Pocket PMF: Creativity Under the Influence
5 years ago by

We can’t deny that some of the greatest artists were fueled and inspired while under the influence (Hemingway, Bukowski, Picasso – you get the drill), so to kick off our month on creativity, our edit team sat down to safely imbibe in some lovely rosé from Lorenza Wine Company to talk about what gets their creative juices flowing. They discuss the courage that can come from being under the influence, the myth and allure of the “tortured artist” and what creative person they’d like to inhabit for one day, among much more. We hope you enjoy this episode, responsibly under the influence of your favorite liquid beverage.
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Hey Ladies!!! I was trying to hear this for a few days now and i think
it depends ,you know? I give you girls, three examples that comes to my mind randomly , for instance:
i remember in the 10th grade ,i had a friend that used to go the Philosophy exams often high on weed and guess what?
She had the highest grades in this class and her answers about Plato and Aristotle questions would take her like…one line sentences equal to a B+ or a A- and so and we were like :« Whaaaaat?»
Example nº 2 goes by the name of Fernando Pessoa , one of the Greatest portuguese poets of all time who was also very fond of opiates.
And do you remember Terrence Malick film :Thin Red Line? What do say about Nick Nolte’s performance ? Blows your butts of the screen !!!
As for me me …naaaa!!!Nothing good comes out of this head under the influence!!! It goes from FM frequency to those that only give you feedback like HW or something!
And Ladies …as you all like your Wine , i recommend you one that is becoming Big in NY that calls Casal Garcia !!! Try it next Friday afternoon after work !!!
Stay Well!!!
Beijinho !