From the Beauty Closet

Eyelash Envy

11 years ago by

I’ve always been envious of girls with super long lashes…

The other day I ran into a friend who had eyelash extensions and I couldn’t stop staring at her doll-like lashes. They. Were. Amazing. My average length lashes never felt so, well, average.

I know, I know, there are a number of solutions for my lash lust:
1. I could try a different mascara (Garance’s agent Delphine swears by Lancôme Hypnose and her lashes are quite enviable…)
2. I could finally learn to properly apply fake lashes (I usually end up with glue everywhere and lashes on my eyebrows– there MUST be a way to make it easier to apply them…)
3. I could bite the bullet and get the extensions (but then there is my fear of going blind…)

What’s a girl to do?

Why not combine all of those things (kinda…)?! I heard some interesting things about Too Faced Better Than False Lashes lash extension kit so I thought I would give it a shot. The kit includes a black mascara that acts as your base and top coat and a small tube full of tiny white nylon fibers. So first, you apply the base coat (I also curl my lashes before I start, you know for extra oomph), it goes on easy, like an everyday black mascara. Next, the magic happens. You apply 1-2 (or in my case THREE…I just can’t help myself) coats of the nylon fibers, which adhere to your lashes making them feel thicker and longer (really, you can feel them). Last, you apply another coat… or two of the black mascara and then you really see it. Longer? Check. Thicker? Check. They are the doll lashes of my dreams, no glue required!

A few helpful tips: Stick to just one or two coats of the fibers, three is a little excessive (my lashes were actually touching my brow bone and I had to keep checking to make sure I didn’t have little black marks left behind). Invest in a good eye makeup remover to take it all off, the package says warm water will do the trick, but I needed an extra boost (again, could be all those extra coats…)

I find myself winking at strangers a whole lot more these days (which actually, probably is a little creepy…)

Have you tried extensions? Do you have any tricks for getting mile long lashes?


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  • Je n’ai jamais essayé les extensions, mais même si ça fait vraiment beau, je crois que je ne me lancerais jamais! Je crois que tu as trouvé la bonne solution!

  • the extensions sound scary. but i’ll never say no to a great mascara! :)

  • Try Voluminous Million Lashes by Loreal for length – and volume!

  • I had already read a good review on this product, maybe one day I’ll try it, thanks for the suggestion!! My favourite mascara ever is Le Volume de Chanel, amazingggg, expensive but great, you should try it too! :)
    Have a nicen day!

  • My eyelashes are already fairly long so i just use Great Lash by Maybelline, it’s the only mascara that separates my lashes properly.

  • I’ve had eyelash extensions twice, but both were different. The first time, I went for the natural look where they stick the lash extension on each individual existing lash on my eye (for length) as well as in between each lash on the lash line (for more volume). It lasted longer and didn’t not feel uncomfortable at all! The second time I tried it, I went for a more doll-eyed look; little sections of lash extensions are glued along the lash line and these extensions are up to 12mm long. They’re much more uncomfortable but after having them, there isn’t a need to apply mascara AND eyeliner anymore so that saves a lot of time. After a few days, the discomfort disappears and you don’t notice the extensions anymore!

  • For months I’ve been wanting to try!

  • I do not have extensions, and I probably won’t anytime soon because anything permanent near my eyes makes me nervous! I think that a good volumizing mascara (Lancome Hypnose), lots of black eyeliner on your upper waterline (Bobbi Brown gel eyeliner), and lining your eyelashes (I like to use any black eyeshadow with a slanted brush) really make them seem longer and more voluminous.

  • Ce produit a l’air vraiment génial, ça donne envie d’essayer mais j’aimerai bien voir le résultat sur toi avant :)

  • they look so pretty! but i’m not sure if i should try it..

  • I swear by Grande LashMD. My lashes are super long and healthy and people always ask me what do I do to get lashes like this. There’s no mascara in the world that will create the same effect. Extensions never feel right ( been there, done that)
    Grande Lash MD is true magic ( and I am on my second tube) – it makes my lashes grow like crazy!

  • Alex, thanks for this post. I totally forgot all about this kit which I’ve been meaning to check out – and now definitely will (available at Sephora). I’ve been testing Rapid Lash lash extending Serum for the past month to see if it works. Taking before & after photos + will post about it soon. I’m not interested in doing the extensions or falsies & am really picky about mascaras – I hate raccoon eyes.

    photos/recipes/fashion/product reviews/healthy tidbits/quotes

  • Ai-Ch'ng August, 20 2013, 4:55

    Rapidlash is my tried-and-true answer to transforming my short, sparse, teensy weensy Asian lashed into such unbelievably long, healthy lashes, that my mother asked me if I was wearing false lashes, and my husband asked me what on earth I’d been doing to get such long lashes. The difference in length is going from pressing the lash curlers five times along the full length of my lashes, to pressing and moving them along eight to nine times: pretty impressive growth.

    False eyelashes and extensions are too fiddly for me and – like Alex- I fear going blind getting them done!

  • Rah! Avec un sujet pareil, les photos avant/après manquent cruellement! :)

  • Hi Alex, you’re great!!!!! Thanks for that advice!!! Love the whole studio!!, say hello to all of them!!,

    Xoxoxoxo susanne

  • Try Latisse!!! I have fairly long lashes, but I got lash extensions for a cruise last summer. They were not great, for me. (Although I have lots of friends that love them.) They looked great in pictures, but I did not like the way they looked in person. just too fake. And after a week, they started going wonky, poking different directions. I hated the way they felt, and I could never really get my eye area clean. I must wear eyeliner, but you can’t really clean the base of the lashes. When the extensions came off, my natural lashes broke. I started using Latisse to help them grow back more quickly. Now my lashes are longer and thicker but they are mine! I get asked if they are falsies all the time. I started off applying it daily, then got lazy and now apply it every two or three days.

  • j’ai utilisé better than flase lashes et autres similaires et pour moi ce n’est pas satisfaisant : toute la journée il y a des “chutes” de fibres sur les joues, ça fait pas très classe

  • I heard good things about Latisse.

  • Une photo avant après ?

  • Perso, j’utilise 2 mascaras dont je suis vraiment ravies, le diorshow et “They are real” (benefit cosmeticà. Je les trouve vraiment très bien et avec un bon effet sur la longueur des cils.

  • Je ne doute pas que le résultat doit être bluffant :)

  • J’ai en ce moment des extensions de cils. Ça fait déjà environ 3 semaines maintenant il faut que je les retouche mais je vais tous les laisser tomber. J’ai bien aimé mon expérience je me sentais encore plus belle que je le suis déjà mais je ne ferai pas cela à chaque mois comme une de mes amies. Tes cils en prennent un coup à un certain moment. Je le ferai à certaine occassions durant les fêtes ou l’été prochain c’est sûr. Sur un échelle de 10 je donne 8. Si ça affectait pas les cils je le ferai toujours les mois… mais il faut être réaliste. Je me demande si ça se peut une implantation de poils à vie des cils. Je vais y adhérer c’est sûr.

  • Sucks but there is so easy way for putting on fake lashes. I seriously had to practice so many times before I can get them to look decent. Now I just need to make sure I put them on faster because it takes too long for what its worth.
    And yes I tried the eyelash extensions. They are SO pretty!! But I couldn’t deal with the maintenance. :P

  • Photos please?

  • Bonjour alex. Tu vas me benir :un produit vraiment magique le revitalash ! Ca existe aussi pour epaissir les sourcils et ca marche !!!!!!

  • Elizabeth August, 19 2013, 6:16 / Reply

    Latisse, just follow the instructions it really works. I also have fair-ish lashes being blonde-ish so I have them dyed blue-black. I still use mascara, but look so much better without & it solves the problem of the lower lashes (ridiculous with mascara, unfinished without)

  • I really need to buy this kit, I really want to see the result!

  • huile de ricin tous les soirs sur les cils avec une vieille brosse à mascara ;)

  • Diorshow Lash Plumping Serum is the secret if you don’t want to go the extensions route. I pair it with any cheap drugstore mascara but preferably one with a small brush. Take the time to get a good thick coat of Diorshow at the base of the lash, usually achieved by a back-and-forth sawing motion. Let it get about halfway dry and then do the same motion with the mascara. You will have achingly long lashes in no time! xx

  • DELPHINE August, 20 2013, 3:35 / Reply

    Pour commencer, tu peux essayer les permanentes et teinture de cils, le résultat est bluffant. Ca tient environ un à deux mois. Mes cils ne sont pas abîmés après traitement puisque l’on applique un protecteur spécifique.
    Quant au mascara Hypnose, sa durée de vie n’est vraiment pas terrible. Suis fan des mascaras Armani avec une vraie brosse, un super résultat (qui sépare et densifie bien les cils) et le tube dure longtemps…

  • Bonjour Alex
    toi l’experte en cosméto !! pourrais tu me donner la réf du meilleur anti brillance de la zone T à poser en retouche dans la journée par exemple?
    Clinique ? benefit ? too faced ? mac ? ou je ne sais qui ?

  • . before and after pic ?
    .. my favorite mascara is by kevin aucoin. not only does it give long luscious lashes but when you wash your face with water it comes off in little black balls. so easy to take off .. NO MORE RACOON EYES

  • Ai-Ch'ng August, 20 2013, 4:59 / Reply

    I forgot to add that Kevyn Aucoin’s skinny brush waterproof mascara is brilliant for further granting you super long lashes, with ease of application and removal, and that skinny brush just gets right into all the little corners.

  • J’ai toujours eu des cils assez longs, donc pas de soucis de ce côté là. Mais j’avoue que je cherche toujours plus de volume et d’épaisseur. Les mascaras Maybelline sont pas mal pour ça, j’ai découvert récemment le Volume Glamour Ultra Care de Bourjois qui est vraiment très bien ! Sinon dans un moment de faiblesse, j’ai acheté une paire de faux-cils, je les attends… :)


  • Photos please! Let’s see those lashes! x

  • LOVE this post! I’m dying to get the doll lashes as well and this price is absolutely affordable. Can we see a before and after picture of you?

  • Elisabeth L-g August, 20 2013, 9:27 / Reply

    Never heard of revitalash? I bought it from my skintherapist a year ago and it’s a serum that made my lashes grow like weed. No joke. She actually told me that at some customers that she has that are using this serum has to cut (yeah, i know!!!) their lashes because thety get too long. A friend of mine made an extension on her lashes and i just used the serum, guess what? Same result,

    Now I just use it now and then and still my lashes are doll like, I just put on one layer of Estee Lauder mascara and it’s perfect. I’m a typical scandinavian with light skin and hair and no latinoamericana coolish hairgrowth so I wasn’t like uhm blessed with visible lashes at all. But now, yep, gottem :D

  • I always feel like I have the SHORTEST eyelashes EVER! And I hope that your suggestion works because then I’m always scared that the more mascara I put, the more that my current eyelashes will FALL OFF! For now, I’ll try it.
    Your Friend, Jess

  • My lashes grew 2 milimiters!!! my dermatologist recommended to use to active product in the products for lash growing. So i did! OMG! three weeks later i couldn’t believe it.
    So, here it is
    Lumigan, from Allergan.
    You should keep in mind is a medicine for the eyes, for serious diseases, so you have to be careful!!
    1)apply it as eye liner using a very thin pencil
    2)do not use make up until 10 minutes later, so it has time to be absorbed
    3)do not lie in bed right after, you need to avoid contact of the product with the rest of the skin to avoid hyper pigmentation
    4)do not use it under the eyes, just up, you dontl want to have dark circles
    5)once a day the first three months
    6)twice a week the next ones
    7)you can say proudly: they are not fake!!

    Enjoy, and please let me know if you tried it.
    Besos from Spain!!

    PS:here i go to the pharmacy and say : i need the drops of my grandmother, it works, you might need a prescription in the States. Here the price is 16 euros
    ps2:did i mention that it worked and i loved it!!

  • Elisabeth L-g August, 21 2013, 4:58

    This sounds exactly like the serum that I use, but mine is named revitalash. And yes a positive sideeffect from an eye medicine made them develope this as well. But I bought it for, uhm, 70 euros or.. even 80. Ill go shop for yours next time im in spain, for sure :D

  • La meilleure astuce de toute la terre qu’on m’ai donné :

    Mettre une goutte d’eau au bout de son doigt et “l’étaler” sur les cils (disons une goutte par oeil), de la base aux pointes, juste avant d’appliquer son mascara. Ils ont tout de suite l’air plus longs et adios les paquets.

    Dans le genre mega simple et gratuit, je bénis ce petit miracle de conseil tous les matins.

  • yeah! we want to see you ,before and after !!!!!!!!!! thanks for

  • krystelle August, 21 2013, 3:57 / Reply

    j’ai les cils long et épais(je fais partie des 20% de chanceuse)malheureusement ils ne sont pas noir mais châtain,je les teint toutes les 3semaines,sa fait mal ,comme dit le diction”il faut souffrir pour être belle”………….j’aime le résultat,j’attends juste de trouver du bio moins agressif
    je mets de l’huile de ricin pour finir de démaquiller sa les renforce et ça les allonge en plus

  • Moi, je prends un produit, qui laisse pousser les cils: hairplus de tolure- aprés 6 semaines, c´etait vraiment incroyable, tout le monde pense que je porte des extensions.

  • I do extensions Xtreme lashes!!! And I love it! It looks great! But very important a good master! I have tried different and it’s incredible difference. I wear mine since 6 months already- superb! Swimming in the sea, sunbathing, I need no make up now.Just you can’t wash them with oil based products, I use Vichy water based eye make up remover- all good.Three weeks you are gorgeous, than you need to refill

  • Girls, Latisse and etc was made against glaucoma- serious eye disease, are you sure that applying that in your eyes you are safe?

  • Margarita Giraldo August, 22 2013, 6:15 / Reply

    Eye lash extensions are the best. If you ever in Miami then go see Hannic in South Miami. She is fantastic!

  • I’ve never used a better mascara than Benefit’s They’re Real! My eyelashes double in length and never clump!

  • Leanette August, 23 2013, 2:05 / Reply

    Extensions!!! They are not super expensive, only require maintenance every three weeks and will do more for your self-confidence than any cream, product or face-lift!

  • Here you have the most incredible product to have long eyeslashes! It really works! Amazing!!!

  • Where can I find this product “Too Faced” Better than False Lashes product. I’m in South Africa so I would need to order it.

  • Where can I find this product “Too Faced” Better than False Lashes product. I’m a makeup artist so I’d love to try this. I’m in South Africa so I would need to order it.

  • I did some research on extensions and then decided to get them this spring – best decision ever as I’m slightly ginger-ish and never had very noticeable lashes. So far I’ve had the best summer ever – I haven’t worn any make-up for months (skin looks amazing! new-found levels of confidence) and as a bonus I’ve even felt pretty while doing outdoorsy activities like hiking, canoeing and festivals. Thanks to the extensions it also take so little time to get ready in the morning (more time for sleeping, which is perfect!). The thing is, though, to really find a good specialist to do the extensions. You should always ask about the glue they use. Also, make sure that if you want to get the more natural look, that your specialist can tell you about the different thickness options for the extensions, but also the length. For example, mine are currently 3 different lengths – shorter on the edges and longer in the middle – this makes for a more natural look. Sadly, I know that there are specialists that do all of them the same length and in my opinion that doesn’t look too hot – a little on the cheap side.
    I definitely agree with the poster that said that extensions will do more for your self-confidence than any product etc.

  • Hi, great decision ! Extensions are fab but if like me you have quite week eyelashes they can pull your real ones out (they are stuck on with effectively superglue) fibres are the way !!! Model inc do a mascara & fibre set and super drug do just the fibres and you can use any mascara so volume, length whatever you desire ! Great post xxxxxxx

  • Hello !! I like your website !! I´m from Spain ; ) . I ´ve never tried !!I have curiosity !!

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