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6 Almost Valid Excuses

10 years ago by

For having bare legs this ridiculously freezing/snowing/polar vortex-ing fashion week…

1. You are a Hilton, on your way to DVF.

2. You are roadtesting the new Heattech Skin.

3. Tights don’t go with your full Prada look.

4. You are on your way to the club after your next show.

5. You are on the runway.

6. You are allergic to pants.

Please put on some tights/socks/anything!


Add yours
  • 7. You didn’t shave your legs in the middle of winter for nothing.

  • So funny!!!!
    Impossible not to wear tights in winter!!!!


    Le monde des petites

  • there is no good excuse for this level of vanity… :P


  • Hahahah Love Jessica’s comment! :)

  • Dominique February, 13 2014, 3:16 / Reply

    haha the comment of Jessica, totally agree with her! But yeah, this is what you call ridiculousness!



  • J’ai halluciné sur le nombre de filles les doigts de pied à l’air le we dernier en train de slalomer entre les tas de neige et de glace dans Meatpacking. Elles avaient l’air particulierement ridicules surtout celles qui ce sont inevitablement retrouvées sur leurs fesses…

  • There is no excuse to walk in the street semi-naked in winter time… not even if you are in Greece!!!!

  • ahahahahah,thanks for being so funny Garance:)

  • Haha, THANK YOU! I was in Manchester 3 weeks ago, it was COLD and all the girls were dressed in nothing else but tiny dresses and heels..

  • Oh yes, I saw the same in Edinburgh! How do they do it?!

  • Dressing like it’s 70 degrees out, when it’s actually 30, does not make you look like a special snowflake. It makes you look dumb.

    What’s really impressive is dressing for 30F and still looking chic.

  • Ad-mi-ra-tion!
    Mais bon je pensais qd même que tt l’esprit street de cette fashion week à NYC était d’enfin marrier l’hiver, le vrai, le dur, avec la fashion attitude.
    Alors disons que je trouve leur choix un peu hors sujet :-))

  • Agreed completely, but I love Nicky’s shoes xo

  • Je ne peux pas croire que ces femmes se promenent a NY dans ces tenues en ce moment !
    Souffrir au nom de la mode !!!

  • Annaliese February, 13 2014, 5:24 / Reply

    Perhaps you could let your (leg) hair grow for warmth and go “au neanderthal”!

  • Oh those two….

  • Jessica you are spot on and hysterical!
    But Amelie has nailed it – the outcome is that you just look dumb!
    You should always be dressed appropriately – for weather, age, body shape and context.

  • Seriously, tights girls. I’ve been wearing tights under PANTS! It’s so cold!

  • I’ve seen bare-footed ballet slipper-clad girls all over New York this past week. I assure you ladies, Spring is NOT around the corner in NYC.

  • Vanity over common sense = stupidity + looking stupid.

    Like my grandmother used to say – “Wait until you are older, ladies – then you’ll start having all these aches and pains and arthritis… and then you will have to swallow all these painkillers and be a burden on your loved ones, to say nothing of how ugly you’ll look with all your gnarled joints and how incapacitated you will feel when you can’t walk, or write with your knobbly fingers”.

    She knows this well, having been the only sensibly clad one in a group of silly, minimally-clad lasses, who – in their hey day – would traipse around London in the middle of winter looking like the girls above. Now, she’s the only one who is still able to traipse around the world without an arthritic joint, with straight back and strong stride, looking like a seventy year old… when she’s actually ninety three. Good going, Grandma – I love you!

  • No excuses at all! Please!!!!

  • Cracking me up Jessica .. haha

  • Mythique les Hilton Sisters. En même temps le sans collant c’est très NY, avec un vieux souvenir de Sex in the City !
    Baci et bon weekend

  • moustachic February, 14 2014, 4:09 / Reply

    hahahahahaha! i cant even imagine how cold these people were!

  • Hahahahahahaahahahahahah que buena foto y comentarios Garance! Soy súper fan :) !!!!!

  • Oh Garance…at least there’s someone who doesn’t understand this crazy fashion habit. Paris and Nicki look like it’s summer while it’s freezing cold. I understand that they probably walked just few steps but I still don’t understand how some people can do it. And I’m envious! It would be great to be able not to care about the temperature/weather outside. And it’s not only about the lack of tights, girls wear summer dresses during snow storms!

  • Garance, so glad you mentioned this! I’ve seen a couple of other bloggers post recently on the sneaker trend and how practical it is with the snow. Well, true, better than heels, but the pics they post show women wearing their’s without socks. Makes me even colder than I already am just to look at that.

  • I did this all last winter…. but it was actually possible then! No -40ºC days and no real snow storms. This year I had to smarten up and incorporate pants and jeans back into my wardrobe.

    Arielle from Tangled Musings

  • Oh so what! I made foolish fashion choices when I was young.

  • I think part of being stylish is to know how to dress appropriately in any weather. Bare legs in polar vortex is beyond ridiculous! But hey, lets cut these two some slack – it’s probably sizzling hot during the shows so why bundle up?

  • One step before pneumonia.

  • Hahaha, so funny! :) I wear skirts all the time


  • Oh my! It took me quite a time realizing that this is not a summer pic! But well, let them be. Only because they’re Hiltons doesn’t mean they don’t need to make money also. When DVF pays you to walk around with her dresses and be photographed, you can’t just wear a coat and cover them up. It is not craziness, it is just a job!


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