Appropriate Behavior
9 years ago by

The Oscars are often dominated by male directors. So, here in the studio, we’ve been talking about some female filmmakers who are killing it this year – and we’ve got a girl crush.
Desiree Akhavan has been receiving a lot of attention with her recent Girls appearance and her upcoming film Appropriate Behavior. She wrote, directed and acted in the comedy film about a bisexual, Iranian-American navigating life in Brooklyn. We’re also cheering on Ava DuVernay for Selma and Gillian Robespierre for Obvious Child.
We hope one of them wins! What female filmmakers inspire you?
Love Sofia Coppola’s ‘Lost in translation’ and ‘somewhere’.
Well, what about Lisa Cholodenko and her HBO miniseries “Olive Kitteridge”? I’m certainly not feeling inspired (LOL) but it’s really worth the hype, one of the best TV series in 2014.
Celine Sciamma pour Naissance des pieuvres, Tomboy, Bande de filles
Valérie Donzelli pour La guerre est déclarée
Valeria Bruni Tedeschi pour Un château en Italie
Katell Quillévéré pour Suzanne
Tout ça, tout ça !!
I rented “Appropriate Behavior” on iTunes last weekend and I really liked it!
I like the different point of view that woman has on relationship comparing to a man vision…and this is the point that matter /change..there is a lot of ladies doing cinema all over the world ..and i don’t think today’s world is a close place for woman…
see The great Jane Campion…everything is possible when you have a great idea and this is not a question of sex..
Yael Guetta
Cette année il y a eu Bande de Filles (renommé Grilhood en anglais pour faire référence à Boyhood) de Céline Sciamma, une ode moderne au girlpower. Allez vous avez forcément entendu parler de la scène où les filles dansent sur Rihanna !
My favorite movie of 2014, ‘Belle’, is directed by Amma Asante. Would have loved to see it getting more credits, nonetheless it’s really worth checking out.
Great movie, great article but “girl crush” is pretty offensive… It’s kind of like saying #nohomo at a gay pride parade…
definitely want to see this
jeanne herry, son premier film “elle l’adore”, génial, vraiment bien ficelé pour un premier long métrage, et surtout,
elle a su donner à la “déjà extraordinaire de simplicité et de justesse”, Sandrine KIBERLAIN un rôle dans lequel elle est encore plus fantastique que d’habitude, elle a quelques scènes cultes !!! elle a eu le césar de la meilleure comédienne l’an dernier mais franchement grâce à ce rôle et à Jeanne Herry, elle le mérite encore cette année !!!
vous devriez aussi parler des Césars ! beaucoup de français vous lisent….
Kathryn Bigelow is kickass! The Hurt Locker was the best movie I saw in the year it came out.
Mary Harron directed the brilliantly dark and funny American Psycho. Completely overlooked by the fancy award shows. Of course.
Maïwenn avec “Polisse”,Noémie Lvovsky avec “Camille redouble” et Nora Ephron avec “Sleepless in Seattle” (petite madeleine de Proust!)
Vous m’avez donné envie de voir le film de Desiree Akhavan mais par contre, pas trop envie de regarder les Oscars cette année, je ne trouve pas la sélection super excitante!
Suzanne Bier, femme, réalisatrice, danoise, et juste renversante
Sinon, Jane Campion, of course
There is another female director nominatef fo Oscars this year – Aneta Kopacz for short documentary “Joanna”. It’s not wildely distributed yet but it’s an absolutely beautiful story about younf mother dying of cancer and her 5 year old son. This is trailer with english subs: (ones I’ve found on youtube were only polish). Hope you’ll look at it – it’s absolutely worth it.
A place to find great films by females is to look at a list of Sundance films. A few that stand out for me are “Born Into Brothels”(Zana Brinski), “Higher Ground”(Vera Farmiga), “The Kids Are Alright”(Lisa Cholodenko), “Bend It Like Beckham” (Gurinder Chadha), “Fed Up”(Stephanie Schoetig), “Private Violence” (Cynthia Hill), and “Song One”(Kate Barker Froyland) that comes out next week. Two great films about women and produced by a woman are “The Invisible War” and this years “The Hunting Ground”. So glad someone else mentioned Olive Kitteridge..such a great series about a woman over 40…and The Piano (Jane Campion) is one of the all-time greats. My favorite tv this year is Michelle Ashford’s “Masters of Sex” as she portrays female sexuality/perspective naturally and maturely on tv. A lovely little BBC series is “Call the Midwife”. And my romantic comedy fallback is Nora Ephron – “When Harry Met Sally”, “Sleepless in Seattle” – are classics. Well, looks like I’m a bit of a feminist and a bit of a filmmaker.
Sophia Coppola is the best and her work with the Director’s Bureau has been killing it!! Best prod company for commercials in LA, and best clients ever.
Sophia Coppola et Agnès Jaoui. Jane Campion, of course
I really love Miranda July! Me and You and Everyone We Know is such of an amazing movie!
I also love Greta Gerwig and Lake Bell! All strong and beautiful women!