Weekend Inspiration #57
11 years ago by Garance Doré
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Oh! ça c’est un livre qui pourrait m’intéresser, c’est un livre de photos ou bien?… De toute façon, tout ce qui concerne NYC m’intéresse de toute façon ;)
Bon WE Garance!
xx, G.
i don’t know the book, but i love the cover design and any weekend spent with a book sounds great :)
Me too! I’d like to know more about that book. While we’re at it, which one is the best book about NYC to discover the city? So many places to see! I was given the NYC city Guide by Louis Vuitton, have you seen it? What do you think? Thank you so much!
Pareil! Je veux bien en savoir plus sur ce livre! A propos de livre sur New York, quel est le meilleur bouquin pour découvrir la ville selon toi? Tellement d’endroits sympa à découvrir! On m’a donné le Guide Louis Vuitton, tu connais? Qu’est ce que tu en penses? Merci d’avance!
Cheers! Cory
I just googled this book and it seems really cool! I’ll definitely be taking a look into this.
Love the cover design – looks rich.
Quel joli livre, j’ai envie de l’ouvrir pour le regarder!
I have this book, too. I first saw his work in the New York Times. Wish I could get to know NYC a bit better.
where is the table from? is that dark walnut? my husband makes furniture, et lui es francais aussi. je suis americaine et nous habitons ici a NY. bon weekend!
you love NYC the way I love Paris!
Just found this on amazon, it looks like a great read, very inspirational!
Un livre qui donne donne envie de regarder par sa fenêtre et avoir l’impression de voir le thème du bouquin …..
Thanks :-)
Bien jolie couverture ! Elle donne envie de voir ce qui se cache à l’intèrieur de ce livre !
It seems a lovely and original book!! Since I went once to NY two years ago, my dream is that someday I’ll live in the city. Meanwhile I collect books about tNY and it will be the next. Thank you Garance!
Love that book!!
Sounds wonderful, curious now ;) xx
Thanks, Garance, for this suggestion. Now I know Matteo Pericoli!
Je cours acheter ce livre !
Nouvel article sur : http://www.thestilettoholic.com/2013/01/12/elegant-friday/
Garance, i wanna ask yo question. All pictures from your blog is made by yourself? If yes, could you tell me, which program you use for editing? Because it has a very nice soft filter…Adorable..:)
Rien que la couverture et la mise en scène de la photo me donne envie de sauter dans un avion direction NY :)
Ce livre a l’air parfait !
That book looks interesting and I would like to read it, Thanks for inspiration and have a nice weekend.
Jolie photo, la présentation du livre J’aime, j’aime……bon samedi !
Est-ce que la couverture est en feutre ? Si oui, quel raffinement.
That book changed almost every idea I ever had about what constitutes a view. Love it.