
Heattech: A Love Story

11 years ago by

Growing up in Minnesota (where it is seriously cold), long underwear was a part of my DNA. Though as a kid, having it as an extra layer was mostly bothersome.

I was convinced that with it on under my turtleneck + sweater + one-piece snow suit combination, it was only going to inhibit my ability to build a great snow fort. In actuality, I never built a great snow fort… but I also never got cold.

I thought I knew long underwear. And then I met Uniqlo’s Heattech. WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALL MY LIFE, HEATTECH? Never has long underwear been so wonderful, so chic, so warm. And it’s super thin, so I wear it under just about everything I can. I wear it to bed. I’m wearing it right now….


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  • C’est exactement ce qu’il me faut! Dommage qu’Uniqlo ne soit toujours pas disponible en Belgique. Si vous m’entendez, chers managers, svp, pensez aux Bruxellois!! :)

  • uniqlo wants to rule the world! :)


  • Lucky me, I do have Uniqlo in Paris! Exactly what I need! Thank you so much for the tip Alex!

    THE DEEP BLUE CORY Fashion blog
    THE DEEP BLUE CORY Facebook Page
    Cheers! Cory

  • I am addicted too! There are so soft and comfy but I only bought the black one. Which color do you use? I was wondering about the white, is it a real white because i thought it was more creamy and not easy to wear….

  • YES! I live in Chicago and a friend of mine who lives in SF gifted me with a set. It’s so soft and thin, great to lounge around in, it even goes easily under skinny jeans. I was wearing the original set so much that I tried to buy more online and they were sold out. Luckily, I made a trip to the Uniqlo store in SF last week and they had plenty. Needless to say, I stocked up…

  • Totally agree! Everyone in my family has Heattech now! The camisoles already make a HUGE difference to warming the core. I can’t wait to try Airism in the summer.

  • I grew up in Wisconsin, so I’m with you on the long underwear. Never tried Heattech though! Definitely going to give it a try next winter. Up til now though, I’ve always turned to wintersilks, I absolutely love them!


  • Je passe ma vie chez Uniqlo, à chaque fois j’en ressors avec au moins un article, même si je n’avais besoin de rien à la base, volonté zéro. Leurs vêtements sont fabuleux, simples, chauds, et en plus le DA d’Uniqlo est un ancien d’Issey Miyake, que demander de plus?!


  • Thumbs up, love Uniqlo. Hope everyone on the East Coast stocked up on it! Stay warm and safe this weekend!

  • J’adore uniqlo. Depuis qu’ils ont lance leur e-commerce j’ai commande plein de trucs, heat tech inclus. J’habite au MN, les heattech, soyons clair, c’est hyper comfort mais ca ne suffit pas pour les -20C qu’on subit ici en janvier.

  • Could you show to Joe for next fall/winter…..HEATTECH: A LOVE STORY


  • I need to stay away from Uniqlo. Every time I set foot in that store I lose control and come out with three large bags. “Ooh, I love these leggings, so I must buy them in 5 colors.” That’s the syndrome.

    But I agree, the Heattech is awesome – especially right now during the blizzard.

    I still say their legging pants are the best though. The color range is amazing, and they have new patterns and colors now for spring (if spring ever comes).

  • Heattech, rien que le nom…tout une histoire! ;)
    C’est quoi son secret? Les tissus sont constitués de microfibres hyper élaborées et hyper high tech? …En tout cas, j’en aurai bien besoin moi aussi! Ici à Paris il recommence à faire froid! Brrrrr… ;)

    Des bises Alex, bon weekend!

  • Agreed! And the turtlenecks look super chic as separates too!


  • Thank you! A very good suggestion. I also hate to wear too heavy clothes in winter!

  • Charlotte February, 8 2013, 2:29 / Reply

    I love heattech!

  • layering is sooooo essential!! great to know about heattech. super thin is good. (i also like cuddle duds!)

  • uniqlo gave out heattech to Sandy victims .. that was just great..

  • I too am an east coast transplant from Minnesota, and my friends always ask me for my expert tips on how to stay warm… I tell them all sorts of things, but I tell them the thing they can do to stay the warmest: stay inside! ;)

  • Hello, ici aussi à Paris quand il fait très froid je porte les heattech de Uniqlo mais je viens de découvrir l’équivalent chez Marks&Spencer (ils sont revenus en France!!! Yeeeessss!!!) et leurs Heattech (they call them HeatGen !!!) sont tout aussi efficaces que chez Uniqlo mais beaucoup, beaucoup plus doux…

  • I need to chceck it. Like I see all write only the best about it so I will try to have it too. Which color do
    you have? Have a nice weekend.


  • Sounds really great. I always freeze to death when I go to the horses during winter! xx


  • I have been wearing heattech camisole ( half slip? ) under my sweater, dress, tees … (anything!) during cold winter for years. And, it really keeps you warm.
    Here’s the link for it.

    I buy these camisole whenever I visit in Japan. It is SO useful, specially now I live in cooold and windy San Francisco.

  • I’m wearing the charcoal gray one right now! I’ve been living in heattech these days.

  • Every time, when I visit my mother in wintertime. I am totally freezing because I come from 35 degreeds celcius to maybe 0or lower, because she lives in my hometown Munich.

    It’s soooooo cold for me and I am really suffering, because my body turns upside down, freezing and hot on the same time.

    Maybe this will be a solution, right?

    I will see, if I can get them in Germany somewhere..

    Besos from Santa Cruz in Bolivia

  • Dear Garance
    As a japz person I love my country and of course I buy as much japz products as poss while living in uk HOWEVER I feel a little sad to see your website becoming a bit of more sponsored, kind of business like, you know what I mean…

  • Heattechs are a must have for winter- try the Airism products for summer and you willbe equally flattered!

  • Merci! I’ve been loving for some great undergarments!

  • The first time I tried it on, I didn’t like how unforgiving it was – if you’re super skinny or very confident I guess no problem, but otherwise, it highlighted every bulge. I get that it’s supposed to be base layer, but I often go from cold to warm rooms and need to take layers off. So it was a bit offputting.

    This weekend I’m in Paris – I guess there must be Uniqlo here? If so maybe I’ll give it a second try.

    Posts are coming about my hotel, a funny time I had at a Japanese restaurant near Porte Maillot, and tactics for dessert and fresh fruit, lol!!


  • Elizabeth February, 9 2013, 4:22 / Reply

    My winter uniform: Hanro wool & silk camisole, heattech crew neck, Wolford 80 denier black tights. Add an interesting skirt, jewel coloured cashmere sweater & big beautiful jewellery and I’m ready to battle the winter. I have lots of colours (though some years the men get better colours; I still mind the royal purple & hunter green that didn’t come in women’s sizes) & they look good enough to show as t-shirts and work very well under those mysteriously sleeveless winter dresses (why don’t winter dresses have sleeves any more?) either in matching or contrasting colours. Wonderful combination of warmth without bulk and they come small enough not to bag around my ribcage. I wish they had existed in my earlier, colder years.

  • Coucou Alex.

    Ouais c’est des vêtements du style Damart une marque française qui en fit depuis très très longtemps et qu’on croyait destiné aux vieux.

    J’ai essayé les deux et c’est damart qui est plus chaud mais uniqlo a des coupes et des couleurs sympas.

    À bientôt.

  • Je ne connais pas du tout alors que je suis fan d’Uniqlo ! Shame on me…


  • Ciao Alex ! I am also a girl from MN so I completely understand. Love to seeing you writing here from time to time. Now I live in Roma but still would love some new layering pieces because I am a scooter girl now :) A presto !

  • Looks like the perfect underwear piece!


  • HeatTech is the most fantastic thing. I live in London and wear a piece of HeatTech under everything I’m wearing from October until March.

    kassia x


  • In Italy it’s not so cold, but I got similar for running and when I go walking in the mountains…


  • 1. I hail from the land of ice and nice also so I know what you’re talkin about.
    2. Whyyyyy oh why did we wear one piece snow suits?! Remember having to pee with those things on? I’ll never forget my mom buying me my first pair of snow PANTS from Target. They were a god send.

  • Ha ha – well said !

  • All I can say is, I love Uniqlo ;)

  • I am inseparable with Heattechs during winter time. I haven’t counted but I probably own 8 or 9 Heattech tops? The best thing about it is that it allows me to wear my silk Equipment shirts (or anything else I would wear on its own in Spring/Autumn) during Winter time. I recommend getting them in the shades of the sweaters or shirts you own as it makes the layering so much easier!

  • Completely agree. Heattech from Uniqlo is just amazing. I got some supercute Orla Kiely prints recently and I am wearing them to death :)

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