From the Beauty Closet

On My Nails

11 years ago by

Voila! My nail polish color of the week…

RGB Monarch, a creamy, brilliant orange. Orange can be a tricky color, the key is to go with a bright shade that doesn’t feel too Halloween looking unless it’s actually Halloween and you’re into matching your nails to the holiday…

Note: I did make the mistake of testing a blue and white glitter polish on one of my nails yesterday during my weekly Sephora pilgrimage, which took the look from spring nails to Knicks nails in about two seconds. I’d recommend avoiding that combo if you can…but um, Go Knicks?

What’s on your nails?


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  • Alex! My nails are orange, too. But not in the same way yours are. They have remnants of henna on them from hand tattoos I had done while in Morocco a few weeks ago. (My son is there with the Peace Corps.) Anyway, I wasn’t crazy about the orange spots on my fingernails but didn’t want to be a threat to good relations so didn’t say anything. And, besides, the tattoos on my hands were quite beautiful.

    I tried camouflaging the orange nails with a shade I’ll call dirty beige. It looked okay, but the manicure got dinged before I’d barely left the salon. So maybe I should try again. Would love to see a photo of your hands wearing the RGB Monarch.

  • i don’t think i have ever tried orange on my hands. i use the crazier hues on my feet :)

  • ^ 5 for Orange Alex! I have on Essie’s “Meet Me at Sunset” and I LOVE it!

  • I’m wearing Essie’s Meet Me At Sunset too!!! It’s on my toes with an overlay of champagne shimmer

  • J’adore ! Mais cette année j’aime à la fois les vernis bien flashy mais aussi ceux qui sont un peu dans les tons pastels. Actuellement je porte le “Bleu Model” de Bourgeois, très difficile à associer avec mes tenues mais j’aime tellement cette couleur que bon.. Je fais une exception ! :P Voili voilou ;-)

  • On a eu la meme envie, je porte cette couleur depuis lundi! ;-)

  • Je ne peux pas ne pas te répondre ! J’ai trouvé chez Kure Bazaar Paris la teinte “Essenziale”, un rose nude, magnifique !
    Donc voilà : Kure Bazaar ‘Essenziale’

  • I’ve just painted my nails with Chanel Malice, I’m in love with that colour! It’s the most beautiful deep rich red I’ve ever seen. But I would loooooove to try the new Chanel turquoise for summer, I can’t wait to get my hands on that one/get that one on my hands…

  • Je viens de m’acheter le Sand Tropez de chez Essie, et il est top pour moi qui aime les nude!
    Le orange je trouve ça magnifique, mais je préfère le porté quand je suis bronzée, je trouve ça encore plus lumineux!


  • Pour les mains : In a flash de Sally Hansen.
    Pour les pieds : Steel-ling the scene de Essie.

  • Aurélie April, 26 2013, 1:10 / Reply

    Cette semaine, je porte un vernis vert d’eau (“jade green”) que j’ai acheté samedi dernier chez Kiko, j’aime beaucoup ! Assez facile à assortir, il va bien pour le printemps et est féminin sans faire trop flashy, pour une discrète comme moi c’est parfait :)

  • J’ai mis du orange aussi, mais c’est un opi!

  • Distraction by Chanel, so springy!

  • I am loving bright Taxi-Cab YELLOW on my nails this Spring. It’s the perfect “nude” alternative to light pink or taupe for people with fair skin (like me). Check out my recent blog post to see my bright yellow nails :)


  • c’est très bien qu’on puisse voir que c’est écrit par Alex sur la “page de garde”, avec une petite écriture aussi.

  • I’ve been spotting white all week, and I love it so much I might keep it for next week.


  • Chanel Fracas!
    I’ve put it full color this morning.
    Yesterday I had only the french with it (tha base was nude).
    Great color. Vitaminic and full of energy and so female.

  • That color is perfect but I didnt know that brand. Looks good.

  • This morning, I got off my white from Essie.

    I gave my nails a brake. Sometimes it’s good to do that, right?
    I am not shure which will be the next color, maybe orange?

    Kisses from Santa Cruz in Bolivia

  • Rien de très originale cette semaine…. :/
    Chanel no 507 Tendresse sur l’ongle entier
    YSL no 23 Gris déco sur mes pointes griffus

    En fait, cette semaine je cherchais le vernis blanc de Chanel, chose rare chez Holt il faut croire , il y a en pas!!

    Je me suis rabattu sur la nouvelle collection (encore caché derrière le comptoir) et acheté le no 657 qui est un turquoise aux reflets métallique.

  • Elle est superbe cette couleur !


  • Nothing is on them right now. I haven’t had the time this week to do them…maybe tonight, though, while my husband is eyeballs deep in NFL draft-land. :-)

  • Hello Alex, as-tu vu le ELLE français de la semaine dernière?
    On n’y visite la salle de bain d’Alexandra Golavanooff, avec son incroyable collection de vernis!!!!

  • Absolutely orange!

  • Opi Suzi Says Feng Shui (not too dark blue). It’s a good color for the never changing warm weather of Singapore as it is fresh but it doesn’t scream summer.

  • Du vert amande “office” American Apparel sur les mains, du bleu ciel “where’s my chauffeur ?” d’Essie sur les pieds, histoire de faire un peu champêtre !

    Mais Alex à propos des vernis à paillettes, COMMENT CA S’ENLEVE ??
    Je ne sais pas pour celles qui les ont essayé mais moi pour le retirer le dissolvant est inutile et je dois gratter jusqu’à m’arracher l’ongle !
    Il doit y avoir une technique mieux non ? :)

  • Alexienne April, 30 2013, 4:15

    En voilà une qui marche (mais qui abîme les ongles à cause du dissolvant, donc faire des soins après !)

  • genevieve durand April, 27 2013, 4:16 / Reply

    ça fait une semaine que je fantasmais sur le nouveau DIABLOTINE 643 de DIOR, . Il est excessivement beau, mais il fait encore trop mauvais pour le mettre vu qu’il pleut à torrents dans le midi…

  • J’adore le orange mais plus pour les pieds et quand je suis un minimum bronzée. Là je m’apprête à mettre sur mes pieds un vernis Dior marron (untamed brown)! ;)

  • Scallywag, Butter London. Amazing!

  • Le Neon Coral d’AmApp! Un orange fluo parfait pour fêter “Koninginnesdag” dans quelques jours

  • Mireille April, 27 2013, 6:10 / Reply

    Alex, you have totally convinced me with white in your previous post , so this week I wear OPI Alpine snow.
    I am going to have a tea with a friend so I will switch to an Essie bright red “thigh high”!!
    I love coral and recently bought one from By Terry!

  • Right now it is Electric Pink by Revlon and I’m liking it!!

  • Orange is so fun, love it! My nails are buffed this week but I had an accent nail painted on each ring finger with an OPI polish that has giangantic silver, turquoise and copper glitter pieces. It looks like confetti for a kid’s birthday party. Have a great weekend, Alex! and yes, GO KNICKS!!

  • Orly nail primer, Nars jungle red nail polish and JinSoon top coat. Classic and seems to be winning combination when it comes to staying on. JinSoon top coat was my treat from Sephora last week, it is awesome:). And nail primer is a great addition to my primers addiction….would have never guessed how much i like it.

  • A crewed interest, d’Essie. Joli. Ni nude, ni trop voyant. Il va disparaître entre ce soir et demain pour une autre couleur, pas encore définie.
    Belle journée

  • Pour l’instant c’est un vernis très simple qui passe partout ; une beige skin de chez beauty success mais celui que je porte le plus fréquement est un rouge altesse de chez Dior ,mon chouchou du moment !

  • OPI – Orange on my toes! Grey on my finger nails. My feet are ready for summer, but it was too cold this week to make a commitment to summer on my fingers. Will change it up this weekend, I think I see the sun :D

  • Isabelle April, 27 2013, 4:34 / Reply

    “Big apple red” de OPI … Un magnifique rouge très lumineux !

  • ysl rose romantique, so fresh and perfect for spring!

  • I love the Butter London range. Blagger blue is my favourite colour

  • Nothing on my nails, they’re too short to look good with any colour right now. Your colour is great for Queens Day, which we are celebrating this Tuesday for the very last time!

  • Love it! Bit obsessed with orange nail polish, must have about ten different shades!

    Currently deciding what colour to paint mine – think it might have to be orange now.

    H & E x

  • Toes: navy blue with a tiny bit of shimmer. Fingers: sheer pink.

  • Nailmatic’s Pipa !

  • A beautiful red – Essie “too too hot” :)

  • Marianne April, 29 2013, 7:13 / Reply

    Chanel Coromandel

  • iriis bt April, 29 2013, 4:16 / Reply

    i had tried every color possible lately and mostly the last year. I decided to control myself a little and im settle with red. Kind of cherry tone. I´m loving it.

  • I love orange for spring, currently sporting Chanel Distraction. I love the vibrancy and friendliness of a rouge-y orange, such a happy colour!

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