In the Comments
7 years ago by

This week Brie’s heels cracked and Emily had some thoughts on hair…down there. You answered our questions and gave us gold, and for that we thank and feature YOU!
On helping Brie…
Jasmine: “I just discovered this trick and I love how it works: cut up a bunch of lemons (or even use leftover squeezed lemons) and add to a tub or sink with warm water and soak for 15 min or even longer. The acid from the lemon helps break down that dead skin on your heels; just use a pumice stone and scrub away! Sometimes I sit each heel in a lemon half and it fits perfectly and makes me feel like I’m targeting that area. Also I hear it helps to soak your feet vinegar and warm water if you don’t have lemons. Ready for sandal weather in a few more months!”
You are a true healer, Jasmine.
On embracing the natural, because well, it’s only natural…
Amy Leigh Morgan: “After a decade of pubic grooming trauma I’ve finally gone Full Bush and I love it. Turns out I don’t have to have painful ingrown hairs, uncomfortable chafing, or terrible razor burn – in fact, my sweet Virginia is the healthiest and most comfortable she’s ever been. Almost as if pubic hair serves a positive evolutionary function. My bank account is also much healthier. And I don’t have to pretend like it’s no big deal that someone is ripping out my hair by the roots while we chat.”
Amy, yes, just yes. Standing ovation.
Lisa: “These comments are all so interesting and not what I expected! I guess I’m in the minority, here. Like pretty much all of you, my grooming is for ME, not for my husband. But I like a full wax. It’s smooth and soft and silky. I’ve never felt the “pre-pubescent” connection that it sounds like other women feel when they look at a bare vag. I remove the hair from my legs and armpits, too, but that has never made me feel as though I look like a child. To me, it’s empowering. It’s beautiful and I’m not going to hide it! (No offense to team bush. You do you!)”
And that is cool too Lisa!
Thank you all and keep them coming…
du citron ou du vinaigre pour enlever les peaux mortes des talons je veux bien mais là il s’agissait de talons craquelés donc je pense que ça s’apparenterait plutôt à de la torture non ? surtout s’il faut poncer après !!!!!! je pense qu’il faut plutôt appliquer une crème réparatrice genre le baume réparateur apaisant d’Elisabeth Arden … et une fois les talons “guéris”, là on peut peut-être utiliser le citron !
Thanks you, you wonderful team of wonderful people.
I so nice to find a place where everyone’s opinion is heard and respected.
I loved this post! Since you all pose so many questions (even very personal ones) at the end of the posts, I always missed the feedback. It’s nice to see that you read and curate the comments, and is also super nice to receive some answers from que questions we were left with! Thanks!
<3 !
Hear, hear!!! I loved reading these comments and seeing them highlighted by Team G.
J’ai eu les même soucis aussi… et je les ai encore. Pour le moment je suis en mode rasage du maillot mais je n’aime pas ça, c’est plutôt économique. J’attends pour faire le laser et en attendant je ferai une transition cire naturelle.
I just read this the other day and on Feud Bette and Joan (now airing on FX in the USA) – Jessica Lange, as Joan Crawford is using lemons on her elbows! To keep them “supple.”