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Astropreneurs Summer Camp

5 years ago by

Astropreneurs Summer Camp

The AstroTwins are super cool professional astrologers and dear friends of the site! When we found out that they’ll be offering a summer workshop that utilizes astrology as a way to kickstart entrepreneurial pursuits, we LOVED the idea and knew we had to share the program with all of you.

We caught up with Ophi–½ of the AstroTwins–and let her explain the online course in her own words…


When you say the words “astrology” and “business,” it’s not usually in the same sentence. After all, one is an entertaining pastime and the other a serious pursuit…right?

Nope! For us, they go together like a full moon and a fistful of clear quartz crystals.
We’ve been working with entrepreneurs, highly successful creatives and world leaders for nearly 20 years, guiding them to express and elevate their potential, using—you guessed it—their astrology charts.

And this summer solstice, we’re unveiling our first program to teach those secrets to you: Astropreneurs Summer Camp, our 7-week online mastermind.
As July serves up two eclipses and a Mercury retrograde, there’s a huge opportunity for growth and acceleration. We’ll teach you the secrets we used to turn our hobby into a global 7-figure business with millions of readers each month. From June 20 to August 1, we’re training conscious entrepreneurs (and aspiring ones) how to use their astrology charts to design careers they love.

Done intelligently, astrology becomes a tool in your arsenal—a shortcut and a helpful decision-making metric.

It’s truly amazing what you can see in the chart: how to improve your communication style, what kind of work setting you’ll be most productive in, how to get along with “difficult” clients and coworkers. How to break past limiting beliefs. Your ultimate purpose and past-life gifts.

Plus, you can “plan it by the planets” and choose opportune times to launch, promote or leave that dead-end day job.

Women especially want to use their talents to make the world better. If they have partners or families, they crave more quality time—or they yearn to enjoy life, friends, travel and to meet a companion. Astrology can help close the “confidence gap” that causes gifted sisters to second-guess themselves…and keeps us spinning our wheels instead of designing dream careers.

We’d love to have you join us for Astropreneurs Summer Camp. It starts June 20 and registration is open now. We promise a meteor shower of laughter and lightbulb moments—along with simple but mind-blowing lessons that can be done poolside, at the beach and under the A/C. You will also be included in our private Facebook group, a supportive community of empowered Astroprenuers to help you stay inspired and forward-focused, something we all need desperately. These days, it takes a galaxy, not a village, to sustain your starpower. Join us—let’s light a cosmic campfire under your dreams!

Register here!

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