from the beauty closet

A Moisturizer Cocktail

10 years ago by

It’s alcohol free!

Because it’s for your face, duh. It’s been cold here. It’s dry. It’s windy to the point where sometimes your face hurts. The other day while standing in my laboratory bathroom, I mixed up a little keep my skin hydrated even in the worst conditions ever moisturizer cocktail…

– Two parts moisturizer (I’m using Tata Harper’s Reparative Moisturizer)

– One part face oil (I’m using Rodin Luxury Face Oil because I have a travel size sample that I guard with my life)

Mix together in your hands and pat onto your face (don’t focus on rubbing it in, pat it on and let it soak in).

My skin is thanking me for my brilliant efforts and yours will too!

PS: Speaking of face oil — we are going to talk more about them soon (because I’m really into it so hey, why not?). Have questions? Leave them in the comments!


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  • Funny how oil is now running our lives! I’ve been a loyal fan of Shu cleansing oil (the green one) for nearly 10 years but never once thought about putting a drop of oil on my face to moisturize. That is until recently trying a sample of Suki’s balancing oil, my oily face and I are hopelessly hooked!

  • i don’t mix oil and cream, i just layer them :) i use a bio almond oil and it works great :)

  • A quand le cocktail hydratant parfum Mojito? Moi je l’attends de peau ferme…

  • I recently started using Argan oil and it has fundamentally changed my life. I just can’t use lotions that take ages to absorb anymore – it’s completely spoiled me. It’s like a rich velvety blanket for one’s skin!

  • Bio oil and a mix of vitamin e, coconut and rose is lovely made up from my local aromatherapist shop. I love oils for everything, cleansing, moisturising and cuticles.

  • Love Rodin but this cocktail sounds wonderful

  • darlaasha February, 20 2014, 6:08 / Reply

    Oh. My. God. That’s such a great idea! I am also a fan of oils and at the moment I am looking for the perfect make up remover oil. Looking forward to your next posts on the topic! All the best!

  • Coconut oil is the BEST for makeup removal. It’s antibacterial so you can actually rub it all over your face as a cleanser and use a hot wash cloth to wipe it off. It takes off your makeup in a cinch and leaves your face deliciously smooth. :)

  • Yes! How can we also get a sample of Rodin Luxury Face Oil?:)

  • Sounds like a great plan, my skin can really use a cocktail like this.

  • Hi Alex,
    I’m a Spanish “Going Organic” beauty blogger, and with all of you guys, I found out wonderful products that are not available here in Spain but can achieve them because of my family living in N.Y.
    Please, anything regarding beauty (and if it’s “Green” much better) is always very very welcome.
    So, thank you very much.
    Xoxo from Spain

  • OUI aux huiles végétales naturelles, argan, rose musquée, abricot, figue de barbarie… surtout pas les huiles minerales chimiques

  • L’huile prodigieuse de Nuxe et l’huile d’argan pure en masque de nuit (j’alterne). Bon mon mec n’est pas content le soir mais ma peau radieuse le matin lui redonne le sourire :)

  • Nerobeauty pero que cateta suenas. Marca espania y ole ole

  • I just happened to be in Burlington VT for a few of those REALLY cold days during January – I actually used a moisturizing MASK :) instead of rinsing it off as instructed, I just used a thin layer and kept it on. Worked like wonders (PS it was Origins Drink Up)

  • I’ve been a fan of Cleansing Oil for years my faves are MAC & Dior. Breaks down makeup & facial oil immediately and leaves your skin clean & hydrated without the tightness from cleansing gel and foam:)

  • Love Rodin…but my new obsession is ILA glowing face oil. I like Mun too ….but love love ILA!

  • By the way….my other love….Tata Harper. You introduced me to it and I am obsessed. Now trying to find an organic Gluten a Free makeup that works. Not having much luck. But love Tata Harper

  • love love love face oil….rodin is perfect….just got sample of sunday riley frim barneys…love that too!!!! my skin has never looked better…..while we are talking akin…tatcha enzyme rice powder….LOVE!!!

  • the best discovery i ever made was organic camelia oil! i started using it just on my hair – i looked up the main ingredient in the shu uemura hair oil, realized it was mainly camelia oil and bought some for $12 on amazon. then last winter i started using it on my face too and it has been a miracle! it’s light enough to use all summer too, but it’s super moisturizing and amazing. can’t recommend it enough.

  • Am a big fan of facial oil, I uses Weleda Almond Facial Oil. Have been layering that with serum and night cream on those really bitter and drying cold days. Love facial oil in place of other moisturizers when my skin is misbehaving once a month, really calms things down.

  • Great suggestion! My skin is beyond dry and maybe has a touch of ezcema so I’ve found that the best products for me are the purest. Instead of makeup remover, I use plain old oil – ricebran/grapeseed/baobab/argan oil. After using a moisturer (I go through my rounds of different things, but Shiseido has been the best) I reuse the same mix with a spritz of water. Saves me from 7 months of winter air.


  • My skin is oily and I put a bit of my Nuxe Night Cream with two drops of Bio Oil on my face… It’s a bit dewy at first but when I wake up, my skin is really great :)

  • Hey Alex,

    Your posts are always so useful! Thank you!

    I have a question – I remember a post from last year (I am pretty sure you were the author) where you talked about a male friend of yours who you met and you smelled a great fresh scent on him. Turned out it was some kind of oil (body, I think). But what exhactly was it? I searched for the post but I couldn’t find it!

    Thank you and good luck with the harsh weather – let’s hope spring is near :)


  • Wow I feel like I’m the only one that had negative experiences with oil. I tried Bio Oil for two weeks, it cleared up my blackheads and it was going really well until I woke up one morning and it felt like my entire face had exploded into what felt like millions of little white head pimples. It was godawful and took a month of practically napalming my face with clay masks to get it back to normal. Never again.

  • eastvillagesiren February, 23 2014, 3:13

    I have had the same experience, plus the essential oils in many “green” product make my rosacea go haywire. And while Arnica oil is a great oil for sore muscles, I wouldn’t use it every day (It’s in the Rodin Oil.) I view essential oils more as “medicine” to treat for specific conditions and prefer not to have them in my everyday products.

    I have found that pure Rose Hip Oil, Sea Buckthorn and Grapeseed are the only oils that do not bother my facial skin when used on a daily basis. I’ve tried Coconut oil on my face, and promptly got horrible cysts that took weeks to fade away.

  • I have never try an face oil but I would like to. I try that one like you use. xa Have a nice friday.

  • Yes! Let’s do that! We had quite nice winter here in Amsterdam this year, but you know, THE WIND!
    like you said Alex, soetimes face just hurts! In situation like this I always use bio argan oil! It’s perfect as a small add to your favourite moisturizer, or as night treatment, instead of cream but on top of the serum. It’s so soothing and calming! No redness, no irritation! Just glowing, healthy skin!

  • L’huile à l’Orchidée Bleue de chez Clarins … un must! Belle peau et son odeur….incroyable!

  • si on parle d’huile ici bientôt je me réjouis, j’ai tout testé et j’ai LE top 5
    (c’est du teasing ça hein ?!:)

  • marble & milkweed, marble & milkweed, marble & milkweed
    nourishing serum for face & nourishing body oil.
    all natural.

  • Merci pour cette recette, à tester très vite !


  • Oils and natural are where the future of skin care is going and that is a great thing. The transformation of my skin since skipping chemical moisturisers has been phenomenal.
    There are so many good brands out there, Rodin is delicious. Also great is Antonia Burrell based on holistic plant therapy. The natural glow cleansing oil is divine and meticulous!


  • I used to apply a great organic coconut oil while living in Thailand. It absorbed quickly on my skin. I am not longer living there so this new oil i got doesn’t work as well. so I would say the key is to get the real stuff.

  • in greece winters are very mild but speaking of face oil – i use te caudalie divine oil as a hand cream – face cream during the night and on my legs! the BEST

  • I have been using facial oils forever. I add 4 drops of rosehip oil to any natural day cream. And my herbalist in Montreal just started making me a facial serum made from 10 different oils that I use at night — amazing for skin elasticity and hydration. My skin cannot get enough oils, especially in the winter.

  • Marié-Duchemin February, 21 2014, 9:03 / Reply

    Justement, même si j’habite Paris, ma peau souffre cruellement (au moins ^^) du temps froid et sec.
    Du coup, tous les week-ends j’utilise de l’huile vierge de noix de coco bio. Ça sens divinement bon, c’est un produit naturel et son prix est imbattable ; autour de 5 euros le pot de 200ml.
    Ça s’utilise un peu comme le Monoï, c est un beurre solide a température ambiante qui fond a delà de 24°C. Je l’utilise pour le visage et sur les pointes des cheveux et ma peau extrasensible me remercie.
    Je conseil a tout le monde !!

  • I love Rodin! I also mix it with a cream to boost the effect. I just discovered HANA Organic Skincare and they have an oil and cream that you use together…it’s pure perfection! Best of both worlds. Here it is:


  • Une question pour le post sur l’huile ? Oui quel est le massage du visage dont devait nous parler Alex ?? Je scrute avec impatience sa démonstration!!!!

    Sinon pour moi tous les soirs c’est deux capsules (qui s’avalent) d’huile d’onagre ou blé que je perce et avec une goutte d’huile essentielle de géranium et massage doux sur le visage et sur les mains. Ma peau est plus rebondie depuis !

  • I put a layer of argan oil on my face on top of a spray of thermal water from La Roche Poisay
    and under a layer of the thick Rose Day Cream by Doctor Hauschka

    I do not mix the two, I layer them

    at night I put another lawyer of water, then argan oil , then any thick moisturizer that I am trying that month

    for my body , in the morning , I dry brush my entire body for 5 minutes with 2 stiff gloves till it is red , then I rub in organic sesame oil , the same you use for cooking , and then I go under the shower. My body will be moisturized and soft all day without the chemicals and without staining my clothes.

    I also use coconut oil on my hair and hands.

    I take primrose oil and fish oil supplements everyday , and put coconut oil in my morning porrige.

    so yes, oil is the base of my beauty and health regime . In India mothers massage their babies from feet to head with oil every day , that is where I learnt about the benefits of oil.

  • Catherine C February, 21 2014, 10:38 / Reply

    Love this Alex! I have been adding oil to my face all winter as a way to ensure im staying super moisturized in this freezing weather and I love it. After washing my face at night, I swipe jojoba or black currant oil on my face and eyelids (to remove any stubborn mascara smudges). Oils on my face have become a new obsession, they moisturize and can be used to remove makeup! It’s a win-win! Thanks for your product suggestions, can’t wait to try Tata Harper’s moisturizer!

  • I’d love to hear more about oil Alex! I’m kinda scared to put that on my face. My skin is quite greasy so I just fear I’m gonna end up looking like a giant fried person. The only oil I have is the Nuxe Huile Prodigieuse that I only wear as a perfume. Please teach us how to use properly and what kind of oil is best for each skin type!

  • I thought I had greasy skin too until a couple years ago when Garance posted a conversation with her dermatologist who told her she had dry skin (G was convinced it was combination and oily) and once she did as told and cleansed very gently to not at all and moisturized the heck out of her skin it totally changed. I went the same route, oil cleansing and lots of moisture and its like magic. Your skin might be over reacting to all the cleaning and stripping you’re doing to it.

  • L’huile végétale mélangée à du gel d’aloe Vera a fait des miracles sur ma peau grasse vivant en pays chaud…

  • Oil is the base of my winter skin routine! I have combination skin that feels best when doing this:
    Cleanse with Clarins Pure Melt Cleansing Gel with Marula Oil and exfoliate once weekly.
    Tone with Rosewater;
    Moisturize with Fresh Seaberry Face Oil with their Lotus Youth Day Cream (“oil cocktail”!)
    If wearing makeup: use Hourglass No. 28 Primer Oil before application.

    Thanks for sharing your mix!


  • Double tap is a philosophy more widely applied than just to dispatching zombies.

  • ….yet, along with the oil and mojito, I love the earring most of all on that picture :) it’s almost like those by M.Testino :)

  • Je suis une grande fan d’huiles pour le visage!
    En ce moment, j’utilise Juno de Sunday Riley, mais les meilleures restent pour moi celles de REN Skincare.
    Et je veux le top 5 d’Anna :-)

  • AnneElise February, 21 2014, 3:24 / Reply

    I discovered NZ organic rosehip oil in 2008, and credit it with smoothing and minimizing lines and wrinkles. In my mid-50s, that is quite an achievement. I also use coconut oil for cleansing, and grape seed oil for pre exfoliation. The ancients ( oil baths) and Polynesians ( cleansing with coconut and other oils) had the right idea.

  • I swear by Argan oil.

  • In equally cold Toronto, I’ve discovered Weleda’s facial almond oil… Lovely.

  • I loveee oil for everything now! I use Dior cleansing oil to wash my face, Boscia tsabuki oil to hydrate; I use an argon oil body wash and put argon oil in the ends of my hair…and even my go-to face cream, hand cream, lip balm, creamy eye shadow-mixer is Josie Maran creamy oil!

  • Hydrater de l’extérieur ne sert que si on s’hydrate aussi de l’intérieur. Tout le reste est cataplasme sur jambe de bois et ne sert qu’à enrichir les marques de cosmétiques ;-)

    Et même en hiver on se protège du soleil !

    A quand un post sur ses méfaits ?

    Regardez ce que ça donne :

  • Oh oui les huiles végétales ! J’utilise depuis une semaine l’huile de jojoba, à laquelle j’ai rajouté 3 gouttes d’huile essentielle de tea tree et ma peau n’a jamais été aussi belle ! J’en reviens pas, tant le rapport qualité prix est dingue ! J’ai une peau à imperfections à cause d’un acné hormonale (merci la pilule), donc des boutons au niveau du menton et puis des pores dilatés… Et l’huile de jojoba a sauvé ma peau en très très peu de temps :)

  • Je n’ai jamais utilisé de l’huile pour le visage ayant une peau à tendance grasse. Je ne sais pas si je devrais me lancer quand même


  • Superbe idée Garance le mix crème et huile ! Aux sports d’hiver c’est idéal pour protéger sa peau le temps d’une longue journée de ski. Moi, j’utilise de l’huile de graines de pin maritime – une petite nouveauté made in France (et bio !) qui est vraiment exceptionnelle, ne laisse pas de film gras et repulpe l’épiderme. Et en prime elle a une très fine odeur de dunes et de pinèdes.
    A shopper ici :

    Une huile inédite à évoquer dans ton prochain sujet “huile pou le visage”!

  • I loved the foundation comparison you guys did a while ago. Have you done a moisturizer comparison? If not, I would love to see one.

  • I love yuli oil and hydrating sprays. I use it instead of moisturiser. Godsend.

  • Speaking of face oil, you should use the Dr. Organic Rose Otto face serum. It makes my skin look alive, even when it’s freezing outside.

  • Pourras-tu parler des huiles 100% naturel et leurs effets? (huile d’argan, jojoba…)
    merci beaucoup !

  • I’m loving Origins Plantscription face oil, it’s divine on it’s own but mixed with their Night-a-Mins it is so luxurious. It’s seen off a nasty case of redness and breakouts caused by medication, it’s a miracle in a bottle!

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