Blisters Be Gone
8 years ago by

We are all excited for the impending warm weather, ready to break out our favorite sandals at the first sign of 65 degrees. But with new sandals, worn around town, in the sweating sun, that too means the dreaded blister.
Potentially the worst part of summer, always popping up in the most terrible spots and taking days to heal. Blister band-aids, anti-blister sticks, wearing shoes at home for hours to break them in, none of these remedies come close to solving the problem. Until now .. duh, duh, duhhnnnn
According to an article on NBC News, the best way to prevent blister is, drumroll please ….. surgical tape! Its super cheap and can be found at virtually any drug store. Runners who tape up the areas that are usually affected came out unscathed! Zero blisters! Revolutionary? Possibly.
Will you try this trick in the coming weeks? Have any other good foot-saving techniques you love!
– Ashley, Intern at the Studio
Oui le sparadrap c’est un truc infaillible! Utilisé notamment par les filles qui font de la danse classique, rien de tel avant d’enfiler ses pointes que d’enrouler chaque orteil dans du sparadrap! Good tip!
Bises à toute l’équipe!
heels and the pain they bring along! :)
I can provide some personal anecdotal evidence to support this!
I was a ballerina for several years, which meant hours in my pointe shoes every day.
The only way I wouldn’t end up a bloody mess? Wrapping each individual toe in athletic or surgical tape.
It did it every day and it saved me countless feet of toe skin.
I did not know that! Thanks Ashley. And yes, I will definitely give it a try.
My boyfriend breaks in new shoes with duct tape. Yes, it works. Better than any thing I’ve tried. Stays put unlike bandages.
I have done this. It works!
I’ve heard that taping together just the third and forth toes on each foot keeps your outer toes from getting blisters in pointy toed heels. So you don’t have to tape all the toes.
I tape my feet before long (10+ mile) hikes, and it really does work. But I can’t imagine doing it everyday. I guess it could be a good option for those who cant otherwise prevent blisters.
For me, the 100%-no-blister-solution is to only ever buy – and wear – sandals and shoes that are suited to my foot shape.
So, that means checking that there are no lumpy and painful bits of even the tiniest bit of hard, waxed thread ends sticking out in the lining; getting shoes under two centimetres high; wide and deep toe-box; soft leather; avoiding shoes with stiff leather edging.
You’d be surprised how many women (up to 80%, a podiatrist once revealed to me) wear shoes that are at least a size – and worse- two sizes – too small! Many, many women have a hang-up about their feet looking too big in various shoes and wanting their feet to be squeezed into shoes way too small, too high, and way too narrow and pointed for their foot width – Chinese foot binding torture, anyone?
Now, my shoes are all one to one and half centimetres high (flat shoes like ballet flats aren’t good either, as my wide fore-foot and very skinny heel and ankle mean have to wear them super-tight and squashing my toes), high-vamp, supple leather sandals, more masculine shaped shoes (loafers, brogues) and boots.
If a shoe has ever given me blisters, or even the smallest bit of redness and pressure on any part of my foot during the break-in period of fifteen minutes (yep, that’s all the time it gets- my job entails me to be on my feet for long periods walking and standing all day, and there’s no place for painful feet) at home on smooth wooden floors, it’s returned the next day.
Shoes and sandals are only keepers, now, if they feel like heaven in-store, and still feel like heaven in those fifteen minutes at home.
We wouldn’t “wear in” a dress that feels a little too tight, or uncomfortable in the dressing room- so why would we do that to the most precious parts of our exterior- our feet?
Finally a sensible comment! And to be fair, most of these highly fashionable shoes don’t even look good to me. That’s on top of looking uncomfortable.
I can only wear sneakers with padded heel area (like running or skate shoes, not allstars or slingbacks), really soft combat boots, and leather sandals that don’t touch the heel in the back. Luckily I don’t feel the need to own any high heels or nice shoes, because I’d have to go barefoot.
La crème NOK d’Akileine. Toutes les sandales me sont désormais possible depuis que je l’utilise, plus jamais aucune ampoule!
I just cannot wear any shoes barefoot. I get blisters anyway. :(
Anti-blister sticks changed my life actually! I rarely have any blisters these days – mostly when I forget to use the aforementioned stick, lol.
I use a Compeed stick which is really helpful. It saved my foots more than once.
That sounds kind of tedious. How about wearing a pair of trusty sandals during summer instead?
Those shoes in the picture are grotesque anyway. Like mannequin feet!