Homemade Salt Scrubs
6 years ago by

A note from our intern, Olivia…
I talk to a psychic every month. Her name is Sue. Technically, she is a numerologist and life coach, meaning that she studies the exact date on which you were born and looks at your energy – the way you move through the world – based on that. She also uses astrology and tarot cards to fill in the gaps, and she is brilliant. She has led me to some of my most important life decisions over the past three years I’ve known her – starting a blog, finding my stride as a writer, going abroad in college, not calling ex-boyfriends, etc. Mainly, she speaks my language: I like to talk about the world in terms of energy rather than in the language of concrete events and objects and actions, because that is how I most easily understand it. I was amazed at how well we connected the first time we spoke; friends I have connected her with have felt the same way.
Most recently, Sue advised me to bathe with salt. She said that we all must protect our sacred feminine energy, because the world has become so harsh lately: even feminism, she said, is a kind of angry feminism these days. Salt, I have learned, is an amazing energy balancer: salt crystals absorb negative energy. And so, not having a bathtub to drop fancy bath salts into, I decided to come up with a salt scrub recipe that would allow me to heal myself from the outside in. And if you think this is all totally woo-woo, this recipe may not be totally lost on you: it smells like pie and leaves your skin silky-smooth all day long. It’s super simple, all natural, and has three ingredients.
½ cup of coconut oil (or olive oil, if you don’t want to smell like pie)
½ cup of sea salt
Zest of about half of a lemon
[note: double this recipe! I usually do because I use this almost every time I shower.]
1. Combine coconut oil and salt in a bowl, stir to combine with a fork. (In the winter months, I’ve been having to heat up the coconut oil in the microwave first).
2. Zest that lemon in there!
3. Mix it all up and pour it into a mason jar or container of choice
4. Shower and remove that negative energy!
With the coconut oil, I have to run it under the hot water in my shower to get it to liquefy again before using it. But it’s totally worth it because I love the feeling of it on my skin, and it smells like heaven.
Love this post! Thanks for the recipe- just made it- easy and fun. I happened to have pink sea salt so it’s a really pretty color and the coconut oil smells delicious. Tried it out on my hands which are now super soft.
I find salt grains a bit too big in size – my skin likes something gentler, but I like the idea of adding coconut oil. I usually do straight, plain sugar rubbed all over during a shower (no soap, no oil). I also love the thought (and smell!) of adding lemon. I also use Alba’s acne-dote, which is natural, the right-sized granule (ground walnuts), plus has acne fighting goodies in it. I reviewed it here (https://bit.ly/2JyaGSm) but nothing beats homemade :) Also, tell more about your psychic!!
Bonjour Garance
Cette Sue a l’air tres bien, peux tu me donner ses coordonnées stp?
Je cherche un coach de vie depuis des annees….mille mercis ?