On Celebrity
8 years ago by

You can’t escape them.
Taking precedence over most news stories, you would be hard pressed to walk by a newsstand today and not be assaulted with numerous covers of the Kardashian’s and every other major film star today.
But the other night I went to a fashion dinner (this new knits brand Hesperios, very cool, you should check it out!) and somehow, by a mixup I’m sure, ended up seated next to THE Lauren Hutton. Not just a celebrity, but one I actually admire. A woman whose bucket hat style is imitated and referenced A LOT. And I thought to myself, when faced with someone like Lauren (we’re on a first name basis now), someone famous, do you have any other choice but to treat them like a normal person?
And so I did, we greeted each other, she told me she knew the chef Chris, and how he had a beautiful farm where all the food was from. She told me about the little dried flower, Queen’s Anne Lace, in the arrangement on our table & how back in the 60s it was used as a hallucinogen!! But mostly, it was casual conversation – and that’s when I realized, while I may not have thought I had so much in common with someone who has been on the cover of Vogue, they like eating ice cream just as much I do.
We’ve come to revere celebrities to a point that you forget, in reality, they’re just people too.
I think the problem comes in when the more recent celebrities themselves forget that they are just people!
Of course ! And it’s what i call : bei g part of humanity !
Thank you for this kind of article.
Lovely post you have shared here with us, look great.
Nice photo but how about a more recent one? She has been in the forefront of women who acknowledge their age. She is still lovely.
Here here… My thoughts exactly. A lost opportunity for some diversity.
So funny, Katharine. I thought the exact same thing. Maybe it is because I was born in 1990 but when I think of Lauren Hutton, I don’t think of the photo above. I think of her wrinkles, her gap, her freakin’ ageless beauty. I think I find her more attractive now than when she was younger.
She’s the loveliest! She lives in my neighborhood and is so normal and cool it makes her all the more special… I remember the first time I noticed her, at a cafe, and she was as chic as ever– wearing all mens wear and so relaxed. True style and grace… Please do a story on her.
We forget because of the abundance of pictures airbrushed to unreal perfection like the one from this post.