Lemonade Out of Lemons
8 years ago by

Just when you thought she couldn’t get any better…
This weekend Beyoncé dropped Lemonade, a visual album where her songs are weaved together through poetry and shifting emotions.
Despite the visual masterpiece that is the film (the celebrities! the gowns! the hair!), the emotional depth of Lemonade is unlike her last couple albums. Beyoncé takes you through her marital anguish, each song representing a different stage of her dealing with her husband’s infidelity: from rage to anguish to redemption. It feels so intimate that you feel like you are walking through a years worth of her own journal entries and the lyrics she’s been holding onto.
Throw in a couple strong political statements about race and gender and Queen B might have created the album of the year!
Have you had a chance to watch Lemonade? What did you think about Beyoncé’s latest feat?
– By Nicole, Intern at the Studio
I have to watch it now! It’s the second place today where I read about it (the other source also said that it is awesome).
I loved Lemonade! It was visually stunning. Each segment resonances with me. Infidelity, black women being misunderstood and unappreciated. This album shows that there’s no limit to Beyoncé’s talent. I’m officially a fan forever.
J’ai téléchargé Tidal afin de pouvoir découvrir son album …
J’ai adoré…
Sorry…. 6 inch…
La musicalité , les paroles. Tout.
Une gifle car la sexy B n’y est pas très représenté.
Il s’agit plus d’un album-journal intime que commercial.
I loved it! I have not yet seen all of it, I try to take one song at a time and think through it. I have not been a huge fan before (but still marveled over her abilities, ofc) but this time she got me – it’s a work of art!
I just saw it today too. It inspired me to be more real to myself..
All the images, her words..it was all very emotional and very very real! Loved it
Ive heard a lot about it but haven’t listened yet! Now I have to!
Paula- http://www.livingpaula.com
It completely blew my mind. I’ve watched it many many times since Saturday. It wasn’t until after “Pray You Catch Me” and before “Hold Up” that my mouth sort of dropped open and I realized that this was something different.
I actually had a dream Sat night after watching it. I was in a trailer with Jay Z, Beyonce and my friend Amanda. Jay Z was in the background and Beyonce was closer to me but behind a sort of curtain so that i could barely see her. I turned to my friend and I said ” I want to ask Beyonce how she did that. I want to find out how you unearth all of that and turn it into something so sublime.” My friend Amanda replied firmly “DO NOT ask someone to explain their art!” Dream over. :)
Nice post :)
J’ai adoré aussi ! Mais c’est dommage de ne pas même mentionner dans votre post que c’est une oeuvre de black empowerment, et que l’album est plus à propos de ce que c’est d’être une femme noire aux US que de sa vie de femme mariée…
If all of the wives of all of the worlds had only one flag to wave in the air, one avenue to communicate the ebb of flow of true, unrelenting love, but only ONE album could be chosen as the beacon, undoubtedly, LEMONADE is it!