From The Beauty Closet

Palette Love

8 years ago by

Palette Love

Generally, eyeshadow palettes don’t tempt me. There are too many colors that don’t make sense, that I don’t foresee myself ever using. It feels like a waste. So I have about a dozen little tubs of single eyeshadows and paints that float around my bathroom, half forgotten and almost never used.

But then I saw this palette and it feels like it might just be perfect.

Let’s break it down. You’ve got the standard skin shades that are a great base, along with some softer tones that are even appropriate for daytime wear, and then dark hues for an evening smoky eye… And the only real color is navy which, if you have brown eyes like me, is the best to truly bring out the eye. Just saying.

It might be true palette love…

Eyeshadow Palette, NARS.

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  • Jennifer February, 4 2016, 5:54 / Reply

    This looks amazing I adore Nars!
    Which palette is this?

  • I just saw this yesterday at the SF Nars boutique and thought the same thing. I even said to the sales associate — I hate pallets. I usually use up one or two of the colors and the others just stare back at me. This combo looks like the possibilities are limitless and flattering for everyone.

  • Try putting all of your single eyeshadows in a Z Palette, unless you hate the whole de-potting thing which I would totally understand.

  • That palette is GORGEOUS. I love the shades! So perfect for everyday.

  • Love this palette! I want to buy it but the link does not work as it shows a different palette! Could you help me Neada? :-) Thank you!

  • I feel like they should have swapped out one of the champagne shades for green. The light shades look too similar.

  • I love palettes in a purely unpractical way. It makes me happy just to look at the beautiful colours. And usually in a beautiful package. What’s not to like? :)

  • Charikleia February, 5 2016, 3:38 / Reply

    I always buy eyeshadows in palettes, and let me tell you they do work and make up for their cost:

    – Colour combos are very well thought through (saves me the trouble of being creative when in a hurry),
    – Texture is even and colour blending is easy and smooth,
    – You got 5 and more colours in your fist and do not search frsntically for that “one super basic beige” you had somewhere in…

    My favourites are from Lancome, but Chanel and Dior also have beautifully assorted ones.

  • Eh bien je crois que nous sommes 2 à avoir trouvé le graal de la palette ! Sur la photo, elle a l’air parfaire !

  • Wow, this palette is a beauty!


  • C’est drôle je me suis fait exactement la même réflexion quand j’ai vu cette palette !
    Je n’ai jamais acheté de palette parce que je déteste ce qui n’est pas optimisé (ne pas utiliser toutes les couleurs) mais celle-ci me tente bien. Ayant les yeux verts, un prune foncé aurait parfaitement remplacé le bleu marine !

  • Eyeshadow palettes don’t tempt me either. Partly because heavy eye makeup makes me uncomfortable and partly because….like wth do I need all those shades for? If I have a palette, it’s gonna be a nude-ish palette.

  • Colours are fun. One of the best ways to fritter away time on a weekend afternoon is to browse paint chips in a really good paint shop. I get a real kick out of the names that some of them have — naming colours must be an interesting job.

  • Une palette qui recoupe exactement les mêmes couleurs c’est la palette l’oreal “ombrée” à 15€ (enfin achetée en Allemagne, je crois qu’elle est 10€ plus chère en France…)

  • The navy amidst all the other colors really pops and makes me want that palette.

  • Beautiful, but all the shimmers aren’t great for us ‘hooded’, aka droopy, eyelid girls. My new fav is Stila’s Mind palette. Close to this colour range (eggplant is the colourful colour rather than navy– I prefer yours), but all mattes all the time!

  • Bonjour Garance,
    La palette de votre photo est magnifique mais lorsque je clique sur le lien, les couleur diffèrent…
    Pouvez-vous me donner les références exactes ?
    Merci !

  • This palette is stunning!


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