Love Letter America
7 years ago by

Even if we’re not directly or occupationally involved in politics, it’s always important (especially during trying times) to try and find ways to get more involved – whether it’s protesting social issues or volunteering at a non-profit. But hey, we’re all busy and sometimes it’s hard to balance activism on top of the day to day demands of life.
Which is why Love Letter America is pretty amazing and seriously inspiring. Erin Allweiss, who was one of our panelists on our Women’s March podcast, has enlisted artists from all over the country and beyond to design postcards that local residents can print out, write on, and send directly to their representatives. Each postcard is designed with a different message, including climate change, human rights, and healthcare.
The goal of the project is to “flood member mailboxes” – as well as to get involved on social with their hashtag #LoveLetterAmerica. It’s an easy, effective, and most importantly, a positive way to take action and show our government what we stand up for, and what we love about America.
Thank you for this.
Folks –
I know your intentions are good, but according to staffers, “flooding” your representatives’ mailboxes with postcards doesn’t do anything except waste paper. A weekly/daily/whatever-you-can-manage phone call to your congressperson/senator does. There’s an easy app – Contact Congress – that will find your reps for you.
Or you can go here:
Phone calls take about five minutes, & are the most effective way to communicate your opinions on the issues (aside from showing up in person for a march, or a Town Hall meeting, an event, etc.).
Post intéressant mais…traduction française qui laisse à désirer.