Questions On Love
9 years ago by

To celebrate Valentine’s day, the other day Garance answered questions submitted on Twitter. Read her responses below!
Renée Mudd @reneemudd
Q: Is it important that u & your partner share the same career interests? Or maybe it’s better to have your own thing?
A: I think both can work. The thing is that careers are a big part of life and it’s good to be able to talk about it together.
Marine Blackbird ?@marineblackbird
Q: Do you have any advice for a young woman (age 20) who hasn’t had any sexual experience yet and feels a bit behind? :/
A: Never feel behind in comparison to others. The important thing is being in harmony with yourself :)
María BIM ?@mariabim_blog
Q: we all know how special 1st bf, kiss, love, time… are, but, what do u say about 1st breakup/heartbreak? @garancedore #askgarance
A: The first heartbreak is awful, but the lesson afterwards is knowing you can survive. I wish everyone a good heartbreak ;)
Abi Rose ?@roseabi
Q: My husband is my business partner and our office is our home – how on earth can our marriage survive this??? :)
A: It’s about finding good routines outside of your life together at home. Make it bigger than just that and it can be wonderful!
Stan ?@stanmtz
Q: Do you think you can really fall in love at age 17?
A: Yes. My sister met her husband when she was 17. They’ve been together 20 years and are still very much in love.
Eliixir’s Playground @iloveEliixir
Q: Do you believe love really comes when you’re not looking? (Says the girl on 3 dating sites, considering a 4th )
A: I think the best type of love comes when you’re in love with yourself and your own life! That’s what I would start with ;)
Angelina Radden @AngelinaRadden
Q: Has love become too modern? What traditions should we not let go of?
A: Love evolves with the times, it’s amazing. I personally like a gentleman. Hold the door! I hope this never goes away.
Blandine Cave @blandinecav
Q: Have you noticed that women are more and more comfortable being alone? Or is it the opposite? What do you think? xxx
A: We have more freedom these days, but there’s still a lot of social pressure to be in a couple. It’s too bad! We should have the choice.
Très beau dessin article intéressant.
Thank you! xx
I love the answer you gave to Eliixir’s Playground.
such great advice!
Lovely, sincere interview and advice.
a warm conversation with hope, great job!
Super merci mais tout ca ne nous apprend pas comment mordre la fesse de son partenaire pour défendre son territoire (ni a faire pipi sur les arbres malheureusement…)
J’ai suivi la conversation sur Twitter et deux réponses de Garance m’ont particulièrement parlées:
“Le premier chagrin d’amour, c’est horrible, mais ça permet d’apprendre qu’on est capable d’y survivre. Je souhaite à tout le monde de vivre un vrai chagrin d’amour ;)”
” Je crois qu’on trouve une relation gratifiante quand on s’aime et qu’on aime sa vie ! Je commencerais par-là ;)”
J’attends la prochaine édition avec impatience !
by far the best advice anyone could ever receive about entering love, well said Garance! – “I think the best type of love comes when you’re in love with yourself and your own life! “
J’aime beaucoup , on en aurait voulu plus!! (de questions et de réponses…)
great advice! and i really love the drawing!