Pocket PMF: Exercise

8 years ago by

In Partnership With The Outnet
Pocket PMF: Exercise

This week on Pocket PMF Garance is chatting at the studio with her dear friends, Delphine Del Val, Lola Rykiel, and Marcela Gutierrez, on looking and feeling good (inside and out).

They all have different work schedules, which results in different ways they each like to stay fit. Garance works from home and enjoys pilates. Delphine works at the office and enjoys long walks outside. Marcela is a freelance illustrator and loves to dance at home, and Lola works at an office and considers a good workout anything that connects the mind and body! We want to hear from you – how do you fit in exercise?

[podcast_episode episode=”234500″ ]

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  • I try to walk a lot. That counts, right? :)
    I also like swimming. Especially in summer, in a lake, sea, or pool.
    I go to pilates once a week. And I try to exercise at home, too.

    I am very lazy and have to push myself to do it all. Except walking – I love that!! :)


  • i also walk a looot. and swimming is my second choice of workout! :)


  • I’m a freelancer, working from home. I do Pilates in a class twice a week. I LOVE it. The other days, I run/walk around the park at the chateau in our village, or through the vineyards. Sometimes I’ll take walks on Pilates days if it’s nice out.
    I used to do exercises my kiné taught for my back (very similar to Pilates, without the breathing), doing them at home on my own, but over time, I started doing them wrong. That’s why going to a class is so good. You get pushed, and you maintain correct form.
    That said, I rode an exercise bike for 30-45 minutes every single day for about 25 years, including up to my 36th week of pregnancy. The bike broke (it was about my fifth-I wore them out) and I didn’t replace it.

  • As always nice post deat!


  • Love these podcasts so much! It’s like having a group of girlfriends (with much better accents) chatting while I pretend to work!

    One thing: It would be great to know who is who in the pics you post…

    Thank you! xx

  • What works for me is “excercising”, “practicing”, “training”, “moving around”, having “my time” instead of this horrific “working-out”. I find the term extremely demotivating and annoying.
    greetings from Europe

  • Georgia May, 20 2016, 1:07 / Reply

    Loving the podcasts! I live in the countryside and, unfortunately, cant make it to a Pilates studio. I’m struggling to find any good online Pilates classes (Garance, you mentioned Pilates at home!) – does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks!

  • Angie May, 21 2016, 9:49

    Check out Pilatesanytime.com. It’s a subscription service, I think it’s $18 a month, which is super cheap considering what you get. Tons of classes at all levels with the best instructors in the industry. I’m a Pilates instructor and I use this site all the time for my workouts. Enjoy!

  • Love PMF pocket and non-pocket ;) I love to hear your friend specialy Marcela because my very good friend here in Guangzhou is Spanish so the way they speak is kind of same.
    What about one with Laetitia Casta she is from Corse after all ?!

    Btw I bought your book received from Amazone FR to my home and I love it !

  • Ai-Ch'ng May, 20 2016, 1:19 / Reply

    My daily move-routine combines Delphine’s walks outside (I love being outdoors, but my work-from-home schedule often means I miss it), when I fetch my son from school and I deliberately go park half an hour earlier to either walk through the neighbourhood (I love house-spying, too), or catch a nap when I’m really tired from working late the night before; with Garance’s at-home move-session, where I combine yoga and Pilates into a forty minute or so session that I’ve found really beneficial for my core strength, back, knee and shoulder issues, and for maintaining my sanity. I do the at-home session about five to six times a week – less if I am overly tired physically; and Lola’s meeting of the mind and body. I’d love to do the dancing, but my injured knee now sadly forbids that.

    And, I’ve lately added ten to fifteen minutes of chanting some beautiful Sanskrit prayers that I haven’t said for years, which my grandfather taught me as a child. I’m not sure if it’s meditation, as we often think of meditation as maintaining absolute stillness and silence. However, that sense of timelessness and rejuvenation I get from doing this – plus the above yoga/Pilates/walking (and approaching forty-eight: I never even thought I’d make it to forty), bring to my day such a welcome sense of inner stillness and ability to think more clearly and more react more objectively to things that would normally irritate me, that I think it doesn’t matter what you do – as long as you move physically and emotionally and spiritually in the way that best suits you, to feel the best version that you can be, from minute to minute. And, those ways will also change from month-to-month, and even week-to-week.

  • Working full time with 2 kids, it is hard to spare some time for fitness. But with the X-Box and the Connect, I can with “Play your Shape”. You can choose different levels, opt for 5 minute to 30 minutes, work with or without cardio, go for the extreme training or not. The Abs exercising are mandatory to keep my tummy flat, while I love the kick boxing and the Yoga. All done at home in the comfort of a tee shirt – less laundry, and no time waisted in travel. A voice is pushing you and keep you going till the end of the session, they count your calories and get you to kick them! Monday evening I do escape the family home for Pilates, I wonder if Pilates Class exist for the X-Box… I wish I could do more Pilates (seems the best past 40 – hey yeah we there).

  • Jessica May, 20 2016, 9:25 / Reply

    I’m developing a girl crush on marcela, she sounds cool and real! Does she have a blog?

  • Rachel June, 4 2016, 9:05 / Reply

    Exercise is an incredibly important part of my life. I need to move to help not only my body but also my head.
    I’ve put an exercise routine in place for three main reasons:
    1. I want to say alive (my dad died of a heart attack at 35)
    2. I want to set a good example for my children by being a strong active woman (particularly my daughter)
    3. To feel and look good and be able to wear my choice of clothes with confidence
    However, I need to mix up my activities. I play tennis, netball, badminton and hockey in addition to HIIT and high intensity classes and a little bit of pilates thrown in (I actually prefer jumping around so pilates is hard for me!)
    It makes me very happy that my seven year old daughter says she wants to be strong and she flexes her biceps to show everyone (is that creepy??!!!)

  • Exercise stopped being a “work”-out and as boring to me as that sounds, when I started thinking of exercise as “play” instead. I’m a dancer so I dance every day and love it, but even that can feel like work if my mindset is as such. But when I think of “playing” instead of exercise, all of a sudden when I go for a run, I’m also skipping or maybe throwing in a cartwheel instead. I’m also much more mindful and in the present. It’s more fun, it feels like true self-care which I think is the best part of exercise, and as some of you lovely ladies said, I feel so much more centered and connected to myself after doing it.

  • Ok, fashion question…what type of shoes do you wear around the city to walk for 1.5-2hrs?

    Love these podcasts! xo

  • Just listened to this one and really enjoyed it. Especially that Garance`s the serenity quote is my favorite for years, ever since I`ve read it in Kurt Vonneguts book Slaughterhouse 5

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