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9 years ago by


I got a new bag!!!

It’s so beautiful, I’ve worn it every day since it arrived. So far, it’s been a brief but very intense affair (like the start of all great love stories).

But, I’ve noticed something: all of a sudden I’m carrying more stuff.* I usually have a tiny bag or just use pockets, so I was on a smooth road to minimalism… now my beautiful, medium-sized bag is overflowing!!

Do you find that the more space you have, the more you fill it? I just moved apartments, and it’s kind of crazy how much you collect over time…

*Current contents of my bag: wallet, phone, makeup case, hair brush, two pairs of socks, book, WWD, keys, notebook, phone charger, headphones, bandana… no kidding!!


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  • Ah bah ça me paraît logique! Plus le sac est grand, plus faut remplir le vide. Ca marche aussi pour la maison, l’assiette, l’emploi du temps, la vie… La question est de savoir ne supporte t-on pas le vide??? hinhin.

  • This istotally me…the bigger, the fuller…
    XOX, Gap.

  • Love the bag – and so agree, I used to be minimal but as my bags have gotten bigger so has the load

  • The more space you have, the more things you put in it. I always wanted a walk in closet, something very rare in Europe. Well, now that I have one (it’s more a small room) I hate it. I have more and more things and they are all on display, it’s super hard to keep things tidy… Argh!

  • Très beau le sac! Tant pis, tu mettras moins de bazar quand tu retourneras à un sac plus petit!

  • Love the bucket bag!! Great color! Xo

  • Debbie Dixson April, 6 2015, 2:33 / Reply

    I must admit I am a bit green-eyed over your MG bag and the close proximity to their showroom I have tried o order twice, but while I try to decide on a color combo, the bag sells out. So hurray for you

  • Très joli sac! J’adore! Oui pareil, si j’ai un grand sac, je trimbale tellement de trucs! Au final je préfère les mini-sacs, bien plus pratiques! <3



  • Ca suffit Garance de nous faire râler, nous les françaises restées au pays, avec ton Mansur Gavriel!
    Des années (bon ok des mois…) qu’on essaye d’en shopper un sur le net! Et quand on arrive à en mettre un dans le panier on prend d’un coup 100 $ de frais de port en plus du sac! Donc comme on n’est pas milliardaire on le repose et on pleure!
    Les ragots disent même que vous travaillez dans le même immeuble à NYC…

  • aaaaaaah!! Super nice bag haha.

    xx, http://girlswearblack.blogspot.com.es

  • I want that bag so badly


  • This is so funny!! Why all the socks? Love the bag though, so pretty!

    Warm Regards,

  • Eh non bizarrement je ne suis pas une adepte du remplissage de sac ! J’ai deux grands sacs tote, mais que très peu de choses dedans, l’essentiel quoi.


  • Cinzia April, 6 2015, 4:11 / Reply

    2pairs of socks ???

  • Such a beautiful photo! I love its simplicity and clean tones.

    I have an opposite problem: I am trying to downsize the amount of stuff I carry with me all the time. May be switch to a big envelope clutch instead of a giant suitcase thing I carry around (at least for a week, for the sake of an experement).

  • Such a beautiful photo! I love its simplicity and clean tones.

    I have an opposite problem: I am trying to downsize the amount of stuff I carry with me all the time. May be switch to a big envelope clutch instead of a giant suitcase thing I carry around (at least for a week, for the sake of an experiment).


  • There is never too much stuff with you when out and about. Love this bag x

  • Despite good intentions and a good Tintamar bag organizer, the bigger the bag, the more stuff…but he good news is that I’m almost prepared for anything! Enjoy the MG!

  • Lauren at adorn la femme April, 6 2015, 6:33 / Reply

    I love my bucket bag, too! But the one thing I needed to do right away is to find a huge fury key chain to find my car keys now that they always are at the deep down bottom and hard to find!

    adorn la femme

  • YES! Somehow, I can manage to spend a full day out with my mini bags, but as soon as I have a large tote it weighs about 20 lbs. Going to switch to a backpack, at least it will be a better option for my spine. :/

  • Oh yes, definitely. I have a habit of taking over everything if I have too much space. I need a smaller room.

  • Love that bucket bag! The colour is amazing!

  • This makes me laugh because I truly can relate. I will find a way to overstuff my bag no matter how minimal I try to be! When I’m excited about a new one, it gets especially stuffed!!!

  • MarieG April, 7 2015, 7:58 / Reply

    en général, je trouve les grands sacs plus beaux que les petits. Je suis devenue toutefois très attentive, et assez impitoyable, quant à leur contenu: chaque soir, je passe quelques minutes à préparer ma journée du lendemain et mon sac avec – comme les enfants qui vont à l’école. J’emporte avec moi ce dont j’ai besoin, pas plus. J’inspecte régulièrement le contenu de mon portefeuille, de mon Tintamarre, bref j’optimise. Quelques minutes le soir me permettent de partir bien organisée le matin et de ne pas me surcharger inutilement.
    Bon, j’ai aussi un ou deux petits sacs pour le week-end ou les sorties.
    Belle journée

  • Ce sac, j’en rêve !!! C’est dingue comme c’est Garance qui a lancé la marque, et désormais, tout le monde le recherche activement ! En tout cas, très belle photo, et enjoy ce sac de rêve !


  • Jennifer April, 7 2015, 5:05 / Reply

    Im getting better with the bag – wallet, make up case, phone, keys, agenda notebook, sunglasses case, pen. It’s just my closet and house I need to pair down!

  • Saw this type of bags in H&M, still hesitating about the open top…


  • That bag. I wanted it so bad for a few days. And as i resist things, i seem to get over them. A month or two, i am over most of the things in my wish lists. So its been great.

    I never liked bucket bags. owned one 5 years ago. Every thing was rolling around and i couldnt find anything. And vowed never to buy another till i saw this one. But once i slept on it, i got over it. And remembered all the reasons why i didnt like the last one.

    I am into square bags now.

    And true that. The smaller bag you own, the less you lug around. Easiest way to impose minimalism. Same goes to houses. The bigger they are, the more pressure to furnish and decorate them .

  • C’est vrai que plus ton sac est grand plus on prend des choses inutile … :)
    Mais c’est le cas pour tous le monde je pense ;)

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