Kissing Strangers
10 years ago by

We interrupt your regularly scheduled program…
To bring you this sweet, funny and kinda sexy video of 20 strangers sharing a first kiss. It was made as part of L.A. label Wren’s fall ad campaign. Enjoy!
10 years ago by
We interrupt your regularly scheduled program…
To bring you this sweet, funny and kinda sexy video of 20 strangers sharing a first kiss. It was made as part of L.A. label Wren’s fall ad campaign. Enjoy!
J’adore cette vidéo ça montre comment le premier baiser est embarrassant!
what should we do to get a viral associated to our brand?…
I loved this!! I guess it didn’t hurt that all the 20 strangers were beautiful.
I will do it. It’s gonna be awkward at first but hey, we have ONE life to live. Il faut la livre. Shall we!!!! Mes préférés c’était le couple où la fille à le bodysuit dos nu. :)
Mouais, enfin moi je trouve qu’embrasser quelqu’un-e sans en avoir envie c’est quand même un peu bizarre comme concept. Ça me rappelle le jeu de la bouteille…
I loved this. I especially loved that they included a slightly older woman with a younger man. Vicarious thrill!
J’apprécie le fait que tu présentes cette vidéo dans son contexte. Je l’ai vue présentée comme étant quelque chose de plutôt expérimental, ‘ah, c’est beau des étrangers/inconnus qui s’embrassent’ alors qu’un bon nombre des participants sont facilement reconnaissables. C’est une pub au contexte intéressant, mais une pub quand même. Sans ce contexte, il y a quelque chose qui cloche.
*ahh que vous présentiez!!
I loved this!
Mignon, on perçoit la gêne du début et la tendresse :)
I agree with all the strangers shown are good looking!
I don’t know if I could do that to a stranger. I’d feel awkward if I was single. And of course I’d forget their name afterward! Great commercial.
This has been making the rounds….Very beautiful… not for me though as I thinking kissing is so intimate!… but hats off to the chick in the stripe dress…. she went IN with her entire body!!! LOL!
J’adore cette vidéo! :)
I’m really impressed by how gently and respectfully these people treat each other no matter how akward they feel inside.
WOW – so raw and sweet and HOT.
Thanks for this great video.
Garance!!! So cool! How can one NOT feel the heat and the butterflies?!? I like that you featured this video! :)
Kissing is just about the sexiest thing!!
This is so beautiful how this experience create so much tenderness and connection between the people at the end!!
So beautiful!
I want to have this done at a bigger level in streets, cities, everywhere!
I want to kiss someone right now!
They all look so beautiful and innocent we can see the instant when you know it is going to happen but it didn’t happen yet, so lovely..
Quelle belle idée, admirations pour ceux qui l’ont conçue et réalisée! Trop cool! D’ailleurs, j’y participerais volontiers ;P
I just loved that…
This was wonderful!!! :-)))