How To Be A New Yorker
9 years ago by

This is so on point!
Seriously, if you watch one thing today make it this.
When it comes to keeping it real, I don’t think anyone can compete with Chloë Sevigny.
If you live in New York, you will completely relate to this. If you’ve ever wondered what it’s like, here’s perfect insight. This is exactly what it’s like to be a New Yorker.
Chloë, I feel you… and love you even more for this video.
Would love to experience it myself :) haha, I love the part about ignoring the weird and directing your driver :)
I’d love to have Chloè as a NY guide!!
XOX, Gap.
this is great
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Absolutely true. I think of the Starbucks coffee in every hand, when I think of New York!
I want to be a New Yorker so bad! *-* This video was so cool! I love Chloë, she’s just the incarnation of indie cool.
But ignoring the weird happens where I live too unfortunately…haha
This was funny and cool !
A Casey Jane Ellison cameo! Nice.
So. True. I go to other cities and they find it weird that I already know what I want in restaurants!
Love the vibe of the look and the music :)
Quite funny! I noticed that the video also applies to London.
Why does everyone have to drink coffee on the streets? I’ll never get it…
J’ai adoré la vidéo, même si je ne connais pas NY tant que ça… Mais en fait, c’est bien ce que j’imaginais, et ça me donne encore plus envie d’y vivre :)
I so heart NYC. I live in SoCal. The dry, hot, no rain ever part makes me want to pack it in and embrace NYC. Nothing in the world like Central Park during/after a snow.
Very funny and so true :D
Knowing your bodega’s cat’s name IS very important. !!!
so funny:)!
but you never know…
maybe some of us will be New Yorkers….
some day:)
There’s something so romantic about NY, yet wouldn’t change it for all the crazy people in Barcelona hahah I always enjoy a good NY video tho. Love Chloe!