6 years ago by

You know those Instagram meme accounts where every time you see a new post you say to yourself, “THAT IS SO TRUE!” or “I identify with that.” Behold: the classier, older sister to every one of those accounts. Just like my very own older sister, @nouvellevaguefr is beautiful, inspiring, challenges one to think, and is somehow still relatable. Who knew that 40’s French films could explain 2018 relationships in such simple words? Just last week I was debating about the eternal question, “is this a crush or just what friendship with males feels like” when Nouvelle Vague posted a frame from the 1970 film, Le Genou de Claire. The dialogue was, “When I’m bored, I think I’m in love with whoever I’m with.” Go follow so that you, too, can be consoled by the fact that your romantic conundrums have lasted for decades. Plus, who doesn’t want 70’s style inspo and a nostalgic film recommendation sprinkled into their Thursday?
Hello! I run the NouvelleVagueFR IG account and just wanted to say thank you for the kind words! :)