More Meaning
7 years ago by

The shopping season has me wondering… As we buy more and more, do we really value the things we have?
To be honest, I only have a couple of things I really hold dear. One of which is a vintage topaz art deco ring that my grandmother passed on to me a few years ago. It was originally given to her on her 16th birthday from her Italian immigrant parents (she was 1 of 5 siblings, and at a time when there wasn’t much money to go around so, as you can imagine, this was a big deal!). How incredible that she held onto it and maintained it for all these years. I can’t think of anything I’ve purchased before that means that much to me.
The value she instilled in the ring had me thinking about my own shopping habits, and how I’ve likely fallen victim to the habit of always searching for the next big thing, totally losing sight of what it means to buy pieces of genuine value. With all the talk about sustainability around the studio, and with my grandmother’s ring on my finger serving as a reminder, I’m on the hunt for meaningful pieces that I can treat with care and maybe eventually pass on to someone else down the line.
Great statements. My friends and others I have spoken with this season agree. No more buying junk for people. We’ll meet up and laugh. I’m giving wine, books and smudge sticks for positive vibes to spread. Kids in college will get some money because they truly need it.
J’ai été cambriolée il y a quelques années. De fond en comble. Je n’avais pas beaucoup de bijoux – je n’aime pas trop ça, mais ceux que j’avais étaient tous liés à un souvenir particulier. D’autres choses ont disparu: ordinateur, sac à main, téléphone, etc, sans compter le désordre dans lequel j’ai trouvé la maison.
Ma toute première inquiétude a été pour les chats: je craignais que les cambrioleurs ne leur aient fait du mal. Les chats étaient sains et saufs.
Ce micro-événement m’a donné l’occasion de réfléchir à la place que les objets prenaient dans ma vie et à ce qui comptait réellement. Sans surprise, je n’ai pas remplacé les bijoux et je vis très bien sans.
totally agree… have only a few of things you hold dear. Only the industry is the winner if you don’t recognize that.
Real fashion is timeless, a precious jewel never loose personal value. We do not need much to be happy, chic and…..
It makes me sad how many useless gifts are given at Christmas. And it mainly happens because there’s the obligation to make gifts.
I wish we could find a way to be more reasonable about this.
Btw, people say that socks and candles are bad presents but I don’t agree! Quality socks you can at least always use! As well as candles. That’s why I always have them on my wish list. :)
Especially if they are Smartwool socks, my favourite.
J’avais justement une discussion sur la transmission avec une amie aujourd’hui.elle pretendait vouloir se debarasser de deux sacs de createur alors que je lui disais de les garder pour ses reponse : “Et quoi,parce que c’est sigle ca aura plus de valeur sentimentale”?
Je dois dire que depuis mon retour a la maison,je ne cesse d’y penser et suis persuadee que son discours est le voila que je tombe sur votre article!la boucle est bouclee,merci.bonne nuit.
I just took a gold necklace from my mom that was mine when I was a little girl and never saw since, it really touched me in another sentimental level, although, I think every investment I make/will make with a money (that’s hard to get) to buy something I really want, how I’ll feel when I buy it, wear it, the story behind all of this, is what I’ll pass to my children, hopefully.
For that, I did let my imagination run wild on this post for the things I want this holiday season and can’t get it just pass by
Hi, this morning I needed to read this. Thank you for saying so, Gorance. I feel so empty with all the stuff for sale in the stores as if that’s all we should be doing as a nation. Zombie-like people are walking around in search for the next bargain, only to make the stores money while making us deeper in debt