Life Lessons from Georgia O’Keeffe
9 years ago by

Over the holidays, I traveled to Santa Fe in New Mexico and did what every tourist does: visit the Georgia O’Keeffe Museum.
I have great respect for her as an artist, but I’m most fascinated with O’Keeffe the woman. I spent my time looking at photographs of her, not her art. My favorite was, “Georgia O’Keeffe With Cheese,” where she holds a piece of Swiss up to her eye like a camera lens. She exudes a sense of assuredness that I find so alluring. You can tell from her face that she’s really lived. Here are a few things I took away from her story:
1. Don’t be afraid to pack-up and move somewhere different
“Where I was born and where and how I have lived is unimportant. It is what I have done with where I have been that should be of interest.”
After living in New York City for 30 years, O’Keeffe finally had enough with the stifling art scene, not to mention the stifling living quarters and personal interactions. So she moved to New Mexico, where the sky and her personal creativity were boundless.
2. Forget what you learned in school
“I decided to start anew, to strip away what I had been taught.”
It wasn’t just the art scene in New York holding her back, but also the restraints of a traditional art education.
3. Don’t let anyone tell you “No”
“I have already settled it for myself so flattery and criticism go down the same drain and I am quite free.”
Especially men! ;)
4. Being alone is awesome
“I wish people were all trees and I think I could enjoy them then.”
The first time O’Keeffe lived alone also marked the beginning of an entirely new style of artistic expression for her. Not a coincidence!
5. Invest in a black bolero hat
I mean, she just looks so badass…

Next time try to make it up to her house at Ghost Ranch, north of Santa Fe – it’s totally worth the drive to see her landscapes in the flesh, and the house that inspired her. It’s phenomenal! (plus you can visit Taos after)
Ghost Ranch and Taos are amaaaazing! This part of the country is a must-see!
Tellement belle et vraie!
all so true
international giveaway on my blog!
Love love Santa Fe try to go back on christmas it’s amazing!!!
Yael Guetta
You all at Garance Dore are just nailing it this week. Always great, but especially enjoying this week.
O’Keeffe was definitely badass!
She was an amazing creature. totally authentic and so elegant.
She’s my hero!
Joli article! Merci!
I was obsessed with her for the longest time. The first art print I ever bought was from her and I got it at a vintage shop. It made me so happy.
J’adore le portrait. Les teintes sont superbes !
there are other artist’s work I’m closer to but her personality is exceptional. I admire her dedication to art and autonomous life a lot.
Je suis allée voir récemment la maison de Balzac et j’en ai tiré aussi qqqs leçons perso… c’est marrant: il n’y a pas si lgtps je ne comprenais pas l’intérêt de ce type de musée et maintenant ça m’inspire. C’est un peu un complément du coaching, ça aide à vivre!
Merci de nous avoir parlé d’elle….je l’avais oubliée !
Glad you were here! I’m a lifelong New Mexican (how many years ago I was born here I won’t tell, lol!). As an artist and photographer I find inspiration daily in New Mexico’s landscapes, people, history and, of course, the amazing light!
I only wish I could have met her. Going on a pilgrimage to Abiqu (sp?) NM this spring. It will be a reawakening. Very cool to see her paid tribute to here on this blog.