@Léa: yes I would say, was about to comment how come Zagreb time is to be displayed, then I saw the name of cafe…and Kava means Coffee on croatian (typical for Zagreb to call it that way :)
Love this photo! I always like to see what time is in different parts of the world! Cafe Kava also reminds me when I lived in Prague for a year, kava means coffee in czech and other Eastern European languages! http://heelsandpeplum.wordpress.com/
Salut! I’m a Fashion student in the City, and this week, my teacher (from my branding class) assigned us personal brand to present for our last project, and she asked me to introduce you to the class.
It’s interesting to see how you moved from blogger to brand! It’s a pleasure for me to do my final project about you cause I’m a fervent reader of the blog, I just thought it will be cool for you to know that somewhere in a Fashion school in New York a teacher is taking you as a model of branding !
I like the idea of being aware of several time zones at once – especially the idea of wearing several watches at once, the intimate, personal equivalent of several clocks on a wall. I love watches, anyway. Then I can get into the questions of which watches, in which configuration…You’ve mentioned watches a few times, and I’d like to see more of yours!
Ahhhh the bun!! As you know, in my past hair life I was totally a top knot girl. But there is something about the low chignon that I also really love....
Years before I ever realized that I would actually end up working for her, Garance was my introduction to a certain kind of fashion. At the time, she...
Until recently, I was a hard-core bronzer fanatic, it was my hero product in my beauty routine since high school. I tried every version under the sun...
I loved it!
I’m posting looks from Los Angeles and accessories:
i love being a citizen of the world.. and this reminds me of that :)
It’s great to see the hour of differents countries!
So freakin cool
Love these kind of clocks and in this case the way is very original too! xx
Love, love…
Check out my new outfit post :
superbe :)
Is it a croatian café ?
I`m wondering the same! :)
as i said below, i would say yes! ‘cos “kava” means coffee on croatian and is tipical way of calling it in zagreb (the other way is kafa!) :)
J’adore l’idée !
? http://caromance.blogspot.fr/ ?
Oh how cool! How is it I’ve never heard of this place?
Love it!
@Léa: yes I would say, was about to comment how come Zagreb time is to be displayed, then I saw the name of cafe…and Kava means Coffee on croatian (typical for Zagreb to call it that way :)
Vraiment très joli!
Love this photo! I always like to see what time is in different parts of the world! Cafe Kava also reminds me when I lived in Prague for a year, kava means coffee in czech and other Eastern European languages!
So cool and unique, love these clocks.
Cette photo me donne des envies de vacances lointaines……..
Salut! I’m a Fashion student in the City, and this week, my teacher (from my branding class) assigned us personal brand to present for our last project, and she asked me to introduce you to the class.
It’s interesting to see how you moved from blogger to brand! It’s a pleasure for me to do my final project about you cause I’m a fervent reader of the blog, I just thought it will be cool for you to know that somewhere in a Fashion school in New York a teacher is taking you as a model of branding !
love the unconventional mix of cities, a beautiful capture.
What a surprise Garance! What a beautiful photo!
Greetings from Zagreb, Croatia.
Zagreb sur le mur d’un café croate – logique, mais ça change !
Kava also means coffee in Lithuanian :)
Nice photo and it really looks like a Croatin cafe. Have a nice day.
I like the idea of being aware of several time zones at once – especially the idea of wearing several watches at once, the intimate, personal equivalent of several clocks on a wall. I love watches, anyway. Then I can get into the questions of which watches, in which configuration…You’ve mentioned watches a few times, and I’d like to see more of yours!
Lately wearing Skagen all the time, as here:
Though I am also liking this small, feminine vintage Timex, which is so unlike the large masculine style I usually go for.
Très chouette !
très développement durable
I like that this clock set is different than the usual “London New York Paris ETC.” A unique take on the old classic…
Hi Garance,
Cool post.
Greetings from Zagreb :)
I live in ABU DHABI! This is so cool! :D
Hi Garance,
just drinking kava in Zagreb :)