A Cape Cod Vacation
10 years ago by

I’m baaaaack!
For the past two summers, I’ve been spending my vacation at my boyfriend’s family home in Wellfleet, Cape Cod. There are lots of beautiful Bauhaus homes, art galleries, and a crunchy-50s-psychoanalyst-vacation-home vibe that’s unlike any other town on the Cape.
Here are a few of my favorite things to do…
The Beaches: We like to park the car at White Crest beach, where all of the surfers go, and (eventually) walk over to Cahoon Hollow beach to have lunch at the Beachcomber. It’s the only restaurant located on the beach and they have a great raw seafood bar and some heavy handed cocktails—the Goombay Smash is their signature drink.
The beaches are all about a 40 foot dune drop from the road, so be prepared to get a good leg workout walking up and down.
The Ponds: Because Wellfleet is towards the tip of the Cape, a lot of the land up there is national seashore and forrest. There are a few big fresh water ponds surrounded by trees that are perfect for a dip after a day at the beach. The water is a lot warmer than the freezing cold ocean, and you can kayak, paddle board or bring pool floats and just laze around. My favorite is Gull Pond—it’s the biggest and has a little beach where you can ditch your stuff while you swim.
The Pier: It wouldn’t be a trip to the Cape without (fried) seafood and Mac’s Pier is hands down the best. They have every variation of lobster, clam and scallop that you could want—fried, on a sandwich, even in a quesadilla. You can hang at the harbor and eat your lobster roll while you watch all of the boats bring in fresh oysters. Then, you can top off your meal with some ice cream, also from the Pier. I treat myself daily with an Orange Whip—soft serve vanilla ice cream and orange juice blended like a milkshake.
Hatch’s Market: If you tire of the fried seafood, you can get it fresh at Hatch’s market, along with some of the best produce you’ll ever find. They were selling organic fruits and veggies before organic produce was even a thing. And as much as I love the Pier, we usually cook most of our meals at home while we’re up there.
Wellfleet Drive In: This place is super old school and I love going, even if we get stuck watching all kids movies. We like to back in for a double feature and bring blankets and pillows to lay on in the back of the car. You have to get there early to get a good spot, but it’s fun to kill time with a game of Scrabble and a huge bucket of popcorn from the concession stand.
On Sunday mornings, they use the parking lot for a huge flea market with tons of great junk.
P-Town: On rainy days, the best thing to do is drive to the Provincetown at the very tip of the Cape. There’s good shopping at Marc Jacobs, hysterical sex toys at Spank the Monkey, and even a theatre production of Snow White and the Seven Bottoms ;)
I’ve been in Cape Cod this past week as well! It’s my first time going but I love it. The rocky beaches and cooler climate is a refreshing mix of the mountains and a florida beach.
i am so envious! :)
Je reve de Cape Cod depuis des années!
Merci Brye!
The guy I dated in college had family in Cape Cod, so I got to visit a few times- it is so charming! I loved P-town and all the fun shops there!
I love the lower Cape. The best oysters in the world. Wellfleet is total paradise.
Sir Gregory
Bienvenue a Cape Cod! I live here, but was just in Paris…
Beautiful photos and stories!
Je ne connaissais pas cette endroit merci pour la présantation de cape cod
Je n’y suis jamais allée, dommage! ça a l’air somptueux et très reposant ^^
Très bon article, c’est très intéressant ! Je ne connaissais pas la ville de Wellfleet, qui se trouve dans le Massachusetts.
Thank You Brie
i plan to visit …
Yael Guetta
I’m going this afternoon!
Merci pour ce joli post, ça donne tellement envie d’y aller :) La côte Est des Etats-Unis fait tellement chic, et le cinéma drive-in doit être fabuleux !
Wellfleet, merveilleux petit village. Hatch’s, pour le homard qu’ils peuvent faire bouillir pour nous! Super pour les campeurs :) J’ajouterais leur bibliothèque si sympa et ce petit je-ne-sais-quoi qui fait un peu West Coast. Cape Cod se bonifie avec les années. J’y vais depuis que je suis toute petite. Sylvie
Sounds like you hit many of the hot spots in town! Next time you visit pop into my store, Salt, we have women’s clothing and accessories, including the Garance Dore x Rifle Paper line, which everyone is loving! The store is right next to Town Pizza, at 55 Commercial Street :)
My brother’s family and my best friend live in the Boston area, so I go there a lot. I love Cape Cod! Will have to hit Wellfleet on my next visit. Thanks for the tips.
J’y étais en avril, il faisait glacial, il n’y avait personne, c’était fabuleux! Des paysages sublimes avec les marécages,…On peut même y voir des phoques!