Personal Shopper
8 years ago by

I need serious help.
Fall is here which means my wardrobe needs a bit of an update – it’s lacking a few key pieces and each year I try to get rid of the old and incorporate the new. The problem is, I don’t know how! Rather, I don’t know how to make myself want to do it. Shopping in New York City can be tough (and painfully over crowded) and recently I have felt overwhelmed by some of the major players in online options (though I am lucky that part of my job requiiiiires my eyes on our shopping carts and GD Goods hehe – thanks Brie).
But how / where / when do you shop? Online or IRL – maybe your guidance will push me in the right direction (preferably away from Soho).
Unfortunately I’m in the same place as you are right now; ). Basically I have two ways. First, I buy clothes online and if they’re what I expected it’s a success, if not I most often go and return them in person and chose something else. The second way is to do some research IRL, skip the crowds and pressure of time and then buy the well thought through items online. And that always works. But I’m also aware it may seem weird and way too complicated; )
Hi Natalie,
I’m totally with you on this new season clothing debacle. I keep putting three outfits on in the mornings before going back to the original one I thought I hated…it’s been tough. And then shopping is a nightmare, because I have ideas of what I want, but can never find it in reality- how hard is it to make a decent jumper? Seemingly very… I hope you have better luck than my recent shopping expedition! (For me always IRL by the way- can’t stand the surprise of an ill fitting or weird fabric you get with online)
Best wishes,
Hollie xoxo
Hello Natalie,
I am not a big fan of shopping in store and rather go online – but I’ll make a stop in store just to have a look at what they have and all that stuff.
I love a good newsletter. Usually it’s thanks to them I shop because you will have an offer and they will direct you to something that possibly triggers your shopping spirit (obvs not every brand does compelling newsletters but still it’s a good start). Once I’m there I go for the editorials of the shopping site because it avoids me endless scrolling. If there is no new editorial I go to the New In section and will select a category I am particularly interested in and use the filters to find what I want (again it avoids endless scrolling, and yes I hate scrolling). Homepages of shopping sites are also a good start when they direct towards new stories or an edit.
Good luck with your shopping!
You could try Keaton Row. It’s a personal shopper service for online shopping that’s free as long as you buy one item per quarter (I believe). I used it a few times, I liked it because they wade through shopbob and saks to provide a much narrower focus. The downside is they tend to favor brands they have deals with (at least that was my assumption given the amount of Claire V pouches and The Rail button downs they recommended) and you won’t get the deals you could get by hunting through sales yourself.
Omg I’ve just had this same conversation for like a week straight. I hear you – I just went to Soho and found a few things but everything is a) expensive b) bad quality c) expensive and bad quality.
I’m at a huge loss too – I often have some luck at Aritzia and Club Monaco but it’s not the greatest quality and some of it is pretty $$. Reformation I want to love but it’s so overpriced. Some friends will just shop random brands on Revolve or Asos but I’ve always been hesitant to do that?
Could also check out Cos and & Other Stories – I find them too boxy but might work. Everlane, Cuyana as well, though limited styles and also a bit boxy.. Hope this helps!
eBay, Goodwill and Barneys. They offset each other ;)
Salut Garance,
Moi en ce moment je déniche dans les fripes, j’aime trouver des pièces d’exception. Je n’ai jamais eu la chance d’aller à New-York bien que ce soit mon rêve. J’y crois très fort et je me bat pour réaliser mes rêves.
Moi je te conseille de repérer des articles sur internet, ça évite de perdre du temps en boutiques après tout puis, le shopping de son lit, le top du top! J’espère t’avoir aidé malgré mon inexpérience new yorkaise. Continue ainsi, ton blog est du tonnerre.
Je t’embrasse
I’ve made it yesterday!I am so proud of myself. I realized that a wardrobe is not a time capsule, so I decide to get rid of everything I didn’t wear during the past season and the past-past season.
Everytime I was looking at a piece that used to be very important for me, I asked myself: “do I have pictures of me wearing that?” and if the answer was yes there were no reason for keeping it, I already have memories. If the answer was no, it means that I had spent my money for something that I really didn’t want, so i get rid of it.
Now I have to go shopping, or I will wera pijamas in office.
I’ve found my favorite brand and for the last five years 90% of my wardrobe are from there :)
Some stores (Nordstrom, certainly) offer free personal stylists. You can tell them what you’re looking for and your lifestyle (what types of things you need) and they edit down, then you try on, they suggest if alterations will help a certain item, and you can buy or not.
I mainly shop online because there are the most choices, and you can know immediately if sizes and colors are available. I think you have mentioned before a desire to shop consciously, so try Nordstrom online. you can type Made In USA into the search bar and find a lot of options!
p.s. I don’t even work for them :) I have just really narrowed down my options for where i like to shop.
Faire un repérage sur les sites, puis aller essayer de çi de là (lorsque tu te rends à un rendez vous par exemple et que tu passes devant une boutique où il y a les dites choses que tu as repérées. Rien de pire que les grosses séances shopping qui te laissent harassées et dégoutées car trop c’est trop. Alors que se rendre dans UNE boutique de temps en temps, avoir le temps d’essayer (quand on est à New York c’est quand même con d’acheter en ligne – pareil ici à Paris) c’est un vrai plaisir. Et puis quelques pièces de saisons suffisent pour redonner du peps à ta garde-robe (cette année, du rouge, du velours, un soupçon de broderie, des boots de couleurs, des boucles d’oreilles et voilà :-))
Hi Natalie, I’m a personal stylist and I would say to hire me! We invest in our bodies and minds and should do the same for how we present ourselves to the world. If that’s not possible (wink), I’ll happily tell you (and your readers) about 3 of the biggest keys to successful shopping…(drum roll)… 1. Start with INSPIRATION. Find photos (online shops, blogs, magazines) of outfits or people that inspire you and use that as a ROAD MAP. Does your wardrobe match that inspiration? If not, figure out what pieces are missing and 2. Create a SHOPPING LIST. This list will help keep you on track and block out the noise of distractions, pretty merchandising techniques, sales people, and enticing online editorials. Then, 3. Buy COMPLETE OUTFITS. Always look for what the designers put together or how store stylists complete ensembles. We always believe we have something at home that will be cohesive, but that’s how we end up with a rack full of one-offs and nothing works in a comprehensive way. That’s it! It’s not rocket science but it should start to help your shopping anxiety… Let me know how it goes and best of luck. (Btw, seriously I would come help you with this process, all you have to do is ask!) XO Margaret
I almost never shop online. I want to touch and try the clothes.
I think shopping can be hard if you don’t enjoy it. And not everyone enjoys shopping!
Sometimes it’s easier to stick to a few brands you like and get all your clothes there.
magazines and internet truly are very good source of inspiration and information.
Always buy less… I have a lot of clothes but end up wearing the same simple things all the time. :)
Never care about the current key pieces unless you really want them yourself!
I like window shopping, too. ;)
I recently discovered Nordstrom personal shopping, which is a free service. I spoke to a personal shopper in advance about what I wanted to update and gave her my sizes in a few of my favorite brands. When I arrived at the store, she had a ton of clothes laid out in a dressing room so I didn’t even look at what was on the rack. She also brought in accessories and shoes (none of which I ended up purchasing). The cool part was that she pulled a few things that I would NEVER have thought to try on or thought would look good on me. I ended up purchasing some of these and I wear them all the time. My guess is that I ended up spending more than I would have if shopping on my own, but I also feel like a) I wear every piece a ton because I have a better sense of what looks good together and b) these items will last me a long time. Not sure if the Nordstrom is open in NYC yet but totally worth trying out, especially since there is no fee or obligation to buy. Changed the way I shop!
Je préfère aller en boutique, voir les vêtements de près, quand il y a le moins de monde possible! Donc soit le soir en partant tôt du travail, soit le dimanche (une boutique que j’affectionne ouvre le dimanche après-midi). Si je travaillais Au centre ville, j’irai pendant la pause dej de temps en temps. Le samedi c’est l’horreur, à moins de faire du repérage sur internet avant.
Hi there – I can help :) My company is small and we offer a very personalized shopping and wardrobe update services to our clients. We are based in LA and hold FaceTime and/or Skype meetings with our clients from other states to get a sense of their personalities, learn more about their needs and more importantly the state of your closet. From here, we curate a box with 3 items that we ship to our clients every month. It is like a little gift box with closet updates to incorporate to your current closet. Once your update is done and you feel like you want to pause the box service, you can ask us to stop sending you boxes until the next season :) check out the service portion of our website: