
dore travel diary riga latvia bogdana ferguson

Travel Diary / Riga, Latvia

I see my family quite rarely. Since moving to the US from Ukraine in 2014, I’ve only seen them twice. The first time was in the spring of 2018–we met in Istanbul, Turkey. This year,...

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5 years ago by

dore blackberry mountain lifestyle mary celeste beall

Blackberry Mountain

Since moving to New York City, I’ve realized one thing to be true: I love the outdoors, I crave...

5 years ago by

Summer Holiday

Summer Holiday

Look, we admire Europeans for a lot of reasons, but one that remains at the forefront of our...

5 years ago by

Travel Diary / Rockport, Maine

Travel Diary / Rockport, Maine

I spent the holiday weekend visiting my little brother in Maine. He’s not even three years younger...

5 years ago by

How To / Travel Solo

How To / Travel Solo

There is something magical about travelling solo. Having a day to yourself in an unknown city,...

5 years ago by

Sibling Summers

Sibling Summers

To be surrounded by three brothers is an adventure. Growing up meant watching every roadside boulder...

5 years ago by

atelier dore market crush buggy nightgowns

Buggy Nightgowns

My ideal, dream version of myself wears a beautiful nightgown to bed. My actual, real version of...

5 years ago by

atelier dore market story hats summer swim

Summer Hats

Typically, I’m not the kind of person who wears a hat. No shade to the hat enthusiasts among us, I...

5 years ago by

Vacation Vibes

Vacation Vibes

It’s May which means it’s Renewal Month here at the Atelier, but that also means that...

5 years ago by

Coco Shop

Coco Shop

With flower buds beginning to blossom outside, Renewal Month at the Atelier is in full swing! I...

5 years ago by

Madewell’s Sustainable Swim

Madewell’s Sustainable Swim

When it comes to escape, I can’t help but think about a beach and frolicking in the ocean. But you...

5 years ago by

On Our Way Home

On Our Way Home

I’m writing this while sitting on the floor of the airport in Santiago as I travel back from our...

5 years ago by

Martha’s Vineyard

Martha’s Vineyard

Last weekend a couple of girlfriends and I took a quick (30 minute) flight to Martha’s Vineyard...

6 years ago by