neuf, je fais d’ailleurs pareil pour les meubles et l’électroménager, en fait j’aime bien. Pour les meubles et a fortiori les vêtements, c’est nettement plus créatif! On est certain de ne pas ressembler à la vitrine de saison (personnellement j’ai toujours détesté quand la vendeuse cherchait à me décider en me disant que c’était son best seller, que tout le monde l’avait cette saison! Rien de tel pour me faire sortir de la boutique!), on évite l’injonction des soldes (Ah oui? Alors comme ça on devrait se ruer dans les magasins 2x/an?) … La vérité, c’est que ça ne me manque pas de ne pas faire les magasins. Quel temps gagné! Sans parler du budget… Bien sûr, à Paris, on est gâté, il y a de très (très!) jolis magasins de seconde main. Les vêtements, les sacs, les chaussures y sont soigneusement sélectionnés, parfois c’est 100% neuf, et très souvent de belles marques – en fonction des boutiques bien sûr. Du coup, personnellement, j’achète moins, mais uniquement du beau qui dure, au prix du cheap jetable. J’ai de jolies pièces dans mon placard, des choses que je n’aurais jamais pu me payer “avant”. Inconvénient : on ne peut pas aller en boutique chercher “un pantalon noir cigarette” ou “des bottines rouges”. Non. On va dans sa boutique préférée, on fouine, on essaie, et on ressort avec des surprises, on se laisse prendre par l’imprévu. De toute façon, avouons-le, on a rarement “besoin” de nouveaux vêtements, mais on en a souvent “envie”. Pas vrai? Alors bonne expérience Garance!
This is soo inspiring. Fast fashion is becoming a real danger.
I am on year TWO of no new clothing / retail clothing. December 2015 marked my two years of only buying second hand and thrifted. I also completely overhauled my closet in that time frame – donated and sold 99% of my previous clothing. If the item still looks good after all the wearing and washing it’s been through, then it’s going to last for me.
It really is a great resolution, it has real meaning. I hope you will keep us updated through the year on how you manage that !
xo CarolineJ
#Peaceful, Thank you so much for the article , I wanted to do this as well as I have maxed out my credit cards, and savings is not great, so this is confirmation that I need to stop, stop , stop my out of control spending. I love vintage and have a few pieces, so I am going to do the same, not buy any new clothes , housewares, or any impulsive purchases. I do however, plan on purchasing one pair of fab Prada shoes for spring and as one comment stated watch my savings grow. Sooo, be blessed on your journey and lets touch basis again in 6 months on our progress (LOL)
Love it. I made this resolution with makeup too. I can’t buy anything new until I’ve run out of it. I think it’s going to take me years to get through all my blushes!!! :/
Just read your post and I’ve also decided to do the same as you this year; no new stuff, just maybe some second hand. So inspiring to read about someone else doing the same!!! My plan is to empty the attic at my parents house for hidden treasures. And also to try the capsule wardrobe which I have good experience with: You change the things in your closet four times a year, according to season for example, and keep the rest of your clothes in the attic or somewhere else. That way it feels a bit that you get a “new” wardrobe” everytime you change it:) Good luck to you, look forward to follow your experiment!
Hi Neada, regards from Brazil.
I’ve been thinking on this subject for a long time and still I couldn’t avoid buying new stuff (all sort of stuff), being clothes my most weak point. After watching this movie I finally got the click I needed:
We do need to rethink the speed we buy things, we are becoming poor people thinking we are rich just because we can buy cheap things (that’s so cruel with us and with the world).
Here are some more information to help us on our path:
I’ll be back to check how you are doing on your task!
Hello Neada what an inspiring article!
Since I read it I decided to make the same resolution. I have been thinking about it for a long time but I have never succeed to apply it to me.
I live in Paris and fast fashion is everywhere, you don’t have to wonder if you really need a clothe or not, because you already are inside a shop, at every street corner. Besides, I am a 100% Zara Woman, and to make things harder, it is winter sales in Paris since the beginning of January. But you know what? I didn’t go in a shop since and I don’t even think about it. I think I dont need it, for real.
And if need it I will go to a thrift store, there are amazing ones here !
Here are the 2 good things with this decision:
– I started sewing again (I make hand bangs and I love it!)
– I explained my resolution to my roommates (we are 3 in the apartment), they fully agreed and decided to do the same. Finally we have decided to share our 3 closets and things get easier and funnier :)
So thank you for sharing this decision with us it has been really empowering for me (and my roommates !)
Last thing, I did some research about the fast fashion production (Zara H&M etc) and I couldn’t find anything. BUT I watched this very striking documentary “The True Cost” (available on Netflix) and I highly recommend it !
Thank you again ! and good luck :)
Bonjour Garance,
J’ai découvert ton blog alors que j’étais encore en étude et je me disais justement que ce sont les personnes influentes comme toi qui peuvent rendre la mode éthique attractive !!
La mode c’est l’art du beau de l’élégance… et il y a encore un tel paradoxe entre ce que disent les vêtements en surface et ce qu’il représentent vraiment quand on les considère dans leur globalité…
C’est énorme qu’une personne influente comme toi assume ce virage, quelque part je ne suis pas surprise ;) comme le dit Frances Corner “What we wear tells the story of what we are or what we want to be” et si ton blog a autant de succès c’est grâce au coeur et à la sincérité que tu mets et ça vient complètement rejoindre l’idée de porter des vêtements qui nous ressemble et qui nous représentent pas seulement dans l’apparence qu’ils nous donnent mais dans la manière donc ils sont fait. Le regard sur la mode change et je suis sûre que tu fera partie de ces personnes qui donneront envie de participer à ce changement. -Un beau intégral.
Pour info, un chouette lien en dessins décalés sur le sujet “fast fashion” :
Je serai heureuse d’échanger avec toi sur ce sujet, ma passion à moi c’est d’accompagner les entreprises à identifier les pratiques positives en lien avec leur secteur d’activité, à les mettre en place et à les valoriser. Je suis super heureuse que tu partages ce même intérêt et que tu amènes cette réflexion auprès de tes lecteurs ! C’est top ! C’est comme ça que les choses avancent ! Merci ;)
Je découvre ce post à l’occasion de la publication du plus récent sur les chaussures YSL en 41. Je rentre d’un we de shopping frénétique. Oui j’ai déniché de très belles pièces en solde. J’ai quand même une sensation d’écoeurement voire d’étouffement. Je ne ressens pas ce plaisir cher (sans jeu de mots) devant un nouveau et très beau vêtement. Pourtant, je suis adepte de la seconde main et parfois même je vends des jolies choses (que je ne porte plus ou n’ai jamais porté)à des copines surtout.
Malgré le mois le mois de février entamé, j’ai décidé aussi de prendre cette bonne résolution. Il n’est jamais trop tard tant que je m’y tiens et c’est valable pour le vintage ou autre également. Une sorte de jeûne de la fringue mais j’ai de quoi voir venir tant il y a de pièces que j’aime et dont je n’ai pas ou pas assez profité.
A la place cours de guitare et we dorés sous le soleil (j’ai déjà plein de maillots de bain)
Le bilan en février 2017!!!
Coucou, j’approuve (et j’admire un peu) ta résolution, et en y repensant je me suis demandée où tu en étais…J’aimerai beaucoup que tu nous fasse un petit retour régulièrement (quand tu as le temps surtout ^^) pour partager ça, et peut-être me motiver à t’imiter ? ;)
Merci et bon courage,
Hi Neada!
Over the past few weeks I’ve been constantly wondering how is your resolution going on. How do you get on with it? Did you manage to stick with it? I’m super interested to hear your experience and feedback so could you update us on it? :)
Bonjour Neada !
Je vois que je ne suis pas la seule me demander…. 3 mois après, j’aimerai savoir où tu en es de cette résolution ;)
As tu craqué ou tiens tu encore ?….
Pour ma part, je n’étais pas si draconienne dans mes objectifs et je n’ai même pas tenu, alors je voulais savoir si je suis la seule”mauvaise élève” !!
More then 3 month into the resolution – and I was as well IN from the day I red this post! Really exited to know how is it going. After all this post has >100 comments so it really deserves an update. From my side, I don’t find this challenge to be too hard. The interesting part is that it is influencing my habits and it goes beyond fashion/shopping… It changes the way I think about money-value, but the biggest win is the time that I can instead spend on family & friends.