Getting Productive!

8 years ago by

Getting Productive!

Now that the team is growing and we have more and more going on every day, I’m really trying to do everything in my power to stay organized. Because if I’m not organized, I’m having a meltdown and no one wants to work with someone who’s constantly in a state of sheer, messy panic.

So Garance, who, let’s face it, is not super organized (LOVE YOU G!) told me about this productivity planner she picked up at Anthropologie. Yes, Garance bought a productivity planner! (I think I saw it at the bottom of one of her closets last time we were meeting at her place, but the idea behind it is great!) and so I bought one and I’m really trying to use it! It’s all about prioritizing and working effectively.

The planner has a whole method around how it’s set up and how they suggest you work and when I stick to it and do it, I do notice that I’m more productive. The method is called the Pomodoro Method (yeah, like the pasta, but no, not delicious) and basically what it explains is that you should only put at most 3-5 things on your to do list. And you should put the most difficult thing first! Because once you tackle that everything seems easy. You know, those things that always slide to the bottom of the list because you just can’t deal with them—yeah, you have to so get it done! From there you should work for 25 minutes at a time (this is a pomodoro) on the task without any distractions. Then take a 5 minute break and start your next pomodoro. You should set a goal of how many pomodoro’s you think a task will take and the record how many it actually took to complete the task. It will surprise you!

I’ve definitely found it’s so much easier to get work done when you shut off your distractions and just focus on one thing. We’ll see if it keeps me meltdown free!

Productivity Planner, Anthropologie


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  • super, merci !!

  • À quand un productivity planner by Garance Doré? :)

  • Maureen Hodgan November, 10 2016, 2:47 / Reply

    Oh this is great to see! I used the Pomodoro method to complete my masters thesis in urban planning a few years ago. I had hit a wall and couldn’t seem to break through until I tried it. And it worked!

  • GTD – Getting Things Done. Look it up – read about it and embrace it. It has taken me several years to consistently do GTD in my personal and work life but so worth it. Lead a 98.5% meltdown-free life.

  • Charlène November, 11 2016, 4:56 / Reply

    There is also this “retro” method to organize your daily/weekly/monthly planning with the Bullet Journal.
    You personalize it and add some trackers of habits. I’m planning to try it, I have bought a copybook to do it but it still on my to-do list… ! ^^

  • I’ve heard/read great thinks about the bullet journal. It seems pretty efficient to track things and prioritize them. A mix of these two planners could be interesting!
    Thanks for sharing!

  • Robert Tucker November, 14 2016, 1:19 / Reply

    This is great indeed. Liked it. keep up the good work. I like your blogs.Excellently written article, if only all bloggers offered the same level of content as you, the internet would be a much better place.

  • That sounds doable… I’m struggling with productivity for the last couple of years because there are so many urgent things that I can just sit and think. I did a course on team management that was not very good but there was one thing that stuck with me: give pripority to the important things, not only the urgent ones. We have to find the difference between what is urgent (preparing a meeting for the next day) from what is important (have your guidelines for the next months prepared in time). I think is a great approach! However, all seems urgent and I don’t find time for the important stuff! Argh!

  • This a a method which is going viral these days ! Very good idea to bring it up here, it helped me so much as well. However, the aim of it is to be able to manage your productivity on your own in the end. Not that easy !…

  • j’hésite tout le temps à l’acheter car je n’aime pas son design austère et je crains qu’il me rebute pour écrire dedans et surtout maintenir l’envie de m’en servir ! Vous qui faites des design de papeterie, quand faites vous une association the Intelligent change x Garance Doré pour un productivity planer beau et design ? En plus super pied de nez pour Garance, elle n’aurait jamais imaginé ça de sa vie haha :D

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