Jcrew in Paris
10 years ago by

JCrew arrives in Paris!
Not one, but two shops opening early next year, March to be exact for all the ladies out there! But you know the best part may be the mens store opening a few months later. I love the mens shirt, and really, SO French. Unbuttoned down to there, and more than likely paired with a cool pair of women’s tailored slacks and some flats.
Double the good news for Parisians, and double the wardrobe.
Je trouve toujours leur lookbook à tomber grâce au stylisme de Jenna Lyons mais je trouve leurs boutiques ringardes (l’american wasp par excellence). Enfin disons qu’elles ne me correspondent pas du tout ! Bien sur en furetant j’arrive toujours à y trouver quelque chose mais du coup ça ne me fait pas rêver ! Je ne comprends pas comment il peut y avoir un tel décalage entre le papier et les boutiques. Bon ça me fait quand même plaisir qu’ils ouvrent à Paris (je prendrai le lookbook sous le bras pour shopper !).
j crew is so cool! :)
Enfin une ouverture qui vaut le coup !!!!
je suis super d’accord avec toi, Virginie. Les boutiques font pas rêver, c’est Gap en gros. mais le stylisme et les achats sur le site web, ça se passe mieux.
That trip to Paris really has to happen soon. Love J Crew! xx
Love this clothes!
Ciao Brie,
Do you know when in Italy?
Thank you
J.Crew looks good in catalog but unfortunately I find their clothes overpriced for the low quality they represent.
Totally agree ! As well as for the shops : unfortunately disappointing…
J’espère que MADEWELL va suivre!!!
Je suis d’accord, le top, ce serait Madewell à Paris, mais aux prix américains… Doux rêve, vu ce que donne leur e-shop et les prix de J. Crew à Londres…
I remember when crew was quality but not as overpriced. When I was in high school and Lauren Hutton was their model…
I liked the preppy chic of their clothes, but now the prices have just skyrocketed. It’s really unfortunate. Still can’t wait to see what their shops will have to offer!
I think they will have to adapt to the french market …more fashion ..see the nice Starbucks coffee in Paris comparing to the one you have in the USA ..
Yael Guetta
I wonder if Parisians will trot along wearing big jcrew statement necklaces now.
Excellente nouvelle effectivement! J’adore ta sélection de looks, notamment celui présentant un manteau orange, canon!
Love J. Crew!
Classic American style with the French attitude. Win win!
Super j’adore JCrew trop contente qu’ils ouvrent a Paris!
OH, alors ça, c’est une VRAIE super bonne nouvelle !!! (non, je ne suis pas une fille excessive ou hystérique ;) ) J’ai hâte !!
xx CarolineJ
At long last!
When not visiting NY, I find myself ordering online for shipment to France fairly often (thank goodness for the online sales).
And so, finally, J. Crew makes to Paris! It’s about time! Like many here, I’m just hoping the prices will not be a million light years higher than in the States… Banana Republic opened shop in Paris a few years ago, and the prices are fairly close to the US prices, and they have sales often.
So, fingers crossed… (although this is probably bad news for my wallet. haha)
Ayyyyyyy … I actually started hyper ventilating while reading the title. Better stay away from temptation, shouldn’t I? …
Oh this is another fabulous excuse to hop over to Paris!
Its very nice post!!!! so pretty blog!