Hair We Go
9 years ago by

I’m no expert on hair … like, the opposite in fact. A novice?
I’ve done so little to my hair for so long, it may have abandonment issues. And you know when you see a photo of yourself and realize that all of those years of thinking your idontcarehair was cool – actually just looks kind of messy? Well I had that mind-altering epiphany after NYFW, so before we darted off to Paris I decided to do a little re-boot.
Trim to where? Sure! Paint my what? Okay.
Can I tell you, I never thought a small change to my hair could impact how I felt. It was like I had gone to a sandy beach, laid in the sun for weeks days and came back with hair that proved it. Like a Dove commercial, I felt more confident – even if my hair was still a far cry from a DVF runway and more Venice beach 70s. But thanks to the wonderful ladies at Cutler salon in Soho, my hair is more confident and so I am.
Do you have something small that makes you feel more confident?
Cutler, Redken’s Flagship Salon | 465 W Broadway, New York NY
I’m a nerd about hair…but under construction!!
XOX, Gap.
J’ai changé de couleur la semaine dernière et oui, ça impacte vraiment son apparence, ou du moins la façon dont on se voit! Et encore ce n’était pas un changement drastique… Si ça ne va pas, une journée au spa et tout va mieux! Prendre soin de soi, ça marche toujours ;)
Il est vraiment temps que je fasse quelque chose à mes cheveux moi aussi! Tellement longtemps que je n’y ai plus touché, ils doivent se sentir abandonnés comme tu le dis si bien
I feel like I’m constantly changing my hair. I love getting new colors
Pareil, je suis allée chez le coiffeur (j’y étais pas allée depuis un an) et mes longs cheveux laissés à l’abandon ont dit adieux aux quintuples fourches ! (oui!)
On se sent plus légère : )
Red lipstick, great heels, a suit, a great haircut! I recently got bangs for the first time and that made me feel like a completely new person.
I think being and feeling put together in my attire helps me a lot, those days I feel much more confident.
what a babe! i would definitely feel more comfortable if i looked like that … #windmachine
Thanks Jessica! (blushing) :)
great post!
I always love day 2 of washed hair, it feels “settled”. And always red lipstick makes me feel better for some reason. :)
Oui, j’ai laissé pousser le gris que je colore en bleu
SLEEP is the ULTIMATE booster for hair, skin and mood. Lots-O-Sleep. =)
agreed! how do I schedule more sleep ?!?! ;)
Yep – a professional manicure / pedicure. I feel like a million bucks when my nails are all done and pretty.
Oui, une soirée gommage, crème, beauté des mains devant une série ! Rien de tel pour repartir du bon pied le lendemain :)
Mais j’avoue qu’aller chez le coiffeur, c’est pas mal aussi !
Ben aller chez le coiffeur justement ^^ ces derniers temps j’ai énormément changé, tous les 3 ou 4 mois, et de façon drastique. Donc c’est plus devenu une habitude et ça a perdu ce ptit côté “magique”.
I love changing hair all the time, I get bored when it is the same hairstyle
Yes! Getting fringe/bangs after years of having a Julianne Moore, long, straight, bang-less style was reinvigorating! I felt like a new, chicer version of myself! So simple but so fab.
Totally agreed! Hair has such a big impact on who we perceive ourselves to be, and how we behave. Getting the confidence to make the change (and knowing what to do!) is a big issue for me! I’d love to see a post on the pre-haircut protocol!
I can totally relate. Getting my eyebrows done or getting a blow out does a lot for my confidence.
Warm Regards,
I’m getting very sick of my idon’tcarehair too but I’m not sure what to do with it because it took me so long to grow it to even midlength. As for confidence, good hair days (which are few and far between) make me feel very good.
Definitely a good hair day!