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A Rainy Weekend

11 years ago by

Meeeeeh, it looks like the rain is here to stay… So here is my shopping for the weekend !

Boots, Hunter; Bracelet, Marc by Marc Jacobs; Striped T-Shirt, T by Alexander Wang; Jacket, Helmut Lang; Fake Up Concealer, Benefit; Crayon Kohl in Blue, By Terry; Shorts, Alexander Wang.


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  • If you are going out, good rain boots & rain jacket are a must! Oh and eye makeup that will stay put… I will say I’ve had terrible luck with Hunter boots, though! When I first moved up to the Northeast a few years ago, a friend said to get Hunters because they are very good and I won’t waste my time/money buying a new pair of rain boots every time they spring a leak. So I forked out the money, and low and behold… the Hunters sprung a few leaks of their own! And they have the special heel on them, too! And that’s where one of the leaks is…. Anywho, I have a pair (pretty heavy duty, not just flimsy galoshes), from Target about 4 years back, that have lasted and lasted. They probably cost me a tenth or less of the cost of my Hunters.

    This weather reminds me of the day over a year ago when I met my now boyfriend. It was our first date after we had been chatting online for a few weeks. I woke up that morning and got ready (for real, as in dried my hair, straightened my hair, put on cute clothes etc…) and then I walked outside (I was going to walk despite 45 min away destination– good exercise) and its raining. I go back in, throw on my galoshes and rain jacket and grab my heavy duty umbrella (a golf one, with extra reinforcement for wind!) and head out. It starts raining pretty heavily, but of course when I take shelter on my way and call a cab, no cabs are available (such is the effect of the rain). Public transit to/from me to there is not happening either. So I walked all the way to our brunch spot, showed up soaked… the rain went through my “rain jacket,” my galoshes had their usual leaks, and my eyeliner was all amess. And the rest… it is history ;)

    Back on topic…
    If you aren’t going out… I would add to this list… TEA. Harney & Sons Paris, pair with a good book (here I suggest travel lit, always good for rainy days) and some good pajama bottoms (still looking for some good silk shorts to replace old tattered ones). Perfect.

  • me too. i invested in a pair of hunter boots 4 years ago thinking they would last a long time. but nope, only 2 rain seasons and they started to crack and leak. apparently they are not made in england anymore. so i urge everyone to think twice before getting a pair of hunter. i am thinking of aigle for my next pair, which is still handmade in france. but for now, i can live with my biker boots :)

  • Catherine June, 9 2013, 8:48

    Les bonnes botte françaises classiques l’Aigle: elles sont increvables!

  • red hunters. they brighten up a rainy day :)

  • It’s been raining since last week in South Florida I am sick of it.


  • J’ai un T-shirt COS quasi identique au Wang et je l’adore… Par contre, j’ai vendu mes Hunter et il n’a jamais autant plu que cette année… Je suis maudite.

  • J’adore les booties Hunter ! trop cute…

    Check out my new outfit post :

  • I really like it. Nice choic and I need rainboots now because we have a floods..

  • This are one of the moments, when I am happy to live in the tropical….
    At home, in Germany my whole family is complaining about he terrible weather, and they call us now children of the sun, which I really like!

    So, sunny besos from Bolivia, the tropical part, who nowbody knows…..

  • Pour les bottes, tu devrais plutôt regarder les Ilse Jacobsen. C’est une marque danoise assez spécialisée sur la pluie, avec beaucoup de jolies choses.

  • Garance, I am so excited! Yesterday I purchased a jacket by Mountain Hardware that looks very similar to the Helmut Lang as well as a pair of Hunters that are foldable/packable. Next week I leave for several days in Paris followed by a few days in Normandy. I am almost sure I will encounter rain in Normandy and want to be prepared. This is my first time in Paris, so I’ve been stalking your blog for all things chic.

  • Dynath June, 7 2013, 4:13 / Reply

    Vision tres noir pour un weekend de pluie. Lol Mais, j’adore!!

    As-tu des suggestions de stylisme qui s’agence avec des bottes de pluie Burberry comme celle-ci??

  • Dynath June, 7 2013, 4:41 / Reply

    Oups, je me sens mal, j’ai oublié les signes de politesse. Alors, svp et merci!!

  • Très cool cette tenue de pluie!

  • Marian June, 7 2013, 11:44 / Reply

    I have the exact same Hunter boots!

  • rainboots are a must for this disgusting “summer” weather we’ve been enjoying of late!


  • Well, actually Normandy is one of the only places where the sun shines in France at the moment So you might not need all the rain stuff…

  • Eva V. June, 8 2013, 5:09 / Reply

    Helmut Lang: nice. But what you should really have when it’s raining: a Stutterheim! see They’re the very best raincoats, waterstop, craftsmanship ánd fashion wise (I think ;-) ). I recently bought a white one (see if your interested). btw love their slogan: Stutterheim. Swedish melancholy at its driest.

  • Camille June, 8 2013, 5:54 / Reply

    Bonjour Garance,

    Je profite de ce post pour te parler de mon problème existentiel du moment. J’ai un parent marin, je rêves d’un tatouage “ancre” et bien sur je suis à la recherche de LA marinière. Impossible de trouver une marinière digne de ce nom, légère, en coton, manches courtes ou trois quarts et qui ne soit pas hors de prix.

    Quelqu’un aurait-il une idée pour me venir au secours ??

  • J’en ai achete une en coton, rayee ecru et rouge chez J.Crew. Manches 3/4, droite avec fentes sur les cotes.
    Prix raisonnable. Elle existe en differentes couleurs de rayures.
    Good luck !

  • Oh no! All this is doing is reminding me how under-prepared I am for university this fall. I have absolutely nothing of practical worth on this list…

    And so, my own list expands further. Those Hunter boots are beauties. Loving the shorter cut.

  • Mais…? On avait pas parlé d’acheter moins et mieux…?!
    Je suis hors sujet?
    Bon we!

  • Love your blog!
    I’m posting looks from Los Angeles and accessories:

  • Claire June, 9 2013, 10:28 / Reply

    Le fake up il est trop chouette, achète le il en vaut la peine !


  • I wish I was wearing these Wang shorts today!They’re stunning!

  • Jolie sélection shopping! Mention spéciale pour le bracelet Marc by Marc Jacobs ;)

  • Those Hunters are dope! I have the classic (tall) ones, but now I’m lusting for these medium high babies. Perfect for rainy weekends :).


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