10 years ago by
As you know, I’ve been following Gaia’s work for a while. The more time goes on, the more impressed I am by her talent and the quiet, elegant way she goes about turning the high end jewelry world upside down.
Her jewels are always so beautiful and she always offers new ways to wear jewelry. We saw this with the knuckle rings and the earrings that you wear as a cuff on your ear.
I was at her studio at Place Vendôme the other day, trying on some wonderful beauties (the diamonds !!!) that I will probably never own, when she offered to let me borrow the rose gold White Noise rings.
“But take more than one, it’s better if you wear a couple,” she told me. In the beginning I didn’t know – I hadn’t thought about wearing them like that. I left with them on my fingers and that’s when I fell in love with them.
What I really love is the idea of jewelry that you never take off and that is a part of you. I haven’t found mine yet but these few days with the White Noise rings, that make me think of a drawing on my skin, really inspired me…
PS : Here ! A photo I posted on my Instagram :)

Awesoooome! Love these rings!!
i like it: it has the potential of another hit piece! :)
J’adore!!!! <3
La forme est super originale!
Le monde des petites
Such beautiful works of art. These are the stuff my dreams are made of!
Love her rings and earring…the essence of modernity…i do believe that our jewelry should become part of us and evolve with us…
Yael Guetta
Love her pieces!
Oh lala! Je veux la meme!!!
Sooo chic, sooo simple, moi aussi je suis séduite par Le Bijoux qu’on ne quitte jamais…
You know something is right when you have the feeling that you already own it. That it has been at the back of your subconsciousness and has finally materialized. I get the feeling that she read my thots or saw a sketch of mine.
Simply perfect. xxx
Sooo pretty! I like the pink ones :)
Wow stunning jewelry!
Passa a trovarmi VeryFP
Beautiful pieces!!! I particularly liek the pink rings! And that’s oh so NOT me! But they are really pretty!
Beautiful! x
These jewels are very beautiful, the red ring is so unique!
Sometimes I think that that of jewelry designer is such a beautiful job, because jewelry is all about making people (most of all women) happy.
Incroyable, on dirait une écriture en or posée sur la peau, j’adore !
love this jewelry
Those rings are beautiful. I love less traditional styles that still seem timeless. I recently had Guy Rozenstrich at Phoenix Roze on 8th Avenue turn a diamond pinky ring of my late mother’s into a wonderful modern piece (that doesn’t look at all like a wedding ring). Like you, I never want to take it off. I smile every time I look at it, as it is a new way of remembering my Mom.
Ouh la la, je suis physicienne et je travaille avec des bruits blancs, j’ai presque cru que tu parlais de moi sur ton blog !!! En tout cas je trouve le croisement de ma discipline et de Gaia Repossi très poétique…
so chic !!http://intelligently-fashionable;blogspot.com
J’adore la description de ses bijoux, je pense exactement la même chose de Repossi. Tout en délicatesse et une sorte de rock’n’roll luxe attitude, je voudrais tout acheter (si seulement…) C’est d’ailleurs la seule marque de joaillerie qui me fasse cet effet !
So Original!
I like this pieces very much. They´re all beautiful!
Un tres joli rendu sur la peau, comme un tatouage en or.
My favourite Gaia’s work is her invisible rings, combination of white and champagne diamond I just saw in Paris. Fabulous. Liza, Jewellery Blogger
The shiny hot pink… that is my favorite. WHITENOISE is the name of my husband and my electronic music project. Check it: https://www.greenleft.org.au/node/54968
Lovely but unfortunately the prices are out of this world…
Beautyful; i like these and the berbere. Would like to know your thoughts on mixing golds; ie. white and yellow or white and pink…
Bonjour Garance,
La joaillerie c’est le milieu qui me fait le plus rêver en ce qui concerne le luxe et je suis totalement séduite par les bijoux qui nous accompagnent dans nos mouvements sans jamais nous quitter ( d’ailleurs j’ai depuis quelques années le bague murmure de chez Baccarat. Ainsi je porte cette bague sur le majeur et vu qu’elle est un peu grande la goutte de cristal pivoine se pose sur le doigt d’à côté, l’annulaire. ^^ )
Je vous souhaite une bonne journée !
Wow… especially the red ones!
Les bijoux Repossi et moi c’est une longue histoire d’amour. Je ne quitterais ma bague Repossi pour rien au monde…euh si peut-être pour Victoire de Castellane…
So beautiful !!!