Do you AirBnB?
8 years ago by

I’m at the age when some a lot of my friends are getting engaged, married and having babies.
Exciting! For them and for me, since this means I can start traveling to join them in their celebration. Add that to traveling for summer vacation, I started realizing I may not be in my apartment as much as usual. I’ve lived in the same apartment for the past three years so it really is my home, filled with all my belongings.
But considering I will likely be traveling a significant amount more this year, it makes sense to rent it out while I am away, right? It seems like everyone is doing it, but I wonder, what do you guys think? Do you AirBnb? And if so, any tips or recommendations for me?
Photo from our Interior story at Ramdane & Victoire’s
I’ve heard terrible stories about Airbnb, unless you’ll be around to check in with your guests, I would definitely not recommend to rent it. If you really want to do so, I’d suggest you move out all your expensive belongings.
yeah, i do! i’ll be soon in paris and touring italy at the end of the summer using airbnb! :)
Just had our first Airbnb experience in London and don’t think we’ll go back to hotels. Just be sure to read the reviews, they really help. And the other tip is to try to book far ahead which will give you more options.
we’ve done Airbnb, but only as guests, not as hosts. What I’ve witnessed from the Host side, is they almost always have a locked closet, or sometimes even a whole room (like locked with a strong padlock and steel hinges from the exterior) to keep their valuables. I think this is SUPER smart, and would definitely do the same thing if we ever hosted.
I’ve done airbnb on both sides and I don’t recommend it anymore: it’s turned into a professional network for companies who don’t want to pay taxes… I gave up when a couple asked me where was my coffee machine (hint: I don’t drink coffee) and then complained that I wasn’t offering them coffee.
Plus, it destroys the rent market in big towns.
airbnb destroys not only the rent market but the entire real estate market (for people looking for a home to live in). it also destroys the general atmosphere in housing blocks and complete neighbourhoods. i live in amsterdam, and my street is infested with airbnb apartments. this causes real problems and has many repercussions on many levels: less or no social cohesion, shops that cater for tourists instead of locals (all kinds of ‘daily stuff’ and quirky shops disappear because they no longer can afford the rent, and are being replaced by international fashion stores/brands), increasing traffic, noise and nightlife etc..
anyway, amanda. i’m sure this is not what you want to hear, but think about the bigger picture here before you buy into this market…
I have travelled all over Europe using Airbnb accommodations and have nothing but the best to say about them. I will use hotels only if I have to. As others said, do your research and use accommodations in good locations with tons of positive reviews. Trust your gut. Even if you have to pay more for better rentals, it’s still cheaper than hotels, especially if you travel with a larger group (or more than one person). Decent 2 bdr Airbnb in Europe is around $150. You can’t beat that for 4 people. The flexibility it offers, as well as great locations and access to local people (Airbnb host and their advice) are priceless for me. Will never travel any other way if I can help it.
Nice post :)
I used to rent my older appartment (in Paris) and I’ve used airbnb in several cities including NYC and here are my ground rules for a nice airbnb:
– make sure to have good pics
– set your rules upfront in your ad : smoking/non smoking/ pets. Don’t hesitate to be soecific about your neigbourfs/ building (party / non party people / family etc). You can’t blame people to put some music on if you didn’t tell them that your upstair neighbour is a pain in the a**
– be ruthless when selectionning guests : ok it’s hard at first because there are lots of places available, but you’re basically invinting strangers at your place. So you should be confortable with them. I kinda “naturally” specialised with couples (with or without kids). Some stayed for the WE other for as long as 2 weeks, never had any trouble
– clear your “valuable” properties : jewelry / ipad etc. But you can leave any “massive” stuff. Not that I’m particularly worry about thieves, but just to clear everyone’s mind
– make a “how to” guide of your appartment : i made a little booklet with a how to us it (in pics) for every device in the appartment from the oven to the dishwasher including the coffee machine. I know how hard it is to use other people stuffs, especially when they don’t speak the same language
– if possible always do the check in yourself (or by someone you trust). Spend some time with them to insist on the house rules. It’s always harder to lie to someone face to face than via email
I have been renting apartments and homes for business and personal travel for the last 10 years. I don’t care for room service (I know, most of you will protest) and I am fairly tidy, so daily room service isn’t a necessity. I also love being able to pack light and do my laundry on the go. The flexibility of preparing my own meals/eating in (healthier and cheaper), rather than eating out for every meal is a luxury. It is rare to be able to do all of these things while staying in a hotel and one ends up paying for all the amenities never used. I don’t think I would ever rent my property, but I am grateful for those who do.
I use airbnb almost every time I travel now, and always recommend it to others as well. It’s especially great in bigger cities because you can usually find something much cheaper and much more interesting than a hotel, but I’ve stayed in a couple more rural gems too. You should do it–both ways–staying and renting your place!
I have to admit I’ve started to use AirBnB quite recently but I’ve really enjoyed my experience. I had done B&B before and I loved the value for money as well as the more personalised homey-like experience. AirBnB allows to find a place in the centre with a home feeling. Some of the places are really gorgeous too!
Shoubbi has some great points up there about hosting on AirBNB. I also host my place on AirBNB and I think for the most part guests are respectful when staying in someone’s home. I would just add, if you have a closet that locks, you could use that to store things that you might not want guests to touch (personal items to more expensive things).
I’ve sublet my old apartment and only had a problem with a 6-month renter who left it very dirty. You can charge a cleaning fee in addition to the rental fee, and yes, lay out house rules. I had a lock put on a closet for my valuables and very personal items. Would I do it again? Yes. Short term stays are easier I think because they don’t make it their home. For the most part, I think people are respectful of your home. In the odd case that they leave a mess, you should be covered by your cleaning fee.
If you are in NYC you should be aware that the law currently prohibits prohibits New Yorkers from renting out single-family apartments, or rooms within them, for fewer than 30 days—unless the tenant or homeowner is living in the home at the same time. If you seek people for more than a week or two maybe try to get people through friends and family first, or professional networks. If you choose to do Air B and B have a designated local person that lets your folks in, vets them and who they can call if things go badly. Read reviews of the renters and don’t rent to first timers, people who ask you with very little notice, people who ask for large discounts. Yes, trust your gut. Once you have people emailing you, be sure to ask: Why are they visiting? What are their hours? Do they need it to be very hot or very cool? Do they smoke anything? Do they plan to host people in the apartment? Do they plan to cook? Do they need a lot of hosting or do they expect you to be hands off? Do they want coffee/ tea/breakfast/snacks? Do they have allergies? Are they into partying and coming home late or early rising sightseers? Also arrange a maid service or pal to tidy bathroom daily, and dust , vacuum, add new towels, and change sheets every 3 days I host Air B and B while living in my place and have found all the previous questions/issues pertinent. Be honest about the vibe of your place and who you are as a host. if you place has drawbacks make sure they know so the aren’t blindsided by anything. My best Air B and B people are couples on vacation who like to sightsee. Hope this helps!
I’ve had some great AirBnB experiences! I definitely recommend it
You have to make sure it’s legal to post your apt on AirBnB. Most places in NYC/Brooklyn do not allow that. If you get caught, you could end up paying fines or your landlord might be charged and may pass those fines to you. Some management companies give bonuses to neighbors or doormen who ‘spy’ on others in their bldg who use AirBnB. Many new leases specifically clarify no airbnb.
I Air Bnb all the time and I love it!
We rent an apartment out on AirBnB and it’s easy and wonderful. No horror stories, great guests!
People you don’t know sleeping in your bed? No. Way. Renting out a spare room and the rest of a house, fair enough. And of course you need to secure your treasures. So, honestly, is this a real question or a subliminal advert for these people’s albeit beautiful message in Paris?
J’ai fait Air BnB au Portugal et a NY et c’était super. Tu peux choisir à qui louer ton appart, le site te permettant de voir le profil de tes hôtes potentiels ainsi que les commentaires de leurs séjours précédents.
Je conseillerais un minimum de 3 nuits voire plus, parce que si tu n’es pas là souvent, c’est mieux de favoriser les longs séjours vu que tu devras organiser la remise des clés, nettoyage etc. A Brooklyn notre hôte était également absente, du coup elle avait les clés de son appart dans une boîte à code accrochée à son vélo dans la cour, et c’était super car on a pu déposer nos bagages quand on voulait + les personnes qui ont fait le ménage avaient un double des clés.
Mais effectivement comme j’ai lu dans d’autres commentaires, mieux vaut éviter les TV, ordi etc ou tout autre objet cher, ne sait-on jamais!
Au moins avec Air BnB t’as vraiment l’impression d’être “à la maison” même si c’est chez qq’un!
Bonjour Lucie
Aurais-tu les coordonnées de cette personne. J aimerais aller à NYC a l automne et je me demandais si j allais essayer
We are renovating some historic apartments in Carcassonne, France, to rent via AirBnB and other sites. However, we have applied to the municipal authorities for permission, they will inspect the apartments and we have to pay taxes on the rent.
We used AirBnB during a trip to NY–it’s so much better than a hotel for a family. It’s also better when you want to experience a place more like a local, picking up food to cook, etc. rather than being waited on all the time.
I think in some ways, though, the online rental boom has hurt other residents, especially the property owners who don’t declare the income and who help drive up property and rental prices so normal people can no longer afford to live there (San Francisco).
Je n’ose pas… Trop peur de tomber sur des personnes malveillantes qui viendraient fouiner dans mes affaires. Pas évident de laisser des inconnus entrer dans notre intimité…
J’ai des amis qui louent leur appartement, mais ils ne vivent pas dedans…
Je ne t’ai pas vraiment éclairée là, hein?
j’abonde dans le sens de Caroline et Roelien… même chose à Berlin, airbnb fait pas mal de tort au marché de l’immobilier (bonjour la galère quand on cherche un appart pour y vivre, car des rues entières de quartiers sympa sont désormais des “apparts de vacances” parfois sous-loués par des gens eux-mêmes locataires qui ont ainsi trouvé un nouveau moyen de gagner leur vie – absurde…) et à la vie de quartier… c’était une fausse bonne idée, ce truc.
I did airbnb once with my friend – we stayed in a beautiful and very chic apartment in Rome for around 4 days. I plan to airbnb this year once again, when I’ll be traveling to Marseille in July for a couple of days – this time I’ll be renting a room in the apartment, as I’m on a low budget, but should be fun still!
I also couchsurf sometimes, which led to one beautiful friendship :)
You might find this write-up interesting.
I’ve stayed at Airbnb in Beijing (a tiny hutong apartment with a roof terrace), South Korea (a nice modern flat in the middle of it all), and all over Australia from Perth to Melbourne and Sydney. I’ve enjoyed myself thoroughly every single time. I believe it is really important to get in touch with the home owner before you confirm things and to read their house rules very carefully. It also helps if you research enough to know your neighbourhood and traffic conditions near your stay. Don’t make rash decisions!