My First Apartamento
9 years ago by

Remember Ramdane and Victoire’s apartment in Paris? It’s so unique and beautiful – we loved visiting.
Recently, this video was made of Ramdane giving a personal tour of his home for the series My First Apartamento. In it, he walks you through the space and talks about some of the personal items and artworks. It gives you a little sense of how you move through the space and feels so intimate.
We can’t wait to visit Ramdane, his family, and his amazing apartment again soon!
That is a cool video ! I like his apartment
I love the bookshelf. Or is it a book wall? Either way…I love a good bookshelfwall.
:] // ? ?
So sweet! This inspires me to keep decorating and not feel like everything has to be perfect. That Moroccan wall is beauuutiful.
Awesome apartment and video!
Garenne, you should publish on great furniture design! :)
I adored their appartment when you first posted it, but this was an awesome living tour!! I love this guy and I want to be friends with his family!!! I love the way they just artlessly fill their house with their lives; it gives it a soul that no professionally decorated space can ever acquire. That staircase is awesome. But so are all the spaces!
More Ramdane and Victoire please!!
Great video – you should check out (=friends of friends in German, but the website’s in English)!
Love the posters – and the Moroccan wall, too!
Wouahou! L’appartement de rêve ! Et à Paris!
I’m about to move across the pond and this video made me feel invigorated to move all my artwork and furniture I can’t replace. I have a very colorful home in NY and I love layering ones history of life in their home. Bravo to Ramdane for everything having a true story.
Interesting people create interesting spaces. Love this!
Trop mignonne cette vidéo ! J’adore leur déco, ultra vivante !
C’est un peu le monde idéal cet appart…
j’adore la conclusion: “We are gypsies”..;
cool apartment !
Great, I love it! Check this out :) I love your style!
Had to stop listening to him, could barely hear what he was saying because the music was too loud.