Fall Platform
10 years ago by

The idea of a fall platform that’s a sandal seems crazy.
But when you really think about it, there’s so many ways they might actually be great for fall. Like the socks with heels trend, or for getting some height stability in the snow. Or maybe, just maybe for the tropical destination you’ll go to in midst of the winter weather, that’s when they’d really be perfect.
Are sandals in the fall a no-go?
Sandals, Céline
You can always wear socks or tights or leggings, so no. Sandals are not a no go. Rock them! :] // itsCarmen.com ? ?
they are made to be work with thick socks, right? :)
I love platforms plus socks… I can feel comfortable with them at my feet!
XOX, Gap.
Dès que je les ai vues, j’ai su que c’était Céline ! Elles sont canonissimes !
Je ne suis pas complètement convaincue! Mais elles sont très lookées!
I definitely don’t think sandals are a no go during fall but most of the time I have no idea how to wear them. Especially when they have a peep toe like these ones. Still love them though! Especially the ones with the different colored sole! xx
Couleur et forme renversantes! Je valide totalement!
Certainement pas dans la neige, mais je ne vois pas pourquoi ne pas les porter à l’intérieur avec de jolies chaussettes ou des bas à motif.
love them
Brie seriously it’s wonderful in image and very much in fashion…….but socks and Sandal platform it can be so slippery in a rainy day ..and even just like that…so i suggest to adapt it in apartment ,while at friends…but absolutely watch yourself while outside….
Yael Guetta
Not so sure I would wear them but they’re quite great! x
I really like the sandal and could see it with a thick tight in the same or another similar dark colour, but I don’t I could wear them well in the Fall.
love this idea……
I have been doing it for a good while myself ! Florentine and Baker have some fun platforms that remind me a bit of those that you posted….. Very cute!!!
Since the 70s I have loved stripy socks with platform sandals if the sandal part is wide like these gorgeous ones. Fine stripes in hues of olive, &c would look loverly.
I love this shoes!
Socks and platforms, that’s what’s I’m gonna wear today with a fare jeans!