International Women’s Day
6 years ago by

Women, oh women, oh women. Where do I begin? If you read our Modern Romance post this morning you know I have a strong affinity for my ladies. I can basically find something to love about every woman I meet — maybe that’s my secret talent?
For the past few years it’s been especially inspiring to watch women band together on an international stage with such movements as #MeToo and #TimesUp and press forward in the pursuit of gender parity. That’s why the 2018 International Women’s campaign theme, #PressforProgress, gives me the shivers. It’s a reminder to us all to keep pressing forward for ourselves, but more importantly the next generation.
We know how fortunate we are to have this platform to elevate voices and we will continue to #PressforProgress by promoting conversation, curiosity and friendship within our international readers. If you are looking for ways to be inspired and #pressforprogress, I highly recommend checking out these actions we can all partake in and this great campaign from The All Women Project.
In the meantime I’m going to be flooded with gratitude that I get to show up to work everyday surrounded by a group of international ladies who continue to inspire me and push me to be a better version of myself.
Who are the women in your life that you’re grateful for?