
Le Corbusier Love

9 years ago by

Le Corbusier Love

Le Corbusier was a true innovator within the architecture world, and has become known as one of the pioneers of modern design. The more I explore his work and research his ideas, the more I love and respect all that he has done.

He was pivotal in the creation of the “open floor plan” (which is kind of crazy to think didn’t exist as an idea even a century ago!), but what is perhaps most endearing was his dedication to urban planning – he was so progressive for his time that he was enthralled with looking at ways to sufficiently and beautifully home people as life moved away from the country and to urban centers. But Le Corbusier didn’t just create pocket-sized apartments, he was thoughtful about space and his works are all pretty astounding and often visually striking. And he was thinking about this before many others, carving out the ideals of modern architecture before it existed!

Ok, so I could go on and on about him, but I should probably let you discover more about his work on your own! Or maybe you’re already a fan, too, and we can crush on his designs together?

le corbusier architecture interiors garance dore

p.s. In many of his works you see La Main Ouverte(or The Open Hand), a sculpture he often included to signify peace and reconciliation. A beautiful little motif, no?


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  • Oh my dears!, if you love Corbu’s works and thoughts, i’m sure you’ll love Oscar Niemeyer, that man was really passionate about design, architecture and urbanism He was an architect with his own personality. In his works, he was inspired by nature, by the beauty of women and by people. He did huge efforts to give society a better way of living -he also worked with Le Corbusier- and i think they’ve learned from each other. Niemeyer died at 104 years old, loved life and worked until his last days. A hero. @xiknows

  • Thank you XI for reminding Niemeyer, he was a genius indeed (but a devoted communist:(…)
    Almost every day I am passing by Cabanon de Le Corbusier in Roquebrune, I have to finally visit. Love his work and a Villa Savoye is a masterpiece!

  • I am in love with his works!! So elegant and simple!! Thank you so much for sharing!!

  • Neada, if you like Le Corbusier you should look up Eileen Gray. He was obsessed with this female architect who received little recognition during her lifetime but is the source of all of his inspiration

  • J’adore le travail de le Corbusier et j’ai eu l’occasion à plusieurs reprises d’aller voir son travail de plus près notamment à la Cité Frugès à pessac. J’ai voulu mélanger la mode et l’architecture de Le Corbusier http://monomaliste.com/jupesdautomne
    Belle journée

  • I really like his work too, the first picture is amazing !

  • his work is magnificent but few people are aware of his fascist and antisemit tendancies. sorry to remind this but the comparison of his thoughts to Niemeyers hurt me.

  • je découvre toujours quelque chose de nouveau sur ce blog, j’adore…. tellement un plaisir de lire :)
    xo xo from Paris

  • Laurence D November, 19 2015, 9:25 / Reply

    J’adore Le Corbusier comme architecte, dessinateur ou créateur de meubles. Mais ne pas dire qu’il est un grand urbaniste! Ses conceptions ont fait la preuve maintenant de leur nocivité et nous avons échappé au pire à Paris où il n’a pas pu réaliser ce qu’il envisageait: raser le Marais pour moderniser la ville, construire des grands ensembles, des rues rectilignes avec un grand quadrillage par fonction!

  • Turner Prize Winner 2015 just announced – artist collective Assemble. http://www.tate.org.uk/whats-on/tramway/exhibition/turner-prize-2015/turner-prize-2015-artists-assemble

    Sure you are aware, but seems to really fit with and reinforce the GD philosophy don’t you think…

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