Agent Nateur
7 years ago by

From in the Studio to texts with my friends, so many women in my life are really paying attention to the ingredients in their beauty products, which, to be honest is something I didn’t do myself until recently. And now I’m constantly thinking about it, obsessively checking what I’m using in the Think Dirty App (thanks Brie!), and am replacing products as I finish them with ones that are cleaner, less scary, and still effective.
While I’m usually equally if not more happy about my natural alternatives, the trickiest one to find a solid alternative for is deodorant. I have yet to find one that provides the same odor protection, if nothing else. BUT recently, I started using Agent Nateur, the first natural deodorant that has been working miraculously – keeping my under arms dry and smelling like roses all day. Ok, so I haven’t tried it during an NYC summer yet, will see how that goes, but it’s pretty life changing for now!
The best deodorant I have ever used is made by myself! It’s so simple I couldn’t believe how efficient it was.
The recipe: equal parts of corn starch and baking soda, plus coconut oil and a few drops of an essential oil (tea tree and lavender for example are antibacterial!). ;)
Well, if you look at the ingredients list of this deodorant, the main active ingredients are the same as your homemade recipe:
*Organic coconut oil*, *sodium bicarbonate*
Others improve the texture (*beeswax*, *butters*, *castor oil*)
Then the last two, *rose and sandalwood essential oils* are fragrance.
The big difference: your recipe offers the same result for a tiny fraction of this product’s price!
I personally am too lazy to prepare elaborate recipes and only use baking soda mixed with a a few drops of water. It’s been the only deodorant I’ve used in 10 years, and it works like a charm.
Ha, I have been doing the same thing (slowly replacing regular beauty products with organic ones) these past months and it was surprisingly easy, except yes… the deodorant… that’s where I’m stuck. I can’t find a proper replacement, so thank you for this recommendation. I’ll be checking back here in the comments, I’m sure there will be more!
I have yet to try a natural deoderant that works, and while this one is tempting, it’s $25!!
25.00 ? thats pricey
I recently started using Schmidt’s Natural Deodorant Sticks (I buy them for $10 at Urban Outfitters but I think you can find them cheaper – still a bit pricey but worth it) and it works! It works even after a long run and a stressful day at work.
Brittany, I’m so glad you are slowly changing out your dirty products. It really gets easier as time goes on.
I’ve been using the Takesumi Detox charcoal deodorant. It too is a bit pricey but lasts forever. It is important to know that it can take a week for your body to adjust and for the product to really work. If you only change one beauty product deodorant is the one. Chemical deodorants are so toxic.
I must try this. I have been testing some natural deodorants, but they aren’t nearly as effective as my old one.
Essaye donc l’huile essentielle de palmarosa, une goutte sous chaque aisselle le matin. Odeur fruitée et efficacité garanties !
I looked for a natural deodorant FOREVER and could never find one that works AND isn’t some awful sticky cream you have to dig out of a jar.
I’ve tried this Agent Nateur and it was ok; but it smelled too much like baby powder for my taste.
The best? Underarmed by Super Natural Goods. Their large size is bigger, and I find it to go on smoother and be more effective. It also has a really nice unisex scent.