winter running florencia galarza garance dore photos

Winter Running

9 years ago by

It is crazy cold in New York today. Freezing. Might as well be in the Arctic Circle.

Last night we had one of the heaviest snowfalls on record and they shut down the entire city… All of the streets were closed and everything was still, covered in white. Anyone outside was probably a little insane or going cross country skiing (I’m not kidding, people do that here in winter!)…

It’s days like these that it’s hard to even get out of bed, let alone go for a run. But there are some that run year round – those super ambitious and disciplined people. Like Florencia, who is amazing – she runs in winter, no matter how cold it is. She’s a soccer player who decided to train for the New York City Marathon last year and has been running seriously for the past year. And she loves it, even in the cold. You should see her abs. And, if you keep it up through winter, you don’t have to start from scratch in spring (like I always do).

I know a lot of you are runners and we at the Studio try to have some sort of winter discipline, so here is some advice about keeping up your outdoor exercise in winter with John Henwood. He’s competed in marathons all over the world, as well as the Olympics – and continues to train other marathon runners here in New York. Rain, hail or shine.

Ah, inspiring people. It’s so good to listen to them before going back to bed!

winter running florencia galarza garance dore photos
winter running florencia galarza garance dore photos

What do you love about running in winter?

The overall benefits of running are the same in winter as they are in summer.  It’s a good way to burn calories and to stay in shape, it keeps you happier with the release of endorphins, can help lower blood pressure and can alleviate general fatigue during the day.

Running outside in the winter can prove to be challenging.  Between the freezing temperatures, ice and shorter hours of daylight it might be hard to get outside. But, the cold weather also makes you feel fresh and alive!

Is it more important to run in the colder or warmer months?

It is not more or less important to run in warmer or cooler weather.  Physical fitness is always important and should be a way of life.

Do you see a change in how many people are out running and the frequency that people run during winter?

Although there are lower numbers of runners outside in the winter, I think there are probably just as many people that run in the winter versus summer…  because running on a treadmill becomes much more popular.  Also, with New Year‘s resolutions to get in shape or tackle a new distance, I think you very well might see an increase in people that are running.

How does the cold affect the body’s capacity to run? 

Most of the time, the cold doesn’t have to affect the body’s capacity to run, if you warm up properly. Allowing the body to warm up gradually, until it’s ready to get to the pace you want to run, is the safest and most effective way. If you have a race or workout, you should do at least 20 minutes of jogging beforehand for the warm up in the cold.

What are the changes that should be made to a running — or fitness — routine for the winter time?

When doing physical activity in the winter, make sure to warm up properly. Dress appropriately for the conditions (using layers that are easy to take on and off), be especially attentive to keeping your hands and feet warm as they are going to get the coldest the quickest, and make safe decisions.


winter running florencia galarza garance dore photos

winter running florencia galarza garance dore photos

What kind of gear do you recommend people invest in if they want to run during winter?

For running outdoors in the winter, people should have a beanie, gloves, warm socks and tops that they can layer. Tights for their lower body.

What are some of the ways that people can remain inspired to run during winter?

Signing up for a race is one good way to keep motivated during the winter months. If you have a training plan and a goal in mind, it is more likely you will stick to a running schedule. Other good ways to stay motivated would be to run with a friend or a group because it keeps you accountable.

What’s one of the craziest winter running experiences you have had?

I think, when I first came to New York from New Zealand, I didn’t know what real cold was.  I was out running in Central Park in my shorts in 15 degrees with a bunch of guys that had grins on their faces a mile wide. I didn’t pick up on the reason for those grins until about 35 minutes into the run, when my legs started to freeze.

At what kind of temperature do you think “okay, I won’t run outside today”?

For just going for a run, it’s not as much based on a precise temperature as it is based on safety. I wouldn’t recommend running outside when the street or path you run on is extremely icy.

Why it’s cold outside, how do you warm up quickly and safely when you come inside?

I like to just jump straight into a hot shower. Don’t just come in and lounge around. Get out of your clothes as soon as you get inside, and jump into the shower if you’re cold.

– John Henwood.

winter running florencia galarza garance dore photos
winter running florencia galarza garance dore photos

Jackets, Burton; Leggings, Nike; Sneakers, Nike; Beanie, ICNY.


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  • Thanks for this inspiring interview! I’m not the kind of person to wake up early let alone to go run in the cold. In addition this is the first year I didn’t do a New Year resolutions list with item #2 being for years “Exercise more” between #1 “Wake up earlier” and #3 “Lose 10 pounds”.

    I also read “The Power of Habit” to inspire me even more.. So we’ll see. In any case, Floriana looks amazing like she’s flying. She deserves her abs for sure ;-)

    I pin your blog post and pictures on my Beauty board on Pinterest:

  • Très belle sportive!


  • Franchement je suis en amiration devant ces personnes qui courent l’hiver… Beaucoup trop glagla pour moi!! ;-)

  • Even here in Montreal I see people run outside all the winter! I couldn’t believe it. 20- C, they still run. I’m way too sensitive for angines, bronchites etc. to even think about it, still feel my yesterday ice skating session in the throat – I don’t think running in THAT cold can be good for your respiratory system. Some hot yoga to me is a more likely winter sport ;-)

  • I’m going to Montreal in Feb and I’m from LA — any tips on how to stay warm?

  • Hi Liz, it’s my first canadian winter, too (but I’m from Berlin, so I did know a little bit about winters before ;-) ). What I do is a lot of layering: Nice funny long winter underwear or woolen tights (leggings and a long-sleeve shirt will also do the trick). Then, what you really need is at least one really warm woolen sweater or cardigan (I just bought this one: it keeps me warm everywhere, even now at -20 C.). This, you put over, f. ex., a dense jeans or silk shirt – and under a big cozy winter parka, of course! (Garance did a post about those some 10 days ago). Also very important: A really warm and thick woolen hat, mittens, scarf.. and warm, warm socks plus warm, grippy boots (sometimes there’s a lott of ice on the streets). Maybe a pair of light shoes to carry around, people here often change shoes for the insides once they arrive at a friend’s house / at work But don’t worry, once you’re well dressed, winter here is great, with a lot of sun! I love it, and I’m normally really into summer and southern countries. There are some photos on my blog of Montreal winter if interested ;-) Hope that helped a little bit! xxSol

  • These photos are so so beautiful! I love the interview and I started running to weeks ago so this encourage me to continue :-) !

  • Quel courage !
    Moi je privilégie les sports en salle l’hiver … mais c’est vrai que rien ne vaut un entraînement dehors, pour prendre l’air, profiter du paysage, du soleil (quand il est là), des passants …
    Et puis, ici, à Montréal, c’est compliqué l’hiver avec le verglas parterre de courir dehors :)

  • I’m too lazy to archieve a goal like this…but I’d love to have her will power!!
    XOX, Gap.

  • What a great, inspiring interview!

  • Ces gens sont tellement courageux.
    J’ai déjà du mal à me motiver en temps normal, c’est d’autant plus difficile l’hiver quand il fait froid…!
    Bonne journée

    Le monde des petites

  • Super mais ce fantastique article oublie de préciser que la course a pied est un des sports les plus mauvais pour le corps (la colonne et surtout les genoux).
    C’est un peu embetant que ca soit devenu LE sport hype sur les blogs de mode et qu’on vende ca comme le truc santé par excellence (on en reparlera quand vous aurez 40 ans et des douleurs dans les articulations…)
    La natation c’est bien plus COOL!

  • parisian runner January, 27 2015, 11:02

    Au delà de vos élucubrations sur le côté hype et ses méfaits (pas plus importants que pour une brasse mal exécutée…), le running est surtout le sport universel par excellence, praticable partout, par tous temps et à n’importe quelle heure du jour et de la nuit … ce qui explique à mon avis l’engouement actuel.

  • Absolument d’accord Renardeau!^^

  • Lucie Coquette January, 27 2015, 11:19

    Pas vraiment d’accord Renardeau! J’ai 46 ans, je cours environ 40 kilomètres par semaine depuis 3 ans, je fais un peu de renforcement musculaire et du yoga en plus, et je n’ai aucun problème de dos, ni d’articulation, ni de genoux… Mon mari qui n’a que 43 ans et ne coure presque pas a du se faire opérer du ménisque par contre… Je crois qu’on n’est pas tous égaux en matière de condition physique, mais que n’importe quel sport, pratiqué de manière intelligente, est bon pour notre corps et notre esprit! Et complètement d’accord avec toi pour la natation, ça me décontracte plutôt pas mal les rares fois où je pratique…

  • Ouai enfin tous les gens qui défendent la course sur ce blog sont des citadins…qui courent en ville (et on ne me fera pas gober que la course sur du bitume est super bon au niveau des chocs etc)
    Et par ailleurs personne non plus ne court sur la pointe des pieds que je sache (, alors qu’il parait que c’est le seul moyen de bien courir.

    Prout dans les feuilles!

  • Je crois que courir est le sport que je déteste le plus (comme le Scrabble en jeu de société), mais j’adore cette interview fraiche, saine et réaliste, un vrai bol d’air, merci ! (j’en veux encore !)

  • Gosh, I just took up running in November, and I love the cold! I get super-heated when I run and I worry about keeping it up through the warmer months :)

    Great article, and I love the photos!

  • such an inspiring story)
    juts looking at the photos i could feel the smell of fresh snow)

    p.s. the only thing you should not go to the hot shower after you’ve spend some time in freezing cold! it’s not good for the blood vessels.

  • I live in Chicago and run outside during winter as well (since I refuse to pay for a gym membership)! Sure, there are just some conditions that you can’t run in (like blizzards and really icy sidewalks), but other than that, I’ll run if it’s over 15 degrees. I’ve even done a couple of runs on semi-iced sidewalks and man oh man I can only imagine that it’s like kegels x 1000. You’ve really gotta clinch to keep your legs from flying out sideways. Oh, and I always put a layer of vaseline over my sunscreened face to save my skin from the wind!

  • I love running in the winter except for those days my sweaty hair freezes into icicles. I hate the dreadmill so I bundle up and just get on with it but if it is too icy I hit an indoor track or cross train and swim instead.

  • Dreadmill! I love that! And I couldn’t agree more–even though I’m not great at running outside either.

  • Stephanie January, 27 2015, 10:37 / Reply

    Good interview, but here in NYC, we did -not- get one of the heaviest snowfalls on record. Not even close — thank goodness!

  • ” les regarder, les écouter et après retourner se coucher” AHAHAH!!!!!

  • Je déteste courir alors du coup j’ai une grande admiration pour ceux qui pratiquent ce sport !

  • Wow ça me donne la grosse patate ce post!

    Est ce parce que ce matin j’ai couru 30 minutes as usual par 52 degres à un super pace! Je sais ce n’est pas très froid pour vous les new-yorkais mais pour nous à Miami c’est glagla!
    Je n’ai pas toujours vécu a Miami et je me rappelle avoir couru sous la neige a Londres! Une autre expérience…

    Bonne journée… sous la neige


  • Gorgeous photos- wish I could be so brave, dress in layers and run outside in the cold, BUT when I went back home ( Montreal) for the holidays I completely wimped out and ran inside on a treadmill! I live in Miami- cold weather for running is 60, anything colder and you go to hot yoga!

  • I can remember how the winters in New York used to be! We are coming to NYC over fashionweek now!
    Anyone got any tips for the hottest places right now?

    Much love,

  • Rebounding is a great way to exercise Surfing wintertime

  • J’adore courir et toute l’année !
    C’est cool que tu publies cette interview, c’est motivant !
    Par contre, attention à ne pas se jeter sous l’eau chaude au risque de se faire très mal, on commence plutôt par de l’eau tiède pour dégourdir ses membres !

  • This was a great post. Personally, I like exercising and going for a run but I hate the cold weather so much that not even a bunch of horses could get me out there to run!

  • So far winter rhymes with awful weather and unfortunately it’s impossible to go for a run x

  • J’arrive pas à faire de sport l’hiver! alors courir… c’est vrai que pourtant c’est top de pas recommencer au printemps (…), mais courir l’hiver c’est chaud… j’ai vis à Paris, j’ai essayé à 6°, c’est pourtant pas siiii froid surout par rapport à New York en ce moment, bin je suis vite rentrée haha; j’etais blasée parce que bien partir pourtant je cours souvent à partir du printemps et j’aimerai vraiment pouvoir continuer l’hiver mais je peux pas. En plus malheureusement, c’est le seul sport qui me convienne. La salle: impossible. j’ai besoin d’être complètement seule dans la nature, je n’aime pas compter les heures ou etablir des records etc…
    des conseils pour pas être malade aussi à courir à “- je sais pas combien” ça serait sympa haha

  • Lisa Walker January, 27 2015, 1:19 / Reply

    Just the other night I was just telling my dumb story of my November trip to NYC, back in 2006. Dumb, because I brought my running shorts, thinking, “it’s not that cold???.” So, I laced up my first morning there, and wore my shorts for a run in the park. While waiting for a light to cross into the park, New Yorkers in their cars started honking at me and and shaking their heads in disbelief… Right then I realized how damn cold it was! They were telling me to put some pants on, or go back home to LA! Needles to say, I ran anyway, past so many runners wearing gloves and even a scarf! In the end I got lost, ran too far, and made it back to my friends warm apartment… Most memorable run of my life!

  • Love her workout clothes and love running in the cold.

  • I’ve heard it said that there’s no such thing as bad weather, there’s just bad gear, and I’ve come to believe that. Or at least it’s what justifies my buying a large assortment of nice running apparel. On very cold days, when it’s, say, 14F (-10C) in the morning, I tell myself I’ll go out when it ‘s 20F or 2:00 p.m., whichever comes first. Seems to work. It helps that I work at home and can make my own hours.

    Ice, though, is a deal breaker. I see a lot of very confident runners on ice, but I myself am too scared of falling to venture out for a run.

  • Clotilde January, 27 2015, 2:16 / Reply

    Quelques petites remarques, sur le blog et sur les coms:

    – courir n’a jamais fait de beaux abdos! Courir fait perdre un peu (ou beaucoup) de poids, donc si vous avez des abdos, on les verra mieux, mais si vous n’avez pas d’abdos, vous ne les ferez jamais venir en courant même en courant 80 km par semaine, même en courant à la montagne. Les abdos, c’est la gym.

    – pour se réchauffer, la douche ne marche pas du tout pour moi. Un bouillon de légumes ou de miso, oui. Il vaut mieux mettre la chaleur à l’intérieur de son corps.

    – Renardeau, on entend sans arrêt des élucubrations sans fin sur les douleurs articulaires et les dommages causés par la course. J’ai bien plus de 40 ans, je cours depuis des années, et je n’ai jamais eu aucune blessure ni gêne articulaire, seulement des fractures d’orteils, de côtes, ou même un doigt, à cause des gamelles en descendant des sentiers escarpés. Par contre, lorsque je ne m’entraine pas pendant plusieurs semaines, j’ai des tas de douleurs articulaires, et musculaires, que la reprise de la course fait disparaître. Et oui, lorsqu’on s’approche de la 50taine, on commence à rouiller si on ne fait rien. La course remet de l’huile dans les rouages.

  • What a useful interview !! I like the direction this blog is taking. Less about what to buy and more personal stories.

  • Renata de Rabakoz January, 27 2015, 3:20 / Reply

    voilà un article qui donne la peps!!! seulement en lisant je me sens déjà mieux!

  • I’m training for a 10k in May (and by training I mean I signed up and haven’t started running). This gave me some serious motivation, especially since Canada has been so cold!

  • Very sensible advice! Runing in winyer can be so much fun and i gives me much energy and puts a smile on my fce even on the gloomiest day. I’ve been running in the mountains, in the city, in the countryside – if you’re dressed properly, cold weather is really harmless.

  • It regularly drops below -30C here with windchill and the running “trails” that are cleared are still coated with compacted snow and ice. I still run throughout winter but it’s more incidental than anything since I have a big muscular dog who needs regular exercise (30+ min, twice a day). Tights would definitely not cut it. One blast of that icy stiff wind would have anyone running indoors. Sometimes I’ll wear nylons under my pants to stop that burning cold sensation on the tops of my thighs but a long down-filled parka does most of the work. Since the trails are extremely icy half my run ends up being through the snow, requiring big heavy boots. Air at that temperature is painful and dry to breathe in so a polar fleece neck gaiter that can be pulled up over the mouth and nose is crucial. If I leave my hair exposed to the elements my breath will condense on it and it has broken off the ends before so I always braid it and tuck it under my parka. I haven’t found mitts, gloves, or a combo thereof that really help so I do have cracked bleeding knuckles and windrash on my hands in spite of always wearing double-lined gloves. If anyone finds a decent pair of mittens or gloves, let me know.

  • Thanks for the words from John Henwood. It’s nice to hear what kiwis are doing overseas. And if you are reading this John, it is really hot here in Auckland today – the sun is shining and it is 28 degrees Celsius!

  • Those running tights–so cute!! Where did she get them?

  • Et les poumons ? Pas bon pour les poumons les températures glaciales ;) alors protéger ses muscles, ses extrémités, oui, mais aussi ses poumons. Je bosse dehors quel que soit le temps et la température alors oui à une activité extérieure constante, mais couvrez vous aussi le nez quand ça descend en dessous de zéro.

    Pour ne pas glisser, un truc vieux comme mon arrière arrière grand mère (200 ans aujourd’hui) : enfilez une paire de vieilles chaussettes PAR DESSUS vos chaussures ;)

  • Christina January, 28 2015, 3:17 / Reply

    Did I miss where it mentions her workout clothes sources? LOVE those tights!

  • Garance, merci beaucoup pour cet interview! Moi aussi, je fais du jogging et c’est vrai que pratiquer du sport avec quelqu’un peut motiver( dans mon cas c’est mon chien qui est peureux et pour elle c’est aussi une forme de la therapie :)) Vous devrez m’excuser mon francais, mais j’espere qu’il n’y a pas beaucoup d’erreurs. Bisous xx

  • Clarisse January, 28 2015, 4:44 / Reply

    Haha ! Neada tu m’as trop fait rire !
    Oui c’est un peu mon problème aussi : j’écoute les gens motivés avec attention, mais je les laisse à leurs exigences…

  • Nice piece! Does anyone know who does that awesome jacket she’s wearing?

  • When I was writing yesterday, my iPhone did not put all the fonts so, my post up there should read as follows:

    “Very sensible advice! Runing in winter can be so much fun and it gives me much energy and puts a smile on my face even on the gloomiest day. I’ve been running in the mountains, in the city, in the countryside – if you’re dressed properly, cold weather is really harmless.”

    I wanted to add that if you choose to run outside in winter (and you should – it’s great!), you need winter shoes, i.e. those with under soles prepared for snow, mud and slippery pavements. If there is ice on the pavements / road, it’s safer to stay inside and use a dreadmill (hahahaha – great one!) :) Don’t forget to put a cream on your face. Ideally something heavy and greasy, because light, hydrating formula will work against you once you face the elements. When you come back home, take a warm / hot shower, have something warm to drink (ginger tea with lemon and a little bit of honey is great!) and have something to eat. And stretch properly, in order to be ready for your next run!

    I had one of the nicest runs this morning – it was windy, I couldn’t open my eyes properly, because the mixture of rain and snow was actually hurting my eyeballs, but I had so much fun and felt so snug in my gear (I will consider using goggles the next time, though). Winter is soooo much better than summer for running.

    Neada, another great post – thanks :)

  • Layering Tips:
    -Start with a tech shirt, something moisture wicking, followed by a fleece zip up top. The zipper provides temperature control. Add a vest or some other shell on top and you are good to go!
    -NEVER wear cotton, It becomes very heavy and you will get soaked with cold sweat.
    -My opinion is that it is better to be warm, hot even, than to wish you had more clothes on.

  • Well…I feel completely lazy!! I’m in Dallas where there has been no snow and the coldest it’s been has been around 20 degrees on maybe 2 days the entire winter…and I haven’t run…not once.

    I’m waiting for the morning temps to hit the mid-forties… LOL

  • For many years I run all year round. Although in Lithuania, where I live, we have serious winters (sometimes -30 degrees), snow and ice, winter running is very fine (even better than summer). I stop running when it is colder than -27. This winter is very warm, one of the warmest, as I remember, and gives one of the most unpleasant things – ice everywhere (result of snow mixing with rain regularly), but even in these conditions running is super.

  • Merci pour cette interview. moi qui cherchait la motivation pour courir demain par 2° (pour moi c’est déjà dur). J’avais déjà pensé à m’inscrire à une course dès la sortie de l’hiver, comme ça je ne peux pas arrêter pendant les mois les plus froids si je veux être en forme! Bonjour de Paris!

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