A New New Yorker
8 years ago by

I’ve recently moved from Los Angeles to New York – as in… less than 3 months ago. I left urgently and only started packing my life into five suit cases four days before I my departure. Since I’ve landed, I’ve not stopped getting lost – on and off the subway, in the grocery, in my thoughts, etc…
So I was thinking, is there a way to move with grace? Either from apartment to apartment, or other side of the continent to the other? You actually can, and I’ve learned (albeit the hard way) the do’s and don’ts:
1. DO make a list of everything you need to do today, and then realize you will only do a quarter of those things. (This was actually advice I received my Uber driver, so I can’t take all the credit).
2. Do NOT wait two weeks to buy a mattress. Under any circumstances.
3. If you have never lived in New York, much like myself, you will get lost, so DO leave 10 minutes earlier. You will thank me later, or earlier.
4. Do NOT rely on your map or your phone and look up. Enjoy the city. Gain a sense of direction. Walk and triumph in the mass amounts of strangers, places, and buildings.
5. DO realize moving was one of the greatest things you have ever done, pat yourself on the back, and have a glass of wine.
What about you? Any experience making big moves easier?
Written by Kat, intern at the studio
Je suis d’accord : le meilleur moyen de rencontrer sa nouvelle ville, c’est de marcher le nez en l’air sans regarder de plan. Avoir son plan dans sa poche. Et si jamais vraiment on est vraiment perdu, alors on le sort et on regarde. Mais il y a toujours quelqu’un pour aider ou un métro où aller ou un taxi dans lequel sauter pour revenir au bercail.
Deuxième point : emporter que l’essentiel, ce qui rassure, et ce qu’on trouve beau chez soi. Le reste, le passé, peut rester derrière chez papa-maman ou dans un stockage qu’on ouvrira jamais au final.
Troisième point : vite se créer un nouveau petit nid douillet avec une nouvel déco pour se rassurer dans le contexte tout neuf.
Quatrième point : garder yeux et antennes grands ouverts, c’est une période tellement géniale de tout découvrir, s’exalter, rêver, tout absorber. Il y a un sentiment de liberté incroyable, e nouveauté, de recommencement, et en mieux évidemment !! :D
Belle arrivée dans ta nouvelle ville !!
Oh yes for the p.2! Lived a week with an air matress, it was pure hell.
p.1 just as well, spent a lot of money on the move to transfer everything I had to another country, the delivery got delayed for a month, and I never missed a thing out of what was in those boxes..
For the second time I hired professional help for packing and didn’t put a finger on those boxes. Also – sold everything I could and left only essentials (and that was still too much).
Totally agree with the mattress thing – that’s why I tried Casper, despite it really only being advertised on subways at the time (not exactly the place where I go looking for mattress commendations, normally!) – but it ended up being the best thing ever. I had zero furniture for weeks and slept on top of my mattress on my floor which was on top of the packing plastic it came in, because I didn’t want to get it dirty, and was living out of suitcases, but at least I had a mattress!
i’d like to cross you in NY, because i’m coming on wednesday and You’re my guru!
I just left New York a couple of months ago to relocate temporarily to my hometown in CA, then permanently to Seattle. You’re right, get something good to sleep in when you first move in. I was waiting for my furniture to come after I arrived in Seattle, and the first night sleeping on the floor was terrible (no blanket or pillow, either!). The second night I still slept on the floor, but the addition of a warm blanket and good pillow helped immensely.
I’ve only been in Seattle for over two weeks and I’ve been walking as much as I can to get the lay of the land. I’ve also gotten a bike, which I was afraid of doing in NY for over seven years because of the terrible drivers and careless pedestrians. I recommend getting a library card, patronizing a local cafe/restaurant and grocery store, and joining a gym or club to get settled into a new city. I’ve already done these things and it’s helped me feel more like this is becoming home.
Good luck to all you movers!
Mon mari et moi avons demenage tres souvent entre la France et les U.S et aux quatres coins des U.S., quelquefois avec juste deux valises mais toujours un bon matelas ! Moi qui etais une parisienne casaniere, j’ai adore demenager, decouvrir de nouveaux lieux, rencontrer de nouvelles personnes. C’est une excellente experience.
when i moved to nyc i went to the tennis center in central park and found people posting looking for games on the bulletin board.
DO acknowledge that it’s normal to feel lonely after a big move and then call up your best friend and remember technology makes the world smaller.
Hey! Am I the only one to have fallen in love with this lovely picture of New York?
Cette vue avec l’Empire State Building est toujours assez froide, tandis que là ces teintes de dragées décalent complètement le sujet, j’adore :)
Garance, pourquoi ne pas proposer en ligne les photos des villes que vous visitez, vues par l’objectif du studio ?
I would just love to have this at home on the wall !
Love this article – I moved to NYC last year (also from LA), right at the start of spring. I would add:
1) DO remember the east coast has 4 seasons. Enjoy the changing of the weather, but also dress appropriately. (I made the terrible mistake of thinking it would be 75 degrees in April in the city, and had to promptly buy a new coat and closed-toe shoes).
2) DO give yourself time to fall in love with the city. It’s easy to feel lonely and overwhelmed by the incredible-ness of New York. And just like anything else, good things take time. It took me almost 8 months to get my bearings, build a routine and feel at ease. It’s an amazing process.