
Heather Aboff Photo

The Red Lip

Since I chopped my hair, red lipstick has made a huge come back in my life. Now, not only do I want to buy a different shade everyday (I refrain, promise) (still carrying 4 different shades...

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11 years ago by

Silja Danielsen Photo


I’m the laziest about taking off my make up, aren’t you ? Between my laziness and always...

11 years ago by

SPF 101

SPF 101

“Check out this sunburn!” I said to Alex the other day. Despite all the products and application...

11 years ago by

Rachel Finninger Photo

Shine Control

In the summer, my skin gets shiny. Pfffffff… It’s taken some time to finally come to...

11 years ago by

Time To Tan

Time To Tan

Have you tried self-tanner before? I mean, I did once and it was a terrible failure (You remember...

11 years ago by