
Pleats Please

7 years ago by

It’s officially summer and we officially know what to take to the beach with us. But it’s time to address another matter: what to wear while we’re actually traveling.

You wouldn’t be wrong if your first thought was one about comfort. For the last seven years or so, the sweatsuit has reigned superior when it comes to being comfortable in motion, carrying you from point A to point B with a plushy ease and an added guard against over air conditioned environments. More recently, I’ve seen a lot of pajamas, specifically in airports. And while this sounds like a good idea in theory, no matter how cute your monogrammed PJ set is, wearing it out feels a little, well, inappropriate.

Or is that just me? I’m much more keen to feel like a woman who echoes the sophistication of a Pinterest board flooded with images of Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy or Jackie O jet setting in refined ensembles. But it’s 2017, and achieving a harmony between style and comfort is possible.

Actually, it has been possible since 1989 when Issey Miyake introduced Pleats Please, a line of highly functional pleated products that are light weight, mobile, easy to throw on, and not overly sensitive to being tucked away in a carry on. They pull on like sweats but masquerade as a tailored garment. In other words, they’re the answer to your question of, “But what should I wear?” especially as you head out for vacation. Be comfortable, look stylish, and offend no one.

Top, Pleats Please ; Pants, Pleats Please ; Shoes, Mari Guidicelli ; Cross Body, Mansur Gavriel ; Duffle Bag, Want Les Essentiels ; Jewelry, Sidney Garber

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  • C’est toujours un casse tête pour moi mais j’aime bien voyager avec une jupe longue et glisser des leggings dessous pour les vols longs…astuce astuce !
    En je dois avouer que je trouve l’idée de la ligne d’Issey Miyake excellente, faut que je regarde ça de plus près :)

    Des bisous,


  • Secret de voyage : toujours toujours avoir un foulard tout doux dans son sac à sortir en cas de clim trop puissante !

  • This really looks comfy and classy in the same way! A nice way to travel without wearing sweatpants and a hoodie the whole day ;) Thank you for this Inspiration.

    XoXo from Germany

    Neele vom Modeblog

  • La jupe de danseuse en voile à nouer par-dessus n’importe quelle tenue ! Parfaite pour ne pas être prise au dépourvu le soir venu en été.
    Ally, j’adore la sélection proposée !

  • Aleksandra June, 23 2017, 4:28 / Reply

    I am sorry but polyester for travel? polyester is plastic, who would like to wear plastic ever?

  • lilouise June, 23 2017, 11:09 / Reply

    Aleksandra, I love your post !!! Stop plastic :)

  • The marriage of comfort and style is a tale not for the weak at heart. Do you need to decide which is more important? Compatibility can be found you just need seek it !
    Dress The Part

  • Love love this outfit! although the pants are not pleated! Are they a pull on polyester?

  • Je confirme, parce que ça fait 20 ans que j’en porte, les Pleats Please sont vraiment très très agréables en voyage. et les nouvelles lignes sont ravissantes. Et sans vouloir contredire Aleksandra et lilouise, il y a polyester et polyester. C’est à dire que certains sont de meilleure qualité que d’autres, même si ça reste du plastique, j’en conviens.

  • J’adore la série de photos, du magnifique boulot.

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