Customize Me!
8 years ago by

I looooveeeeee anything that can be customized. Don’t you? I would customize my toilet paper if I could. Today, activewear brand ALALA is launching a line of workout tights where you can choose the color, materials and even monogram. I need!
Are you a sucker for customization too?
i love the idea! :)
Somehow customazing doesn’t make me feel any joy. I really don’t care about it.
I do love personal clothes, though. For example when someone has knitted me mittens or socks herself.
I want some!
I love this!
I love customized stuff!
I do love the idea – it is lovely to make something personalised and unique instead of following everyone else!
This is such a fun idea!
This is so cool and yes I’m a sucker for customising too haha x
customization is in interesting topic to ponder upon
We love customized products and enjoy creating collections that become unique for each woman! : )
Love this !
This is like “Do It Yourself”. You can read this article ->
Customization + personalization = modern
i love this shoes!!! do you know what is the model of this nike’s running shoes? i don’t find it….
La customisation, oh oui!!!! Tout peut y passer (des chaussures, sac, jeans, accessoires…)
A défaut de ne pas avoir certains modèles, ou avoir l’impression de faire partie d’une équipe de foot…la customisation, ça rend original et unique.
Belle idée!
Et parce que vous aimez cela Garance, puis-je vous proposer de voir les nouvelles couleurs de notre sac cabas personnalisable?
Bravo pour votre travail!
i like the pants… where is from??? SOS