Houseguest How To
7 years ago by

Being a house guest is all about the gesture.
I had a few house guests this summer who completely didn’t understand this and consequently, I couldn’t have been more ready for them to leave and don’t especially want to see them again any time soon.
If you’re staying with someone instead of at a hotel, it’s likely because you’re trying to be financially conscious or, you’re looking to spend quality time with the person you’re crashing with. Or both. In any case, there is no need for grand gestures or fancy, expensive thank-you gifts. Here are a few simple tips and nice ways to show your appreciation for staying in someone else’s home:
– Offer to wash the dishes after a home cooked meal.
– Be careful to keep your area of their living room tidy, or should you be staying in a spare room, treat their things with respect.
– Don’t leave your wet bathroom towel crumpled up on the floor in the bathroom or hanging randomly over a chair in their apartment.
– If you go out together, offer to buy them dinner, breakfast, a drink or anything.
– If money is tight, a simple, thoughtful thank-you note speaks volumes.
Some of these things may seem like basic manners, and you’d be correct. Your host may be amazing and not let you clean, help or buy them anything, but simply offering means a lot. You don’t want to leave your host feeling used and abused, but rather pleased you came and stayed and that you’re an appreciative guest.
Couldn’t agree more
Thanks, Nancy V! x Carie
I’m so glad you wrote a post about this. It’s shocking that common sense is unfortunately not that common.
I had an unhappy story with hosting an acquaintance in between accommodations on the living room couch. He stayed for 3 nights but from the second day I was itching to see him gone. One night he returned home drunk at 1am and started ringing me but I had my phone off. He managed to get into the building somehow and started knocking loudly at my door. I woke up to let him in. Seeing the dumbfounded look on my face the only thing he replied was ‘I was out for a drink to celebrate a friend and ended up having too many. How would I have known you would be asleep?!’
I was in shock. He didn’t even text to let me know his schedule. Instead I felt stupid for my kindness being taken for granted and had the unpleasant feeling that he was thinking he was doing me a favour for being there.
He didn’t invite me for drinks (even more so with his friends), or dinner and hasn’t even said thank you. I am sure it didn’t cross his mind for a second. It was so disheartening I decided I won’t be doing such goodwill gestures in the future. If people don’t appreciate it what’s the worth? I guess you don’t really get to know someone until you live under the same roof.
Best wishes and keep up the good work!
Laure – You definitely get to know someone’s true colors living under the same roof. Here’s to happy hosting! xx Carie
Absolutely agree! And you have mentioned all the right things!
Good manners make life better for everyone.