Celeste e Verde
10 years ago by

I’ve gotta work on my eye shadow game…
I don’t know why, but I never really wear it. I just tried an intense smokey eye when I was in Vegas and ended up looking like a panda bear. Sometimes I’ll put on a really soft beige, you know, when I’m feeling really adventurous, but that’s about the only shade I’ve been able to master.
The colors above are from Maryam’s new collection with MAKE, Celeste e Verde, and they are making me really want to step it up. I like the rich brown (Earth) for a (non-panda bear) summer smokey eye. Once I master that, I’m taking that yellow (Palermo) for a test drive. I’ll keep ya posted…
I too think I look great in neutrals, but I switched up my eye-game by incorporating blues from Clinique. Still working on my technique for applying eye makeup. Need more practice. :)
my eyes don’t look good w/ eye shadow… :)
Mais…. Celeste e Verde… c’est pas les prénoms des filles de Candela Novembre ? Voilaaa c’était l’interrogation du jour.
Baci, Ali
Oh, you’re so like me!! I love to buy always new eye shadows,but I wear always the same black and blue (dark blue) palette! Let me know if this big change will work for you! I’ll follow ;-))
Love, Gap.
Great post!!
xx Elisa – My Fantabulous World
Ces fards sont très jolis!
Oh I love these colors, I’d like to try them, I love to wear eyeshadows and their names are so italian!
Slip-On, pleated skirt and… on lowbudget-lowcost Fashion blog
Alex, check out Monica Blunder’s makeup tutorials on YouTube. She’s a celeb makeup artist for some big-time A-listers yet her approach is really minimal and natural. Not scary at all. More about enhancing what’s there. She even makes cat-eye flicks look possible (I still look like a Caucasian extra in the “Mikado” if I’m not careful.)
Celeste e Verde are the names of the daughters of Fabio Novembre, a n Italian Architect…it’ s a word game with the surname, I like it!
Je suis du même avis, je n’arrive jamais à faire des smokey-eye perfect! J’ai vu également ces couleurs qui sont très tentantes… A tester !!