Personal Style Evolution
10 years ago by

It’s funny how much your style can change in just a few years.
I’m coming up on my four year anniversary with New York City. I moved here six months after I graduated from college in Minnesota. During a recent spring cleaning adventure, I came across some of the pieces I was wearing non-stop when I first arrived here: paisley print silk dresses, flouncy black skirts, things with bows. When I look at these things now, I can’t believe I ever wore them. My style is a lot more simplified now. I don’t wear many patterns, I rotate between white, grey, black and olive on top, I don’t often wear dresses and the only embellishments are the buttons on my jacket.
Every once in a while I see myself gravitating back towards one of those things from my past style life, like yesterday when I sent my best friend a link to a tie-dye dress from Isabel Marant and asked her if I should get it. Her response? “That thing is so unlike you, I’m having an identity crisis. Can you please tell me what your brain is doing?”
I’ve started to wonder what caused this change in my style. Is it New York? Working in fashion? Or just a change in taste? Have you had a style evolution?
Oh most definitely. My day-to-day is such a pared-down neutral uniform, but I have these remnants of my past self in my closet that I never wear but have yet to part with–a pink peplum top, an African kente style body con dress…Sometimes I wonder, who WAS I?!? But since I haven’t yet gotten rid of those pieces, I suppose the question is really, who AM I?
you style changed depending on the people around you, it’s pretty obvious
ce qui est encore mieux c’est de pouvoir comparer son ancien style avec l’actuel, des fois c’est tellement marrant car on se dit “non jamais je ne pourrais remettre ça” :)
I had a style evolution and I’m having it also right now, because I wanna play more with clothes without thinking about what other people could think, is not a question of fashion, but of freedom.
All the WAYS TO WEAR a LEATHER jacket (32+ OUTFITS) on lowbudget-lowcost Fashion blog
Ne serait ce pas le fait d’avoir pris Emmanuelle Alt comme icône de mode ? ;)
Probably working in fashion. Most fashion designers wear simple black outfits.
I came from Wisconsin to NYC (many years ago) and went from permed hair to a punk cut. From Dansk Clogs to buying Robert Clergerie Shoes (okay…on sale!) We’ve gone from shoulder pads to ripped jeans to deconstructed everything. Maybe it will all go back again.
The most important thing is not to let your style freeze-up and then…be sure to keep the most excellent things you accumulate along the way. You’ll love having them and they are a history of where you’ve been and who you were…it was probably good that paisley girl went into a box…
I used to wear more avant-garde clothes. I still like them, but they are priced out of my budget. For everyday I find myself gravitating toward a simple classic-sporty look–striped shirts, slim pants, slim blazers, etc. That means I get to go crazy with the jewelry and the shoes!
I’ve found myself doing something similar as well! I used to be really cute and girly and hated jeans. I also looked predominantly at Korean and Japanese fashion blogs, which also influenced my taste. I’ve since moved over to something that’s still feminine, but edgier and chic. I think this influence comes from reading more blogs that are based in LA or New York, where the style is a lot different. So for me, my style is really influenced on what I’m seeing directly in front of me I guess.
Arielle from Tangled Musings
Awesome… you went to Minnesota for college! I was there as a “Gopher” for a year. And I’ll be going to NYC soon. Hope to stop at your store! BTW, I do gravitate too sometimes to my past style life like wearing jean jackets with patches! lol
Since I started a blog with my looks, at the beginning of this year, I can notice an evolution of my style. I don’t know if that’s because I named my blog Minimalista, so I’m dressing a bit more minimalistic from then on, or if if that was just natural. I also had my haircut short, which is a freedom too. But I do have that feeling: how could I wear that in the past?! I think that is quite common, everyone’s style changes from time to time. I guess. xxoo
This post speaks to me so much, because I’ve basically gone through a totally identical style evolution over the past two years. I attribute it partly to growing up, but largely due to reading more fashion blogs, and being inspired by Garance’s style. I’ve also become more interested in shapes and textures of clothes, rather than relying on patterns for interest. I remember one of the first pictures I ever saw of Garance, in heels, joggers, a blazer, and a scarf and a lightbulb went off in my head. The rest is history! Thank you for this post!
It is isn’t it. I have found my style evolving since starting blogging.
I wear colour now and team items in slightly different ways.
I’d like to think I have still got the same style but like you say it has evolved.
I so understand! The funny thing is, in four years from now you’ll probably look at things from your closet or pictures of yourself from this time period and wonder what the heck you were thinking as well.
We’ll all be wondering how we could have been so crazy to have let Birkenstocks come back.
I completely relate to what you’re saying. I, too, have been re-evaluating my wardrobe over the last couple of years. It’s gotten a lot simpler, with a greater emphasis on quality over quantity and more good basics thatI spice up through accessories. Still, every once in a while I find that I am drawn to a girlier, more whimsical style, and then I have to remind myself that that was me then, not now. :)
I have moments like that when I go through my spring cleaning too! A lot of the reason my style changed over the years is my job. No longer can I wear deep v-necks, or rocking tshirts with jeans…at least not as a college professor!
I found that I do sometimes gravitate toward more tomboy clothing when it comes to my casual wardrobe (especially as I get older), but my work wardrobe is full on woman. :-)
I definitely can relate. I was born in New York City, but grew up in Ohio, then lived in South Carolina and Boston before I returned to New York 16 years ago. In the past fives years, I’ve been splitting my time between NYC and Hilton Head, two islands approximately the same size but the resemblance ends there. So I have two different lives, two different wardrobes. I no longer work in an office, I’m solidly middle-aged–all of these things have influenced my personal style. Ironically, I’ve gone from mostly black and neutrals to quite a colorful wardrobe. I agree with Miucia Prada that as you get older, you need a bit of quirk to stay modern. So long story longer–it’s an evolution to fine-tune your style. And isn’t that fun?
Tout évolue et change, notamment en matière de style vestimentaire. Je fonctionne par phases personnellement! ;)
J’ai eu plusieurs “evolutions majeures” de style et elles ont toujours correspondu a un changement important dans ma vie. Notre style en dit beaucoup sur nous, meme si on ne s’en rend pas compte, il ne reflete pas seulement ce que nous vivons, nos moyens financiers mais aussi notre etat psychologique et ce a quoi nous aspirons.
Et ca, ca change avec les circonstances… mais l’important c’est d’en avoir un. Je trouve que ca apporte beaucoup d’avoir un style A SOI, quelque chose de vraiment personnel, singulier, ce n’est pas facile mais ca merite d’y reflechir, d’y travailler.
I think it comes with times & seasons in our own lives. Who we are becoming, our lifestyles, where we live, etc. For the most part I am consistent, with changed here and there as fashion evolves and pieces are updated, but sure, I can see how something I wore before would not be on my shopping list today.
Fashion Food for thought … ;)
I went through a… five year? period in which I dressed like I’d escaped from a Bollywood film. I was heavy into the bohemian look and went a bit crazy with it. Then in college, I fell into the grunge phase, because hello, I live just an hour from Seattle, home of grunge. So I did the ill fitting sweaters and plaids and lots of denim I thought looked good on me, but didn’t. My hair… eh, don’t get me started. [but I did keep it clean! I adopted Kate Moss’ theory of “You can look dirty, but you can never be dirty.”]
Now my style is more classic, sort of old Hollywood, with a touch of retro. I fell into buying/collecting vintage pieces a few years ago, which certainly helped cultivate my style. Also, being a retail manager has me thinking more of how people perceive me- not that I dress for other people, but you know, a hot pink dress covered in sequins just isn’t all that work appropriate. I still have a couple bohemian pieces lingering around, though, but only because they’re perfect for summer. :)
[and also- I cut my hair into a pixie, tried out being a redhead and a platinum blonde, before settling with my natural black. Bye-bye grunge hair!]
Je pense que chacune d’entre nous a son propre style qui la définit
Mais, heureusement, au grès de notre vie, de nos rencontres ET DE LA MODE, on évolue, on change !
Autrement, quelle tristesse, quelle uniformité, dans notre dressing et dans notre quotidien!
Pour ma part, j’ai eu aussi la période, motifs, froufrous,nœud-nœud mais c’est vrai qu’en vieillissant, je vais vers plus de sobriété en gardant toujours ma touche colorée et un brin déjantée !
On ne se refait pas !
A +
J’ai finalement trouvé mon style. Je suis une minimaliste, casual, chic et neutre. J’ai récamment acheté deux pantalons imprimer mais qui s’agencent avec plusieurs articles dans ma garde-robe donc c’est sans risque. J’ai malgré tous mes factures au cas où je changerai d’avis. Je vais rester dans ma zone de confort et ce qui me représente. Plusieurs me disent que je devrais mettre plus de couleurs mais c’est pas mon avis. Je crois que c’est avec le temps et l’âge évidamment que les goûts changent.
Do gravitate back. Black grey and white? I think I like paisley silk dresses better. It’s very North American.
Women are dressing more and more like men. It’s too bad.
Eh oui, je lis le blog tous les jours mais n’ai jamais écrit de commentaire. Une première donc. A mon sens, l’évolution du style vient avec les lectures (suivez ma souris…) et un sentiment croissant de liberté. Imaginez donc, passer du paraître à l’être, des autres à soi, tout doucement et avec un peu plus de franchise à chaque tenue.
La conscience de ce qui nous convient ou pas vient avec l’âge mais pas seulement. En ce qui me concerne, être la présentatrice d’une tv sur le web a beaucoup joué. Se sentir bien dans un vêtement et se voir, très peu mise en valeur au final, à la caméra, cela aide à faire des choix plus pointus la fois suivante. :)
Je suis tout à fait comme toi, je pense que nous avons toute des phases dans la vie et cela correspond aussi à des styles vestimentaires. L’âge joue beaucoup sur l’affirmation du style mais aussi le travail.
Pour ma part, je reviens beaucoup plus vers un style minimaliste, un certain chic sans effort. Pas de prise de tête le matin, mais j’essaye toujours d’avoir un look impeccable.
I’ve a style evolution every few years. With me it seems to be about age, sometimes my style ages a few years, and then it’ll jump back when I decide, hang on I’m still young, why am I dressing like a 30-year old woman.
But mostly, I’d have to say my style relaxed a lot since having a child. It somehow doesn’t feel right wearing clothes that leave you overly exposed with a young child, so it’s a lot more about relaxed jeans, ankle boots and a fantastic sweater.
I can also relate to that. My style evolved and I am wearing edgier stuff, predominantly black with some embellishment. Also, having been reading the blogs, I started loving the unusual mixes and shapes, and have this obsession with shoes and bags, and quality fabrics.
This morning there was a talk about the prom looks and how it all looks horrid and tacky from this perspective. Even now, when I am about to attend some event, and I expect my photo to be taken, I think of how that would look like in 20 years time. Crazy! And, what I came to realize is the simpler it looks, the more appealing it will be in years to come.
I think it’s a bit of everything you mentioned and simply growing-up and learning more about yourself… x
I’ve belonged to all the urban tribes you can imaging. And I’ve dressed accordingly. Now, on my 30s I’m all for basic and all black-white-navy-chocolate-grey total looks. I think what is happening to you is called age. And it’s the best thing. You won’t look back to the pictures you get now (which I assume are many because you work surrounded by photographers) and regret a single thing. Be sober, my friend. That’s my motto (though sometimes my friends called me nun, umpf).
Je change souvent les vetements, mais pas vraiment mon style! (je suis vieille!)
I’d say that mainstream American style (Cosmo-type) is very girly : frills, dots and co. And now that you’ve moved to NYC, you might be more influenced by European style?
Hi Alex, I’m French and I’ve been reading all your posts. I’m about to go to the Universtity of Minnesota as a visiting student. What are your thoughts on Saint-Paul’s campus ? I’d love to know how you found it there. Do you have any tips on how to stay stylish during rude winter ?
Alex! You must read this:
I’m sorry, I know this post is not to do with French hair but I saw this article the other day, tried it yesterday, and it was great! I really like my hair (who am I kidding? I’m pretty much in love with my hair – I spent my entire yoga class last night admiring it) but this made me love it even more so!
Go get a really good base cut (take millions of pictures of the type of hair you like but make sure that the women in the pictures have the same hair type as you! (thick/thin/etc) that will make it fall in piece-y sections, wash it, lightly mist with salt spray, let it air dry or use a hair dryer at the roots once it is mostly dry, mist it again, twist random sections and run them through your GHDs – voila! Good luck, I hope you update us soon!
P.S. I understand your crisis – perhaps buy things for your home that indulge in your love of patterns, and hopefully you will be less likely to stray when it is a clothing choice! xxx
C’est marrant, j’avais le souvenir de quelqu’un qui disait que les New Yorkaises étaient plus audacieuses et moins sobres que les Parisiennes … ;-)
Blague à part, je pense que c’est un phénomène mondial, trop de mode a tué la mode, après l’écœurement de la surenchère de tout, on revient à plus de style et de sobriété
Et comme tu bosses dans la mode, t’es pile dedans !!!
Le style ça évolue avec l’âge, la vie qu’on adopte et le lieu où l’on est.
On a pas le même style à 20 ans quand on veut se trouver un petit ami, quand on travaille dans une pâtisserie ou dans la mode, qu’on a des enfants ou qu’on est une dame de 70 ans. Le vêtement permet de communiquer sur soi et selon ce qu’on veut communiquer on s’habille d’une manière ou d’une autre (je suis pro=blazer, je suis séductrice=robe fendue, je suis classe=smoking YSL…etc)
Le vêtement ça accompagne une personnalité qui évolue tout au long de la vie et heureusement que chaque personnalité est en mouvement permanent…Cest ça la vie.
Such a sweet post about fashion reminiscing.
Let me trace my dressing preferences and see if they are completely different or if there lies within the various phases some hidden, common thread.
Yes, I have done the same as you, Alex – bows and paisley dresses, plaid and rough, tough boots and shrunken leather jackets in my uni years and post-uni years saw me in heavily embroidered, big jackets with T-shirts and jeans with ballet flats or heavy flat boots.
This was followed in my late twenties and early thirties with twelve ear piercings, loads of fine silver and gold bangles, heavy silk damask A-line and suede skirts with the same jacket and same boots and plain and printed T-shirts shirts and baggy jeans (I was a mum at thirty, so I needed a whole lot more practicality at this time).
Then, a period of generously cut, op-shop shirt dresses in cotton prints, denim and silk, with a tan belt and boots (flat, heavy boots seem to be a recurring theme)… and then jeans with T-shirts and my grandmother’s fur coats (sorry for offending animal lovers with this admission).
There was a period of minimalism (and misery for my pattern-inspired brain), which lasted about two months. Luckily I discovered that I couldn’t do plains early on, and did not buy a whole lot of that grey/black/white/navy plain stuff that suits everyone else so well – just not me.
Now at forty five, I’m interested to know what I’ll be wearing in five or ten years, as the past ten years have seen me wearing brightly coloured Mexican embroidered traditional huipil tops with man-style jeans or leather pants, flat suede and tan ankle boots, the same fur jacket from my grandmother, a heavy olive coloured shearling jacket I found on Etsy… and summer I wear slim, silk batik-printed jumpsuits with sandals or Birkenstocks. It is always clothing that I can move in easily – or clean the house and do some gardening.
While there seems to have been some totally disparate moments for my wardrobe (especially that short-lived Celine/Bassike/Calvin Klein minimalist phase), what’s consistent with all the phases are that all my clothes and jewellery have come from travels overseas and are heavily patterned and printed, richly coloured (so good at disguising stains!), all natural fibres, and a lot – including my jewellery – has come from loved ones and is second hand.
I found Etsy has totally opened up the way I wear clothes – there is so much available there, and I just click on whatever I like – and edit right back later… and it always comes back to rich texture, intense colour and 24/7 comfort.
Let’s face it – it’s more convenient to dress in a simple way, because you don’t have to worry much if your pants match your top etc. When everything is classic, it really makes it easier to get ready in the morning. However, I also had a style evolution, but in opposite direction. I went from wearing very simple pieces to more vivid ones. It was about 2 years ago, I was almost 21 at the time and I said to myself ‘You will have a lot of time for little black dresses and jackets later; if you don’t experiment with trends now, you never will’. After all, if you end up looking ridiculous in your 20s it’s more forgivable.
Actually I wrote about it in my latest blog post:
Probably all of those things, along with just growing up, have influenced your style. The thing is, it won’t end here. Style is not static, just as we are not. It’ll evolve all your life, influenced by experiences, life events, inspiration, and the zeitgeist.
I am in my 40’s and when I look back, my love of clean shapes with a “twist” and dislike of prints and fripperies has always been a theme,even as a teen, but within those boundaries loads have changed over the past 20 years, not suddenly, but as a continuum.
Mon style s’est affiné avec la création de mon blog. Je suis plus cohérente, plus exigeante et aussi plus sûre de moi ! Je fais moins d’achats compulsifs, moins d’achats influencés par la tendance, je prends mon temps.
I’m more into minimalistic style now (definitely becoming an adult). But I miss so much the girly me :) That was so much fun :)
I used to wear very bright colored clothes, lots of prints and stuff like that too. Through time my style got a lot darker, and lead me to the current state where I almost only wear black. At the beginning I was wondering what was going on with me.
Now I don’t really mind. The reason why I love style and fashion is that it is like life: it always changes. And still sometimes some feelings come back, the same as for your style when you were a piece that has been hanging in your closet for 10 years. So, no worries.
Whenever a creative person is put somewhere where there are a lot of stimuli, things start to happen. I think most creatives are sponges, and that is how your style slowly changes, you grow through inspiration.
Simona/OFF DUTY GIVEAWAY: fuller, shinier hair with Phylia deM.
A mon sens, la mode n’est drôle que si l’on en joue. Et lorsque l’on travaille dans ce secteur, le terrain de jeu est vaste puisque toutes les fantaisies y sont permises (ce qui n’est malheureusement pas le cas dans beaucoup d’autres secteurs). Alors même si les tendances sont pour beaucoup dans nos choix, il est important d’avoir sa propre singularité. Ma maxime est “amusons nous”.
Bonjour Alex,
tu écris sur ce blog mais on ne te voit jamais en photo, c est possible d’en poster une ?
Sure can relate to this. My ‘evolution’ came with getting more interested in what fashion is and can do ánd with looking past the shops in ones’ hometown or something – the internet sure took a great part in it. Find it an interesting development to look back on, also as it feels like the style evolution touches upon (changes in my) my personality (or so I tend to think..).
le sous-thème parfait c’est => on fait quoi de toutes ces fringues quand on change de style? quid des vide greniers et autres brocantes? comment organiser? quel est le nb d’habits max à avoir? à partir de combien de mois de non-portage d’un habit on peut le nexter?
Salut Alex, je me suis faite la meme reflexion il n’y a pas longtmeps! Je pense que l’on change de style en meme temps que l’on evolue. J’ai moi meme emmenage a NY il y a quatre ans, avant je vivais a Paris mais j’ai toujours ete designer, dans les deux villes. J’ai beaucoup change de style depuis que je vis ici, vachement plus epure et simple car je me suis adaptee a mon environnement sans m’en rendre compte.. Je pense que le lieux ou l’on vit y est pour beaucoup (en plus de vieillir & murir…lol), ton style serait peut etre different d’une autre facon si tu avais emmenage a S.F?! :)
I’ll add that the streamlining of shape and volume of clothes has a lot to do with geography and urbanity! In urban, clogged, visually competitive NYC you’ve got to be able to clear your visual palate and move efficiently through crowds. You see the same difference in Paris wardrobes vs the countryside, etc.
I am having one right now! My boyfriend and I moved into my studio apartment together. We love it even though it’s tight. in love with the neighborhood, Lower East Side. BUT! Now Spring cleaning is essential to make space and not clutter. I find myself holding onto dresses and things that I haven’t worn in a year, but I’m not quite sure what my style is now. I’m in the in between trying to figure it out. Where oh where to start?!! Make some space.
I can relate to this! Growing up in a small town where there where literally no shopping options or places to dress up to to living in LA – where it’s the complete opposite has given me a sense of freedom and ability to explore my style. xx
Oh man, I have gone through so many style evolutions. I think the biggest one has been in the last four months when I a. realized that the image I was projecting wasn’t the one I wanted to be projecting and b. lost 10 pounds (not on purpose, the result of mostly intuitive eating and a crazy schedule). I decided to scrap a lot of my old casual wardrobe and build a new one with the goal of only owning clothes that made me feel amazing. I’ve embraced high or mid-waisted jeans (they don’t feel like they’re falling down all the time!), leggings as pants (sorry not sorry), pointy-toed flats, and dressy sweatshirts. I’ve ditched anything with little animal patterns and peter pan collars–as it turns out, my naturally young look means that I can’t really pull those things off without looking like a kid. I started wearing some kind of lip color every day because it makes me feel polished, and I figured out that people with rosy undertones need to wear bronze shades of blush. All in all, it’s not SO different from what I used to wear, but I feel so much more confident.
The other day i did a big sorting of my closet and just like you i found some stuff i had completely forgotten about and i was pretty amazed with the evolution of my style…
YES! I moved to Los Angeles nearly two years ago… I had a love for black and simple clothing before I moved here, but holy shit! I live in t-shirts and ripped jeans with nikes or converse (in a chic sort of way, don’t worry). I die for a good leather jacket and swoon over the simplest of silhouettes. While I used to wear print and (dare I say it) color, I now find myself on a strict diet of black, white, grey, denim and olive, with the occasional pop of red. I feel most like myself in black skinny jeans and an amazing white tee. LA has done wonders for me (as a whole), but sometimes I wonder if I have accepted the ‘casual chic’ thing a little too much.
For me it’s growing up, and then reading Garance’s blog :) But really, as I get older (which I like by the way, I don’t want to pretend any younger), I find that the things I like are simplified as well. It also became more feminine and classic (and I used to prefer avante garde in my younger days). And while fashion still excites me, I tend to stick the key pieces, season after season.
I have similar experience.. the grazier my mind gets (creative field work) the softer colors i prefer to dress myself. My basic colors are white and grey. At the moment there seems to be preference to softest and lightest things that give me cover but take less space on packing and can be layered according to weather. Jeans for example are getting less and less use lately but I have no heart to throw them out either.
Totally! When I was a student in London (fresh from Hong Kong) I really picked up on the crazyness and colour of East London fashion.
I think part my the recent evolution is an increased consciousness of what it means to be a fast-fashion consumer as well. And having travelled a lot in 2013, realising that I can build a whole wardrobe just out of a few capsule pieces.
So now I tend to think of fashion in terms of longevity and classic shapes. I tend to gravitate towards white, grey, black, and navy… hopefully bought from an ethical source too.
With a move to Singapore coming up there’ll probably be some tropical print and Khaki in there too…
Oh yes, I definitely had one. Since I moved to London from Rio de Janeiro, my style changed almost completely. At first, I remember it was a little disastrous, because I wasn’t used to dressing up in winter clothes, so my combinations were terrible. But after a while, living and experiencing the city and the people, you kind of receive the information by osmose or something, and you change naturally. When going to stores, I would look at different pieces, or adventure myself in buying something I never thought I would wear, and love it. I think the biggest thing is the city itself, because you get influenced by people around you, people you never seen before, from different countries and cultures, with different personalities. In big big cities they seem more free to experience what they want to experience.
Looking back to this transition, I feel very happy to have changed. I came back to Rio with a different point of view towards fashion and my own style, and I feel more free and more comfortable in wearing what I like, and not follow what everyone is wearing.
In the past 4 years, two things have definitely influenced my style. 1. My husband and 2. Living in Japan. My husband has encouraged me so much in finding my personal style and spending money on quality pieces that will last. I love that style and fashion are so important in Japan. Men and women are so well put together and super creative with their style. I could people watch 90% of my time in Japan and be happy.
as someone whose in the creative industry (i’m a fashion and design journalist and an interior and fashion stylist) i’m completely fascinated by style evolutions and why people buy what they do to put on themselves or in their homes – i grew up surrounded by my fashion loving mum and her many sisters so even when i was a surly, tomboy teenager, i was interested in clothes
in my 20s to early 30s – i went through the following phases – preppy – sexy clubby type clothes – raver style – bohemian (my best friend still reminds me how everything i wore jingled) – and ugly betty
at some point i realised i kind of dressed for the guy i was with at that time
but as i approached my mid 30s i found myself starting to dress for myself which is quite a japanese/ french style – and a predilection for scandinavian prints and colours – it’s been an interesting journey and i’m sure it will further be refined as i grow older
Oh yes darling!! My style evolution is like the Big Bang!! In high school I was all jeans, ill fitting and ill worn jeans. Meaning they were below waist and made me look like the Michelin man in skinny jeans. Then I went to college (for fashion design) and slowly evolved into wearing womenswear. And when I say womenswear…I mean it. I was like a parrot…all these colors. I used to go up to fashion week pea cocking like no other. When I look at the pics snapped of me now, I think “what the hell?” Post college I evolved once more and am now enamored with menswear. I don’t know what incited these evolutions, but now I am most definitely in my skin, loving what I wear daily and being noticed by local people for it. It’s a great feeling to know your style, know who you are, and wear it well!
hope this made you all giggle a little
Je pense que tout le monde a un style qui évolue au fil des ans,
Moi aussi j’ai du mal quand je vois ce que je portais avant, je trouves que ça ne me correspond plus
En quatre ans (depuis que je travaille), je n’ai pas changé radicalement de style, ms je dirais que je l’ai mûri, il s’est vraiment affiné/affirmé et ma garde-robe est plus cohérente. On me dit souvent que j’ai un style français ou parfois espagnole (car j’aime les couleurs) donc je ne sais pas si la ville où j’habite (Bruxelles, ville internationale, styles très variés) m’a bcp influencé, je pense surtout que je me connais mieux, que j’ai l’oeil plus affûté, je sais quelles coupes/quelles couleurs, quelles matières, et je pense aussi que ma passion pour la mode a pas mal aidé aussi.
YES! It is really crazy :) I used to laugh at some of mom’s and sis’ pics and here I am wearing them cause they are In again… fun fun
Et oui, c’est la tendance The Simple Look !
La question : c’est ton style qui change ou ce sont les tendances qui te guident inconsciemment ? :-)
Le vêtement a des rôles différents et ce, en fonction de ce qui se passe dans notre vie.
Le style change un peu je dirais…
Alors que j’ai opéré de vrais changements dans ma vie, que j’ai pris un vrai virage, j’ai l’impression d’avoir un style beaucoup moins “recherché”, beaucoup plus “facile” et sportwear, mais qui colle à l’air du temps.
Pour autant, j’apprécie toujours le très pointu ;-)
I have gone through several style evolutions so far. I have recently moved into a new flat and had to get rid of a lot of clothes (it was time…). I was surprised how my style has changed even from a couple of years ago. I wear more colour and patterns now, my style is more eclectic, a bit edgier and less formal. I think this has to do with me exploring creativity more, allowing myself to be more of me at all times and deciding to leave my corporate job.
Style schizophrenia is more like it. I’m really laid-back boho, old hippie mama some days, and then I’ll be all button-up shirt with skinny or boyfriend jeans and vans the next. I like having choices that fit my moods. But I’ve definitely simplified over the years and as I’ve come to know my authentic self more deeply.
You should’ve seen me in my “Princess Di” phase.
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