Atelier Doré is… Bogdana!
6 years ago by

Bogdana Ferguson, Photographer
Where are you from?
I’m from a rural town of Ukraine with an unpronounceable name, Molodogvardeisk. I dare you.
Do you have a nickname?
I didn’t have a nickname until I turned 14. But the power of the internet, and an obligation to come up with nicknames for various forums, changed it all. In Ukraine, my peers and fam started calling me Bonya, Bonita, Bonnie.
None of them stick here, in the US. So Jason (my husband) and his family and friends call me Bog, girls at the office came up with Boggie, but nobody actually uses it. B is the most I got, and I like it. Sounds like a code-name of a secret agent.
What’s your sign?
Describe yourself in 3 words.
INFJ (ok, it’s four, please blame Myers and Briggs)
Describe what you do at Atelier Doré in one sentence.
I’m a staff photographer, so my work usually consists of meeting many, sooo many, cool women, photographing them or the things they do, and then, with Vanessa’s help, prepping photos for going up on the site.
Occasionally, I also take some fun sneaky Iphone shots of the team, but it always gets me in trouble.
Ideal weekend includes…
Sleeping in, having a loooong breakfast at home, and then heading out for a walk or museum, followed by visiting our friends, ordering seamless for dinner and drinking some good red wine in their backyard, and rambling for hours about all things happening in the world.
Favorite cocktail?
Bloody Mary!
Do you have a secret talent?
The ability to scream Teen Spirit in the right key
Craziest thing you’ve ever done?
Where do I even start? Immigrating to the US all by myself, settling on Cape Cod for 7 months, and then leaving for NYC two days before New Year’s Eve without a place to stay?
Describe your style in 3 words.
Do boobs fit?
Favorite place you’ve ever been?
Hard to pick. I’m debating between Riga, Latvia and Istanbul, Turkey. Those are two most heart-warming cities I’ve ever been to.
Advice to your teenage self?
Eat as many vareniki (Ukrainian for pirogi) as you can, because soon you’ll live too far from your mom for her to make them.
One thing you can’t live without?
Mom’s vareniki.
That’s my wife!
Hi from Riga, Latvia ! :)
Oh hey! :)
Huge Fan of your Work and not only in and for the Atelier!!!
Congratulations , Bog !!!
Felicidades para Ti e para o Jason!!!
I don’t speak much Spanish but, muchas gracias!
A fellow INFJ from Ukraine here! What are the chances? I’ll eat some vareniki tonight in your honor!
Oh hello!
Nice to see a fellow Ukrainian here! Please eat a double portion for me :)
How nice to see Riga mentioned on Atelier Doré :)
Love love love Riga! What a beautiful city. I had spent very few hours there, but it totally stole my heart <3
None Taken but it’s portuguese, girl !!!
Woops! Sorry sorry!