Hometown Hero
9 years ago by

29 years ago I was born in Nebraska.
And although I spent a mere 3 years there, I still have a love of that old corn field state. Also, my mom enlisted in me a love of the Nebraska CornHuskers – yes, that’s the major university football team, and the fans are die hard. They wear, with serious enthusiasm, massive faux corn on their heads and, while I enjoy a live football game, you will never see me sport one of these. NEVER. However….. I nearly went mental when I saw this Off-White shirt jacket… emblazoned with, yes, NEBRASKA!
A dream. Come. True.
Finally I can support my hometown, my friend (Virgil – you’ll meet him soon!) and look fly as hell. Are we ever too old to stop being fans of our heritage?
Mignon! Sympa les petites capsules de vie des jeunes filles américaines…
Nebraska is also part of my youth, but only because of Sprinsgteen.
Absolutely not! My hometown will always be a part of my identity – I love this jacket – great find!
Warm Regards,
that’s really cool!
We’re never too old for that kind of thing !
Trop mignonne ! Et tu peux nous dire ou trouver cette petite merveille ? :)
I must own this Nebraska jacket as I am one of the serious enthusiasts of the Cornhuskers. The link does not take to a place to purchase the jacket, please help me find it!!!
Brie, that is so American, the football team, and all. And very cool. Cultivate your difference and your “American-ness”, the same way Garance cultivates her “French-ness”!
I was in Nebraska a couple of weekends ago to see my son’s doctoral cello recital at UNL. It was the weekend of the “Spring Game” for the Cornhuskers. Just a scrimmage, actually. There were 71,000 people walking around downtown Lincoln wearing nothing but RED. Red t-shirts, sweatshirts, jackets, tank tops, hats, etc. We felt like we were from another planet because we were not wearing any of this. I think that leafy Nebraska jacket is cool–but it would have stuck out like a sore thumb that day! Maybe in a good way!